How to find this Laurent series?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of Laurent series to calculate a function with a singularity at z=0. The speaker is unsure of how to handle the z^2 term, but it is suggested to use the Taylor series for \csc z and multiply it by z^{-2} to obtain the Laurent series.
  • #1
I understand perfectly well how to do Taylor series, but I am foggy on these Laurent series. Say, we have something like,

[tex]f\left( z \right)\; =\; \frac{1}{z^{2}\cdot \sin \left( z \right)}[/tex]

I think I need to use the taylor series expressions for sin(z) but otherwise, I am not sure what to do about that z^2. If I use that in a taylor series with z=0, then I get a singularity.

Since its 1/sin(z), do I just inverse the taylor series for sin(z) Yes, you can see I am very unknowledgeable about this. I turn here because the explanations I found in my book are totally lacking.
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  • #2
It's clear that z=0 is a pole for your function, that's why the Taylor series is not well defined there. The Laurent series will tell you how this singularity behaves (how it grows to infinity).

A Laurent series has the form

[tex]\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{b_n}{z^n}+\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_nz^n,[/tex]

so you are right, in order to calculate the series, you just have write down the series for [itex]\csc z[/itex] and multiply it by [itex]z^{-2}[/itex].
  • #3

To find the Laurent series for a function, we need to first understand the concept of singularities. A singularity is a point in the complex plane where the function is not defined or becomes infinite. In the given function f(z), the point z=0 is a singularity because the denominator becomes 0, making the function undefined.

To find the Laurent series, we need to expand the function in powers of (z-a), where a is the singularity. In this case, a=0. So, we can write the function as:

f(z) = 1/(z^2 * sin(z)) = 1/z^2 * 1/sin(z)

Now, we can expand 1/sin(z) using the Taylor series for sin(z) around z=0. This gives us:

1/sin(z) = 1/z - z/3! + z^3/5! - z^5/7! + ...

Substituting this in the original function, we get:

f(z) = 1/z^2 * (1/z - z/3! + z^3/5! - z^5/7! + ...)

= 1/z^3 - z/3!z^2 + z^3/5!z^2 - z^5/7!z^2 + ...

= 1/z^3 - 1/6z + z/120 - z^3/5040 + ...

This is the Laurent series for the given function f(z). We can see that there is a pole (singularity) at z=0, which is reflected in the negative powers of z in the series. The coefficients of the series can be found by using the formula:

c_n = 1/(2πi) * ∮f(z)(z-a)^n dz

where n is the power of (z-a) and the integral is taken around a small circle centered at the singularity a.

In summary, to find the Laurent series for a function, we need to first identify the singularities and then expand the function in powers of (z-a), where a is the singularity. We can use the Taylor series for any sub-functions that appear in the original function. With practice, you will become more comfortable with finding the Laurent series for different types of functions.

FAQ: How to find this Laurent series?

1. How do you find the Laurent series of a function?

The Laurent series of a function can be found by using the formula:

f(z) = ∑n=-∞ an (z-z0)n

where an is the coefficient of (z-z0)n and z0 is the center of the series. To find the coefficients, you can use the Cauchy Integral Formula or the Taylor series expansion.

2. What is the difference between a Taylor series and a Laurent series?

A Taylor series is a special case of a Laurent series where all the coefficients for negative powers of (z-z0) are equal to zero. This means that the function is analytic at z0, while a Laurent series can have both positive and negative powers of (z-z0) and may have a singularity at z0.

3. How do you determine the region of convergence for a Laurent series?

The region of convergence for a Laurent series is determined by the values of z for which the series converges. This can be found by using the ratio test, where the series converges if the limit of |an+1/an| as n approaches infinity is less than 1. The region of convergence will be the set of all points z within the largest circle centered at z0 where the series converges.

4. Can a function have multiple Laurent series expansions?

Yes, a function can have multiple Laurent series expansions. This can happen when the function has singularities at different points in the complex plane. Each singularity will have its own Laurent series expansion with a different center.

5. How can the Laurent series be used to evaluate complex integrals?

The Laurent series can be used to evaluate complex integrals by using the Cauchy Integral Formula, which states that if f(z) is analytic on a simple closed curve C containing a point z0, then the integral of f(z) around C is equal to 2πi times the sum of the residues of f(z) at all the singularities inside C. The residues can be found by using the Laurent series expansion of f(z) at each singularity.

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