How to make a girl fall in love with you?

In summary, if you want to make someone like you, be yourself. You cannot make someone else love you. Love is a gift given freely and not by force. Being nice will get you a lot of attention, but it is not necessary for a relationship to work.
  • #1
So there is this girl I like. I want to make her love me. Can anyone teach me how to?
Physics news on
  • #2
  • #3
Dr_Scientist said:
So there is this girl I like. I want to make her love me. Can anyone teach me how to?
One cannot make another love one. Love is a gift given freely and not by force.

One can certainly be kind and thoughtful toward the other person of interest, but without expectation of favor in return. One could be friends with the other.
  • #4
No, but I probably could teach you how to make her hate you.

Feelings are strange aren't they...

Just tell her how you feel and see what happens.
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  • #5
Dr_Scientist said:
So there is this girl I like. I want to make her love me. Can anyone teach me how to?

Bolding of the text is my doing.

Anyway, you sound that you care a lot about what you want. What about what she wants?? Will you make her happy? Are you honestly the best choice for her??

If you want to start a relationship, then you should just try to be yourself around her. If you think she likes you, then you should tell her how you feel.

Don't appear different than how you really are. It might work, but then she won't really love you, she'll love the role you play.
  • #6
sas3 said:
just tell her how you feel and see what happens.
micromass said:
if you think she likes you, then you should tell her how you feel.
Error! Error! Error!
  • #7
Rule #1 - Be nice. Rule #2 - Be nice. This is a repeating series, in case you haven't figured it out. Just be nice.
  • #8
Dr_Scientist said:
So there is this girl I like. I want to make her love me. Can anyone teach me how to?

Get a friend to surreptitiously push her over a (moderately high) cliff. Be ready to take her into your arms and make her feel that you saved her from certain death.
  • #9
Ah finally some ideas coming in.. lol.

zoobyshoe said:
Error! Error! Error!
3 errors are not enough! should be 10^99 errors there.

turbo said:
Rule #1 - Be nice. Rule #2 - Be nice. This is a repeating series, in case you haven't figured it out. Just be nice.

Error! nice is not enough!

arildno said:
Get a friend to surreptitiously push her over a (moderately high) cliff. Be ready to take her into your arms and make her feel that you saved her from certain death.

This.. is.. a perfect idea if it can work.. but unfortunately impractical for me..
  • #10
arildno said:
Get a friend to surreptitiously push her over a (moderately high) cliff. Be ready to take her into your arms and make her feel that you saved her from certain death.

And if he'd fail to save her...:rolleyes:
  • #11
Lisa! said:
And if he'd fail to save her...:rolleyes:

Well I am no superman or goku..
  • #12
Dr_Scientist said:
Error! nice is not enough!
Evo gave the best advise once: "A confident, pleasant attitude will work wonders for you."

"Confident" is probably the more important of the two. "Nice", by itself, can present as obsequious if it's not allied with confidence.
  • #13
Lisa! said:
And if he'd fail to save her...:rolleyes:

Then he can kill himself after he has killed his friend for having killed his girl friend, topping "Titus Andronicus" in gore production. :smile:
  • #14
Lisa! said:
And if he'd fail to save her...:rolleyes:
Maybe he just could be nice, instead. I mean really decent, not sucking up or backhanded 'compliments' like "you don't sweat much for a fat girl". Be nice - that's all it takes. Decent people get a lot of attention from the opposite sex (or the same sex), but all you have to do is be nice.
  • #15
Let's keep it PG in here.
  • #16
Ok, I'll keep my advices strictly along the lines of Titus Andronicus, Medea and other love stories of that ilk. :smile:
  • #17
This reminds me of a movie called "The Tao of Steve".
  • #18
Dr_Scientist said:
So there is this girl I like. I want to make her love me. Can anyone teach me how to?

You are asking the wrong question. I have corrected it.

So there is this girl I like. I want to her to like me back. Can anyone teach me how to?

If you are starting from love, it doesn't bode well for where it'll go. Love is a mutual thing, earned through time and trust.
  • #19
arildno said:
Get a friend to surreptitiously push her over a (moderately high) cliff. Be ready to take her into your arms and make her feel that you saved her from certain death.

Lisa! said:
And if he'd fail to save her...:rolleyes:

turbo said:
Maybe he just could be nice, instead. I mean really decent, not sucking up or backhanded 'compliments' like "you don't sweat much for a fat girl". Be nice - that's all it takes. Decent people get a lot of attention from the opposite sex (or the same sex), but all you have to do is be nice.

No, that will never work. Once the friend pushes her over the cliff, you have to save her. Being nice just won't be enough.

But I do agree telling someone that just plunged 500 feet from a cliff that they don't sweat much for a flat girl would be pretty tasteless.

Unless the friend pushed her over a 6 foot cliff and you failed to save her. Then being nice might be enough. She'd still probably be in a bad mood no matter what you did, though.
  • #20
1) Become a famous multi-billionaire
2) Send her flowers hand-delivered with a sincere endorsement of your character by Johnny Depp.
  • #21
DaveC426913 said:
You are asking the wrong question. I have corrected it.

So there is this girl I like. I want to her to like me back. Can anyone teach me how to?

If you are starting from love, it doesn't bode well for where it'll go. Love is a mutual thing, earned through time and trust.

Yeah, correction accepted. Initially I thought they are the same thing, but it turns out to some people love has a really deeper meaning.
  • #22
Dr_Scientist, let me ask how old you are and whether or not you've even actually ever met this girl or if she's someone you admire from afar, as it were.
  • #23
zoobyshoe said:
Dr_Scientist, let me ask how old you are and whether or not you've even actually ever met this girl or if she's someone you admire from afar, as it were.

Alright, 21. The former.
  • #24
Dr_Scientist said:
Alright, 21. The former.
That's a brief answer. Kinda inert.

Your job is to thrill us, mesmerize, fascinate us, leave us unable to think about anyone else. Make us want more. Lead us to the understanding that there has been a hole in our lives all along and you're the only person who can fill it. That sort of thing.
  • #25
zoobyshoe said:
That's a brief answer. Kinda inert.

Your job is to thrill us, mesmerize, fascinate us, leave us unable to think about anyone else. Make us want more. Lead us to the understanding that there has been a hole in our lives all along and you're the only person who can fill it. That sort of thing.

And how can I do that?
  • #26
Dr_Scientist said:
And how can I do that?
I have no idea. I can't do it. I have just seen guys that can.
  • #27
zoobyshoe said:
I have no idea. I can't do it. I have just seen guys that can.

Oh, that's great. how did they do it?
  • #28
Dr_Scientist said:
Oh, that's great. how did they do it?
You should cultivate one of two things. The first option is to always seem happy. A lot of smiling, as if life itself just fills you with pleasure. Girls like this. They want to be around guys who are naturally enjoying themselves.

The second option is to cultivate a lot of presence, to be in command of yourself, to "own yourself". Know what you want, what to do. Girls like this, too. They admire a guy who isn't blown any way the wind blows, who isn't a nervous wreck, worry-wart.

Of course, you can do both at once if you can manage it. This is what people who knew John F. Kennedy said about him, that on top of his seriousness and competence he always seemed to have a smile in his eyes that indicated he was enjoying everything. A lot of women found him very appealing.
  • #29
zoobyshoe said:
You should cultivate one of two things. The first option is to always seem happy. A lot of smiling, as if life itself just fills you with pleasure. Girls like this. They want to be around guys who are naturally enjoying themselves.

The second option is to cultivate a lot of presence, to be in command of yourself, to "own yourself". Know what you want, what to do. Girls like this, too. They admire a guy who isn't blown any way the wind blows, who isn't a nervous wreck, worry-wart.

Of course, you can do both at once if you can manage it. This is what people who knew John F. Kennedy said about him, that on top of his seriousness and competence he always seemed to have a smile in his eyes that indicated he was enjoying everything. A lot of women found him very appealing.

And those are just my talent. Hahahahaha!
  • #30
Dr_Scientist said:
And those are just my talent. Hahahahaha!
OK, then. You're good to go.
  • #31
zoobyshoe said:
The second option is to cultivate a lot of presence, to be in command of yourself, to "own yourself". Know what you want, what to do. Girls like this, too. They admire a guy who isn't blown any way the wind blows, who isn't a nervous wreck, worry-wart.
There's a fine line between sincere presence and false presence. False presence manifests as arrogance. And girls can smell it. You can't fake it. Best just to be yourself.

But I heartily agree with the "happy" suggestion. "Smiles everyone. Smiles!"
  • #32
DaveC426913 said:
There's a fine line between sincere presence and false presence. False presence manifests as arrogance. And girls can smell it. You can't fake it. Best just to be yourself.
This is true. Pretending to be the in-charge guy who knows what he wants and what to do can just end up seeming arrogant, like you're taking over by force and trying to give orders. To clarify, I gave the example of Kennedy. He always seemed focused, alert, sensitive, extremely rational, and decisive; completely persuasive as to any question of competence. The fake version is someone who is not in control of himself but is never-the-less trying to control others. The authentic version is someone who is self-aware and knows how to control himself, and is at ease with himself. That authentic guy never takes control by force. He ends up in control because others assess him as deserving it, and they give him control. Another good example of the latter is Derren Brown. He exudes very solid presence and clear focus, and it's fascinating to watch suggestible people respond by delivering themselves into his hands.
  • #33
Umm do you guys know how to tell if a woman likes you? Maybe a checklist of hints that she might show? I just want to check if she likes me already. Lol.
  • #34
Dr_Scientist said:
Umm do you guys know how to tell if a woman likes you? Maybe a checklist of hints that she might show? I just want to check if she likes me already. Lol.
Pick your nose in front of her. If she is already madly in love with you, she will find some way of excusing your behaviour.
  • #35
arildno said:
Pick your nose in front of her. If she is already madly in love with you, she will find some way of excusing your behaviour.

I don't know why but Arildno is trying to prevent your genes from moving ahead to future generations.