How to get QFT operator expectation values?

In summary, the conversation discusses difficulties with understanding the standard quantization of the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian and the measurement of energy in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. The concept of expectation values is explained, as well as the issue of non-normalizable states and their interpretation. The conversation ends with a suggestion to further clarify the specific question at hand.
  • #1
I am having some great difficulty getting intuition out of the standard quantization of the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian.

consider the H operator. In QM, the expectation values for H in any eigenstates |n> is just

now, in QFT, suppose I have a state |p> in the universe, what do I get if I measure the energy?

well, simply the eigenvalues under H, so E_p. But if I go ahead and try:
<p|H|p>, i get [tex]\delta (0) E_p (2\pi)^3 (2E_p)[/tex]
so, how should I make sense of <p|H|p> ?

in general, suppose I have an operator, Q, corresponding to a measurement of some observables, how do I find the expectation values? specially when the states are not eigenstates of Q?

One more question, what does the state
[tex]\left|\psi \right> =a\left| 0 \right> + b\left | p \right>[/tex] mean? and how should it be normalized?
i.e. [tex]\left< \psi \left| \psi \right>[/tex] should be what?

Also, In the usual QM, we can roughly think of psi as a state who's probability of being in 0 is |a|^2 and probability of being in p is |b|^2. However, that is completely based on the fact that <0|0> = <p|p>=1, <0|p>=0. in QFT, <p|p> gives delta function at zero, so how to interpret psi?
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  • #2
tim_lou said:
I am having some great difficulty getting intuition out of the standard quantization of the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian.

consider the H operator. In QM, the expectation values for H in any eigenstates |n> is just

now, in QFT, suppose I have a state |p> in the universe, what do I get if I measure the energy?

well, simply the eigenvalues under H, so E_p. But if I go ahead and try:
<p|H|p>, i get [tex]\delta (0) E_p (2\pi)^3 (2E_p)[/tex]
so, how should I make sense of <p|H|p> ?

in general, suppose I have an operator, Q, corresponding to a measurement of some observables, how do I find the expectation values? specially when the states are not eigenstates of Q?

One more question, what does the state
[tex]\left|\psi \right> =a\left| 0 \right> + b\left | p \right>[/tex] mean? and how should it be normalized?
i.e. [tex]\left< \psi \left| \psi \right>[/tex] should be what?

Also, In the usual QM, we can roughly think of psi as a state who's probability of being in 0 is |a|^2 and probability of being in p is |b|^2. However, that is completely based on the fact that <0|0> = <p|p>=1, <0|p>=0. in QFT, <p|p> gives delta function at zero, so how to interpret psi?

The problem you are having doesn't seem to be with QFT, but rather with non-normalizable states... like eigenstates of the momentum operator. Even in single particle quantum mechanics if you try to take expectation values with these states you will end up with a dirac-delta evaluated at zero.

Maybe try to explain in a bit more detail exactly what you are trying to do.
  • #3
Ah, I see. For some reason, the idea that those interpretations are the same as in the usual momentum eigenstates escape me. I see it clearly now - specially after a good night's sleep. I'll think for a bit and see if I have any further question though.

FAQ: How to get QFT operator expectation values?

1. How do I calculate the expectation value of a QFT operator?

To calculate the expectation value of a QFT operator, you first need to determine the quantum state of the system. Then, you can use the formula <O> = <ψ|O|ψ> to find the expectation value, where O is the operator and ψ is the quantum state.

2. Can I use the same method to calculate expectation values for all QFT operators?

Yes, the formula <O> = <ψ|O|ψ> can be used to calculate the expectation value for any QFT operator. However, the specific quantum state and operator used will affect the numerical value of the expectation value.

3. How do I interpret the expectation value of a QFT operator?

The expectation value of a QFT operator represents the average value of that operator for a given quantum state. It can be thought of as the most probable result if the operator is measured repeatedly on identical systems in the same quantum state.

4. Can I use QFT operator expectation values to make predictions?

Yes, QFT operator expectation values can be used to make predictions about the behavior of a system. They can be used to calculate probabilities for different outcomes and can help to determine the most likely results of experimental measurements.

5. Are there any limitations to calculating QFT operator expectation values?

One limitation is that QFT operator expectation values can only be calculated for systems in quantum states. They cannot be calculated for classical systems. Additionally, the accuracy of the calculation may be impacted by the complexity of the system and the precision of the measurements used to determine the quantum state.

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