How to Implement Error Handling in a VHDL T Flip-Flop Design?

In summary, the T Flip Flop has a t input that is toggled on the rising edge of clk when t is '1'. The flip-flop should be able to generate an error message (use assertions) if a glitch of less than the specified parameter is detected on its t input. The message should include the flip-flop identification number.
  • #1
Problem Statement: (a) Write a T-flip-flop description with a clock (clk) and a t input. Toggling is done on the rising edge of (clk) when t is '1'. Include a generic parameter for the flip-flop delay, one for minimum pulse width on t, and one for the flip-flop identification number. The flip-flop should be able to report an error message (use assertion statements) if a glitch of less than the specified parameter is detected on its t input. The message should include the flip-flop identification number. (b) Write a generate statement for generating an unconstrained counter using t flip-flops of part a. Do a configuration declaration for binding the counter to its flip flop and specifying its generic values. (d) Write a test bench for testing the counter. Test for narrow input glitches and see if a warning message is generated.
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  • #2
We will not do your homework for you. If you need help, please show us your work, and explain where you're stuck.

- Warren
  • #3
I am not asking you to do my homework. I am facing problems with it.
I know the T Flip Flop design. tried using assert with it, but didn't help. i have no idea about identification no. and part (b)
  • #4
i hav done dis much...but der are too many errors...pleasez remove the errors and post d correct answer

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity pbl is
generic ( n: integer; delay: time );
port ( t,clk : in std_logic;
q : out std_logic);
end pbl;

architecture tff of pbl is
signal data: std_logic;
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if t'last_event < delay then
assert(t'last_event > delay)
report "input duration was less"
severity warning;
if t= '1' then
data <= not data;
end if;
end if;
end if;
q <= data;
end process;
end tff;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity my_counter is
port(reset,clk:in std_logic;
cout : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0));
end my_counter;

architecture behav of my_counter is
component pbl
port(t,clk : in std_logic;
q : out std_logic);
end component;

signal enter_count : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);


enter_count <= "000" ;
if (clk'event and clk = '1' and reset='0' )

for i in 0 to 2 generate
if i = 0 generate
t_ff1 : pbl port map(t, clk , enter_count(i+1));
t_ff2 : pbl port map(q(i-1), clk, enter_count(i));
end if;
end generate;
end if;
end if;
cout <= enter_count;
end behav;

FAQ: How to Implement Error Handling in a VHDL T Flip-Flop Design?

What is a T Flip Flop in VHDL design?

A T Flip Flop is a digital circuit element used to store one bit of information. It has two inputs - a T (toggle) input and a clock input, and one output. The output changes state (from 0 to 1 or vice versa) only when the clock input transitions from 0 to 1. The T input determines whether the output will toggle or remain unchanged when the clock input transitions.

How is a T Flip Flop implemented in VHDL?

A T Flip Flop can be implemented in VHDL using the sequential logic process. The process includes a clock signal, a T input, and an output signal. Inside the process, the output signal is assigned to the T input if the clock signal is rising edge, and to its inverse if the clock signal is falling edge.

What is the purpose of a T Flip Flop in VHDL design?

A T Flip Flop is used to introduce a delay in a digital circuit. It can also be used to create a frequency divider or a counter by connecting the output of one T Flip Flop to the T input of another Flip Flop.

How does a T Flip Flop differ from other types of Flip Flops?

A T Flip Flop is different from other Flip Flops in that it has only one input (the T input) instead of two (D and clock inputs in D Flip Flop, and set and reset inputs in SR Flip Flop). Its output toggles only when the clock input transitions, unlike the other Flip Flops which have different triggering mechanisms.

Can a T Flip Flop be used in combination with other logic gates in VHDL design?

Yes, a T Flip Flop can be used in combination with other logic gates in VHDL design. It can be used to implement more complex sequential logic circuits, such as shift registers, counters, and frequency dividers. It can also be used in combination with other Flip Flops to create multi-bit storage elements.

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