How to find maximum change in the following scenario?

In summary, the problem involves estimating lengths and angles in different dimensions, with a consistent error in the y dimension and no error in the x dimension. The change between the estimated angle and the physical angle will be greatest at a particular value of angle α, and the best approach to solving this problem is to use differential calculus to find the stationary point and determine if it is a maximum or minimum.
  • #1
I need directions regarding methods that I could use for the following type of problem:

I am given the following scenario:

Observers consistently estimate objects as 20% shorter than they really are in the "y" dimension. They accurately estimate objects in the "x" dimension.

** error in estimated lengths in the y dimension, % error y = -20 % of physical lengths.
** error in estimated lengths in the x-dimension, % error x = 0% of physical length

Observers also consistently overestimate physical angles between "x" dimension and directions between "x" and "y" dimension.

Let physical angle = σ
Let estimated angle = β

** angle β = arctan ((sin α (% error x + 100))/(cos α ( % error y + 100))

*** Angles α and β vary between 0 deg to 90 degrees. The change between the
two is not constant, however. It will be greatest at a particular value of angle α.

QUESTION: If the physical length y is underestimated by 20 %, at which physical angle α
(between 0 and 90 degrees) will the change between angle β and angle α be
the greatest?

How would you suggest I approach this problem? Should I use differential calculus?

By the way, my background in math is pretty basic - I took undergraduate calculus a few years ago.
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  • #2
PatternSeeker said:
I need directions regarding methods that I could use for the following type of problem:

I am given the following scenario:

Observers consistently estimate objects as 20% shorter than they really are in the "y" dimension. They accurately estimate objects in the "x" dimension.

** error in estimated lengths in the y dimension, % error y = -20 % of physical lengths.
** error in estimated lengths in the x-dimension, % error x = 0% of physical length

Observers also consistently overestimate physical angles between "x" dimension and directions between "x" and "y" dimension.

Let physical angle = σ
Let estimated angle = β

** angle β = arctan ((sin α (% error x + 100))/(cos α ( % error y + 100))

*** Angles α and β vary between 0 deg to 90 degrees. The change between the
two is not constant, however. It will be greatest at a particular value of angle α.QUESTION: If the physical length y is underestimated by 20 %, at which physical angle α
(between 0 and 90 degrees) will the change between angle β and angle α be
the greatest?

How would you suggest I approach this problem? Should I use differential calculus?

By the way, my background in math is pretty basic - I took undergraduate calculus a few years ago.
Yes, differential calculus is the right approach to take. If it has been a while since you used it, you may need a reminder that the maximum or minimum of a differentiable function is at an end point of the function domain (in this case ##\alpha \in [0, 90\deg]##) or at a point where its derivative is zero (stationary point). So you will need to write an expression for the difference between ##\beta## and ##\alpha## and differentiate it to find a stationary point, and then check to see if it is a maximum or a minimum (or neither).

Related to How to find maximum change in the following scenario?

1. What is maximum change in a scenario?

Maximum change refers to the largest difference between two values in a given scenario. It can also refer to the greatest rate of change over a certain time period.

2. How do you calculate maximum change?

To calculate maximum change, you need to determine the difference between the highest and lowest values in the scenario. This can be done by subtracting the lowest value from the highest value.

3. What is the importance of finding maximum change in a scenario?

Identifying the maximum change in a scenario can help in understanding the magnitude of the change and its potential impact. This can be useful in predicting future trends and making informed decisions.

4. What are some examples of scenarios where finding maximum change is important?

Some examples include analyzing stock market data to determine the maximum change in prices, studying weather patterns to predict the maximum change in temperature, or calculating the maximum rate of population growth over a certain time period.

5. Are there any limitations to finding maximum change in a scenario?

Yes, maximum change is only one aspect of a scenario and does not provide a comprehensive understanding of the situation. It is important to consider other factors and data when making decisions based on maximum change.
