How to Fit Half Lives of Polonium Isotopes to an Exponential Curve

In summary: The R^2 is 0.9599.I got 0.991. Did you use consistent units for the half-lives? I converted all to minutes. If you did, we need to compare constants A and B.Yes, I used consistent units for the half-lives. I also graphed the data in log scale and did an exponential curve fit.In summary, Homework Equations do not fit the data at all and I am missing a detail.
  • #1

Homework Statement

We are given a table of half lives of polonium isotopes and their corresponding alpha particle K.E. and asked to fit the data to the curve of :

half life=Ae^(B/sqrt(K.E.)) to find the constants A and B.

Homework Equations

half life=Ae^(B/sqrt(K.E.))

The Attempt at a Solution

I am graphing the half life vs. alpha particle K.E., and fitting the data using an exponential trend-line does not fit the data at all, it over 1000% off. Putting this data into logger pro and using this exact equation Ae^(B/sqrt(K.E.)) does not fit the data either its about 400% off. I think I am missing a detail. Please help!
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  • #2
Take the logarithm of your equation on both sides. What do you get?
  • #3
kuruman said:
Take the logarithm of your equation on both sides. What do you get?

I am not sure I see how this would help. This equation is just used to fit the data, Y vs. X, in this case half life vs. K.E. of the alpha particles omitted.

It might help if I include the data. here it is (sorry for the weird formatting):

half life......KE (Mev)
138.4 days ......5.30
3E-7 seconds...8.78
1.64 E-4 seconds...7.68
0.15 seconds...6.78
3.05 minutes...6.00
  • #4
Galgenstrick said:
I am not sure I see how this would help.
I am. Just write down the algebraic equation, take the natural logarithm and if you don't see what is going on, ask again.
  • #5
Taking the ln of both sides and simplifying, I get the following:

ln(half life)=B/sqrt(K.E.)+ln(A)

Is this correct? I did this by hand.

Now if I do this, I can take the ln of my half life values in my data instead of graphing it in log scale? Am I on the right track? Thank you for helping by the way.
  • #6
Galgenstrick said:
Taking the ln of both sides and simplifying, I get the following:

ln(half life)=B/sqrt(K.E.)+ln(A)
Is this correct? I did this by hand.
Very good, that is correct.
Galgenstrick said:
Now if I do this, I can take the ln of my half life values in my data instead of graphing it in log scale? Am I on the right track? Thank you for helping by the way.
You are on the right track. Look at the equation that you derived. Let y = ln(half-life) and x = 1/sqrt(K.E.) and substitute y and x in the equation. Do you recognize what the equation has become?
  • #7
I get Y=B*x+ln(A)

I am embarrassed to say I do not recognize this, besides it being a line..

If I were to guess here at what you are getting at, if I graph these values in log scale, and do an exponential curve fit, I would get a line. I tried this, and maybe it is correct. The R^2 vale is only .95, and the % difference between the actual half life, and the calculated half life is almost 400% for one of the points.

This should be the same as taking the ln of the half life values, graphing, then doing a linear fit.
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  • #8
Galgenstrick said:
I get Y=B*x+ln(A)

I am embarrassed to say I do not recognize this, besides it being a line..
More precisely it represents a straight line that obeys the equation

Y = slope*x + intercept

So what is "slope" equal to and what is "intercept" equal to?
What if you plotted y vs. x and did a linear regression to fit the data? How would you interpret the slope and intercept of the fitted line?
  • #9
The intercept would be the ln(A), so to find A I would just take e^ln(A). and B would be the slope. Would this be correct?
  • #10
That would be correct.
  • #11
This is the original way I did this problem, but the large % difference between the actual half life, and the regression line's calculated half life was large enough to make me think twice (about 400%). Maybe I am thinking about this too hard, thank you for the reassurance.
  • #12
You are thinking about it too hard. Logarithmic scales can be tricky. Don't forget that your dependent variable varies by 13 orders of magnitude, so don't think linearly. What is R2 for your straight line fit? That should be a better indicator of how good the fit is than your linear 400% estimate.
  • #13
kuruman said:
You are thinking about it too hard. Logarithmic scales can be tricky. Don't forget that your dependent variable varies by 13 orders of magnitude, so don't think linearly. What is R2 for your straight line fit? That should be a better indicator of how good the fit is than your linear 400% estimate.

The R^2 is 0.9599.
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  • #14
I got 0.991. Did you use consistent units for the half-lives? I converted all to minutes. If you did, we need to compare constants A and B.
  • #15
kuruman said:
I got 0.991. Did you use consistent units for the half-lives? I converted all to minutes. If you did, we need to compare constants A and B.

You are right, yes, it is 0.991, I forgot to change my K.E. to 1/sqrt(K.E.) before graphing. Thank you so much for your help!

Related to How to Fit Half Lives of Polonium Isotopes to an Exponential Curve

1. What is nuclear physics?

Nuclear physics is the branch of physics that studies the properties, behaviors, and interactions of atomic nuclei and their constituents, such as protons and neutrons.

2. What is the difference between nuclear physics and atomic physics?

The main difference between nuclear physics and atomic physics is the scale at which they operate. Nuclear physics focuses on the nucleus of an atom, while atomic physics deals with the behavior of electrons and their interactions with the nucleus.

3. What are some real-life applications of nuclear physics?

Nuclear physics has various practical applications, such as nuclear power generation, nuclear medicine, and nuclear weapons. It is also used in industries for materials testing and analysis.

4. How is nuclear physics related to quantum mechanics?

Nuclear physics is closely related to quantum mechanics, as both fields deal with the behavior of particles at a subatomic level. In fact, nuclear physics is considered a subfield of quantum mechanics.

5. What are the potential dangers of nuclear physics?

One of the main dangers of nuclear physics is the potential for nuclear accidents, which can release harmful radiation into the environment. Additionally, the use of nuclear weapons can have devastating consequences. It is important for proper safety measures and regulations to be in place when dealing with nuclear materials.

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