How to find the angular acceleration?

In summary, the conversation is about finding the angular acceleration for two gears, A and B, rotating about their respective centers. A constant clockwise torque of 0.75Nm is applied to gear A and the goal is to determine the angular acceleration and tangential contact forces between the gears. After some calculations, it is found that the correct answer for the angular acceleration of Gear A is 5.4, using the equation a = T / (m * r^2).
  • #1
Guys i need some help here. Does anyone know how to find the angular acceleration?

Gear A (radius = 150mm, mass= 4kg and radius of gyration = 100mm) and gear B(radius = 450mm, mass= 10kg and radius of gyration= 300mm) rotate about their respective centrers. A constant clockwise torque of 0.75Nm is applied to the gear A. neglecting bearing friction torque, determine the angular acceleration of each gear and the tangential contact forces between the gears.

For Gear A, i used
1)torque = I(moment of inertia) x a(angular acceleration)
0.75 = (1/2)(4)(0.01) x a, a = 0.75/0.02, a=37.5?

2)torque = force times radius = ma times radius ->mra times radius.
torque = 2I times angular acc? For gear A, 0.75= 2(0.02) times angular acc. Therefore i get angular acc = 0.75/0.04 = 18.75?

The correct answer should be 5.4. :confused:
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  • #2
The equation for angular acceleration is Torque/Moment of Inertia. Moment of Inertia is mass times radius of gyration squared (I = m * r^2). So your equation should be:a = T / (m * r^2) For Gear A, the equation would be:a = 0.75 / (4 * 0.01^2) = 5.4
  • #3

To find the angular acceleration of a rotating object, you can use the formula:
angular acceleration = torque / moment of inertia
In this case, the torque is given as 0.75Nm and the moment of inertia can be calculated using the formula:
moment of inertia = mass x radius of gyration^2
For Gear A, the moment of inertia would be:
I = 4kg x (0.1m)^2 = 0.04kgm^2
Therefore, the angular acceleration of Gear A would be:
a = 0.75Nm / 0.04kgm^2 = 18.75rad/s^2

For Gear B, the moment of inertia would be:
I = 10kg x (0.3m)^2 = 0.9kgm^2
Therefore, the angular acceleration of Gear B would be:
a = 0.75Nm / 0.9kgm^2 = 0.833rad/s^2

To determine the tangential contact forces between the gears, you can use the formula:
torque = force x radius
For Gear A and Gear B, the tangential contact force would be the same, as they are in contact and have the same radius of rotation (0.15m).
Therefore, the tangential contact force would be:
F = 0.75Nm / 0.15m = 5N

It is important to note that these calculations are based on ideal conditions and neglecting factors such as bearing friction torque. In a real-world scenario, the values may differ.

FAQ: How to find the angular acceleration?

1. What is angular acceleration?

Angular acceleration refers to the rate of change of angular velocity, which is the rotational speed of an object. It is measured in radians per second squared (rad/s2).

2. How is angular acceleration calculated?

Angular acceleration is calculated by dividing the change in angular velocity by the change in time. It can be represented by the formula α = (ω2 - ω1) / (t2 - t1), where α is the angular acceleration, ω is the angular velocity, and t is the time.

3. What is the difference between angular acceleration and linear acceleration?

Angular acceleration is the rate of change of rotational speed, while linear acceleration is the rate of change of linear velocity (straight-line speed). Angular acceleration is measured in radians per second squared, while linear acceleration is measured in meters per second squared.

4. How is angular acceleration related to torque?

Angular acceleration is directly proportional to torque, which is the rotational equivalent of force. The greater the torque applied to an object, the greater its angular acceleration will be. This can be represented by the formula α = τ / I, where α is the angular acceleration, τ is the torque, and I is the moment of inertia of the object.

5. How does angular acceleration affect the motion of an object?

Angular acceleration determines how quickly an object's rotational speed changes. A higher angular acceleration means the object will reach a higher rotational speed in a shorter amount of time. It also affects an object's stability and the direction of its rotation, as well as the amount of torque required to rotate the object.

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