How to Find Tangential and Perpendicular Components of a Vector Along a Path?

In summary, a directional derivative is a measure of how a function changes in a specific direction. It differs from a regular derivative by taking into account the slope of the function in a particular direction. The formula for calculating a directional derivative is D<sub>v</sub> f(x,y) = ∇f(x,y) ∙ v, and it is useful in various applications such as optimization and understanding the rate of change of a physical quantity. A directional derivative can be negative, indicating a decrease in the function in the direction of the vector.
  • #1
Suppose I have a path [tex]\vec{r}(x,y)[/tex] and some vector [tex]\vec{a}(x,y)[/tex].
Question is: how do I find the tangential and perpendicular component of a along the path r at a given point?

For tangential component, I'd just take the projection of a on r with dot product (I guess this's correct). But what about perpendicular one?
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  • #2
HINT: The dot product of two perpendicular vector lines is zero.

  • #3

The directional derivative is a measure of how a function changes in a specific direction, and it can be used to find the tangential and perpendicular components of a vector along a path. To find the tangential component of a vector \vec{a} along a path \vec{r}(x,y), you are correct in using the dot product to project \vec{a} onto \vec{r}. This will give you the component of \vec{a} that is parallel to the path \vec{r}.

To find the perpendicular component, you can use the cross product between \vec{a} and the unit tangent vector of the path \vec{T}(x,y). The unit tangent vector is given by \vec{T}=\frac{\vec{r}'(x,y)}{|\vec{r}'(x,y)|}, where \vec{r}'(x,y) is the derivative of \vec{r} with respect to the path parameter. The cross product will give you a vector that is perpendicular to both \vec{a} and \vec{T}, and you can then use the magnitude of this vector as the perpendicular component of \vec{a} along the path \vec{r}.

In summary, to find the tangential component of \vec{a} along the path \vec{r}, you can use the dot product, and to find the perpendicular component, you can use the cross product with the unit tangent vector of the path. These techniques can be used to analyze the directional changes of a function or vector along a specific path, and they are important tools in many fields of science, including physics, engineering, and mathematics.

FAQ: How to Find Tangential and Perpendicular Components of a Vector Along a Path?

1. What is a directional derivative?

A directional derivative is a measure of how a function changes in the direction of a specified vector. It calculates the rate of change of a function at a specific point in a particular direction.

2. How is a directional derivative different from a regular derivative?

A regular derivative measures the rate of change of a function in the direction of the x-axis, while a directional derivative measures the rate of change in a specific direction. It takes into account the slope of the function in the direction of the vector, rather than just the slope of the tangent line at a single point.

3. What is the formula for calculating a directional derivative?

The formula for calculating a directional derivative is Dv f(x,y) = ∇f(x,y) ∙ v, where ∇f(x,y) is the gradient of the function and v is the unit vector in the direction of interest.

4. When is a directional derivative useful?

A directional derivative is useful in many applications, such as optimizing functions in a specific direction, understanding the rate of change of a physical quantity in a specific direction, or determining the slope of a surface at a given point in a specific direction.

5. Can a directional derivative be negative?

Yes, a directional derivative can be negative. The sign of the directional derivative indicates whether the function is increasing or decreasing in the direction of the vector. A positive value indicates an increase, while a negative value indicates a decrease.
