How to Find the Variance of O hat1 in a Multiple Regression Model?

In summary, the multiple regression model with three independent variables is represented by y = B0 + B1x1 + B 2x2 + B 3x3 + u. The sum of the parameters on x1 and x2, O1, can be estimated using O hat1 = B hat 1 + B hat 2, which is an unbiased estimator according to the formula E(O hat1)= E(B hat 1 + B hat 2) = E(B hat 1) + E(B hat 2) = B1 + B2. For part b), the variance of O hat1 can be expressed as Var( O hat) = var( B hat 1 +
  • #1
Consider the multiple regression model containing three independent variables
y = B0 + B1x1 + B 2x2 + B 3x3 + u
You are interested in estimating the sum of the parameters on x1 and x2; call this O1 = B1 + B 2
a) Show that O hat1 = B hat 1 + B hat 2 is an unbiased estimator of O1.
b) Find V ar(O hat 1) in terms of Var(B hat 1), Var(^B hat 2), and Corr(B hat 1, B hat 2).

I get that for a) E(O hat1)= E(B hat 1 + B hat 2) = E(B hat 1) + E(B hat 2) = B1 + B2 makes it unbiased, but I am not sure what to do for b)

help please

should I post this in a different section?
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  • #2
mainly looking for help in B)...where do I even start?
  • #3
jasper90 said:
mainly looking for help in B)...where do I even start?

Use the standard formula for the variance of a sum of random variables; see, eg., .

  • #4
ok, thank you, so now i have this

Var( O hat) = var( B hat 1 + B hat 2) = var( b hat 1) + var( b hat 2) + 2 Cov( B hat 1, B hat 2)

Now, I am supposed to have this in terms of Corr(B hat 1, B hat 2) also, how do I do that?

This may sound dumb, but since Corr(x, y) = (cov(x,y))/( square root( var(x) var(y))...can i just multiply the whole right side of my equation by square root( var(x) var(y)) / square root( var(x) var(y)) then that would allow me to have the last term as 2Corr(x, y) square root( var(x) var(y)) ?
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  • #5
jasper90 said:
ok, thank you, so now i have this

Var( O hat) = var( B hat 1 + B hat 2) = var( b hat 1) + var( b hat 2) + 2 Cov( B hat 1, B hat 2)

Now, I am supposed to have this in terms of Corr(B hat 1, B hat 2) also, how do I do that?

How do you relate Cov to Corr? (It's in the book!)

  • #6
Ray Vickson said:
How do you relate Cov to Corr? (It's in the book!)


Hi, I just editted my previous post, is that right?
  • #7
does my previous post look right?
  • #8

FAQ: How to Find the Variance of O hat1 in a Multiple Regression Model?

1. What is a multiple regression model?

A multiple regression model is a statistical tool used to analyze the relationship between one dependent variable and two or more independent variables. It allows for the prediction of the dependent variable based on the values of the independent variables.

2. When is a multiple regression model used?

A multiple regression model is used when there is a need to understand how multiple independent variables collectively influence a single dependent variable. It is commonly used in social sciences, economics, and business to analyze complex relationships between variables.

3. What are the assumptions of a multiple regression model?

The assumptions of a multiple regression model include linearity, independence of errors, homoscedasticity (equal variance), and normality of errors. These assumptions must be met in order for the results of the model to be valid.

4. How is the strength of a multiple regression model determined?

The strength of a multiple regression model is determined by the coefficient of determination, also known as R-squared. This value ranges from 0 to 1 and represents the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable that can be explained by the independent variables in the model. A higher R-squared indicates a stronger model.

5. What is multicollinearity in a multiple regression model?

Multicollinearity refers to the presence of strong correlations between independent variables in a multiple regression model. This can lead to unstable and unreliable estimates of the model's coefficients, making it difficult to interpret the relationships between variables. Multicollinearity can be detected by examining the correlation matrix of the independent variables and addressing any high correlations before running the model.
