How to get accepted to a PhD Program in the USA as a foreigner

In summary, a student from Germany with a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree in Physics is interested in applying for a PhD program at an American university. Their grades are average and they have a strong background in Nonlinear Optics, Electronics, and Semiconductor Physics. They are aware that PhD students typically finance their studies through teaching or research assistantships and are wondering if the earnings from these positions will cover all living expenses. They have several questions about the application process, including the importance of GRE scores, whether they need to take the TOEFL test, and what kind of visa they will need. They are also looking for suggestions on where to apply and would like to hear from other foreign PhD students about their experiences.
  • #1
Hello to all of you,

for a long time i have been reading in your forum and now i decided do post a question on my own.

As stated in the title, i would like enter a PhD Program at an American University.
So far i have obtained a (3-year) Bachelors degree and will receive a (2-year) Physics Masters degree next year. Both degrees will have been obtained at a University in Germany, also the country i am originating from.
All five years of study have been in English language (Lectures, seminars, exercises, exams, all in english).
My grades are not great, for my Masters i expect to get an average of around 2.3. suggests that this would be an A.

My major research interests so far are Nonlinear Optics, Electronics and Semiconductor Physics. I have attended a broad range of elective classes. (2 were mandatory, i attended 7).
Mandatory courses during my course of studies have also included Nuclear Physics, Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Advanced Statistical Physics, amongst others, all of which i have passed and received 8 to 10 Credit points for. I noticed that all those courses are part of most Graduate Studies programs.
I have not yet taken the GRE Physics test but i suspect that i should score between 800 and 900 points easily. Perhaps even above 900.
I have read that PhD students finance their studies with teaching assistantships or research assistantships. I found out that Payment for those jobs is around $20,000 per year.

Now to the questions
1) Will my University grades matter on application?
2) How important will the GRE result be?
3) Since i studied in English, will i have to take the TOEFL test?
- some Universities do not require that, if i can show that indeed i have studied in English.
- Is there a general rule?
4) Will the earnings of such an assistant position be enough money to cover all living expenses?
5) How much are regular expenses? (Living costs, tuition, ...)
- i am aware that they vary for each region of the US, perhaps you can just state your place of residence and estimate your monthly expenses
6) Do you have any suggestions on where to apply?
- I am not interested in big names.
- I know very well that i will not be able to get into Harvard, Stanford and such.
- However i would like a University in a bigger City.
7) What kind of Visa will i have to apply for?
8) Will i have to repeat the Classes stated above? (Nuclear Physics, Adv. QM, ...)

It would be great, if some foreign PhD students could tell me their story. :)
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  • #2
Still no answer :(.
Are there no foreigners in an American PhD program?
  • #3

I can provide some advice and suggestions for getting accepted to a PhD program in the USA as a foreigner. First and foremost, it is important to have a strong academic background and relevant research experience. Your Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Physics from a reputable university in Germany is a good start. It is also beneficial that your studies were conducted in English as many PhD programs in the USA require proficiency in the English language.

1) Your university grades will definitely matter on your application, as they are a reflection of your academic abilities. However, a lower GPA can be offset by strong letters of recommendation and relevant research experience.

2) The GRE results are also important and can be used as a way to compare applicants from different backgrounds. It is important to aim for a high score, but it is not the only factor that will determine your acceptance.

3) It is likely that you will have to take the TOEFL test, even if you have studied in English. Each university has their own requirements, so it is best to check with the specific programs you are interested in applying to.

4) The earnings from a teaching or research assistantship may be enough to cover your living expenses, but it may vary depending on the cost of living in the city where your university is located. It is important to research the cost of living in the specific city you are interested in.

5) Living costs and tuition vary for each region of the US. As a general estimate, a single person living in a city like New York or San Francisco can expect to spend around $2000-$3000 per month on living expenses. Tuition costs also vary depending on the university and program. It is best to research the specific universities you are interested in for accurate tuition costs.

6) When deciding where to apply, it is important to consider the research interests of the faculty at each university. You should also consider the location and resources available at each university. It is also important to have a good fit with the university and its culture.

7) As a foreigner, you will most likely have to apply for a F-1 student visa. You will need to provide proof of acceptance to a university, proof of financial support, and other necessary documents for the visa application.

8) It is unlikely that you will have to repeat classes that you have already taken during your Bachelor's and Master's degrees. However, it is possible that you may need to take additional courses to fulfill

Related to How to get accepted to a PhD Program in the USA as a foreigner

1. What are the general requirements for a foreigner to be accepted into a PhD program in the USA?

In order to be accepted into a PhD program in the USA as a foreigner, you will typically need to have a bachelor's and/or master's degree in a related field, a strong academic record, and high scores on standardized tests such as the GRE. You will also need to demonstrate proficiency in English, either through a language proficiency test or by completing a degree program in an English-speaking country.

2. Do I need to have research experience to be accepted into a PhD program in the USA?

While research experience can be beneficial, it is not always a requirement for acceptance into a PhD program in the USA. Many programs will prioritize a strong academic record and potential for future research success over previous research experience. However, having research experience can make you a more competitive candidate and may give you a better chance of being accepted.

3. What is the process for applying to a PhD program in the USA as a foreigner?

The application process for a PhD program in the USA as a foreigner is similar to that of a domestic applicant. You will need to submit an application through the university's website or a centralized application system, along with required documents such as transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. You may also need to pay an application fee and provide proof of funding for your studies.

4. Are there any specific scholarships or funding opportunities available for international students pursuing a PhD in the USA?

Yes, there are many scholarships and funding opportunities available for international students pursuing a PhD in the USA. These may be offered by the university, government agencies, or private organizations. It is important to research and apply for these opportunities early, as they may have specific eligibility requirements and deadlines.

5. How can I increase my chances of being accepted into a PhD program in the USA as a foreigner?

To increase your chances of being accepted into a PhD program in the USA as a foreigner, it is important to have a strong academic record, demonstrate proficiency in English, and have relevant research experience. Networking with professors and potential supervisors in your field of interest can also help, as they may be able to provide valuable insights and potentially recommend you for admission. Finally, make sure to thoroughly research the program and tailor your application to align with its focus and requirements.

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