How to make a substitution-based equation solver?

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In summary, a substitution-based equation solver may not be common practice, but it is possible to find a library that can help you with the task.
  • #1
I have a fluid dynamics problem I need to solve. There are 6 equations, and 6 unknowns, but the form of the equations are non-linear. Some unknown variables are not only multiplied by coefficients, but also by other unknown variables. Thus, I can't just do a Gaussian elimination matrix. I'm trying to come up with a way to write a program that uses substitution to solve non-linear algebraic equations. (I'm using Matlab, but I'm also somewhat familiar with Python, if need be).

My question is this: is this a topic that has a wealth of information on it? Has it been done before, is it common practice? I need to know if I'm reinventing a wheel.

If I am reinventing the wheel that is a substitution-based equation solver, then does anyone know where I can find, say, a sample code that does this?
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  • #3
Hmm. Well, not having maple at hand, I may never know. Anything similar in Matlab? Any way to create a solve function like that one?
  • #4
MATLAB is not like Maple in that Maple is a symbolic platform, where-as MATLAB is more to do with a numerical computational platform.

You would have to check the libraries for MATLAB to see if they have general multi-equation (systems of equations or inequalities) solver routines. Personally, I think you might have to implement your own routines that do solutions for very specific kinds of relationships (polynomials etc), because again MATLAB is not designed to be a core symbolic computational platform like Maple.

What you might be able to do is to send commands to the Maple engine to execute and then pipe the results back to MATLAB. You can do this with a bit of programming know how and understanding of calling the Maple Engine, and to be frank, if you need to do this thing a lot for a wide range of functions, this would be the way to go if you have access to Maple already.
  • #5

I understand your need for a reliable and efficient method to solve your fluid dynamics problem. Substitution-based equation solvers are indeed a commonly used method in solving non-linear algebraic equations. There is a wealth of information available on this topic, and it has been extensively studied and implemented in various programming languages, including Matlab and Python.

There are a few things to consider when developing a substitution-based equation solver. First, you need to carefully examine your equations and determine the appropriate substitution variables. This will depend on the specific problem you are trying to solve and may require some trial and error. Additionally, it is important to consider the stability and convergence of your solver, as non-linear equations can be sensitive to initial conditions.

Fortunately, there are many resources available to guide you in developing a substitution-based equation solver. There are textbooks, online tutorials, and even open-source codes that you can use as a reference or starting point for your own program. Some popular codes include the Newton-Raphson method, the Broyden method, and the Levenberg-Marquardt method.

In terms of finding sample codes, a simple internet search for "substitution-based equation solver Matlab" or "substitution-based equation solver Python" will yield numerous results. I would also recommend reaching out to your colleagues or professors who may have experience with this type of problem and can provide valuable insights and resources. Additionally, many universities have software libraries or coding resources that may have examples of substitution-based equation solvers.

In conclusion, while substitution-based equation solvers are a well-studied and commonly used method, it is always important to carefully examine your specific problem and choose the appropriate solver and approach. With the wealth of information and resources available, I am confident that you will be able to successfully develop a program to solve your fluid dynamics problem.

FAQ: How to make a substitution-based equation solver?

1. How does a substitution-based equation solver work?

A substitution-based equation solver works by replacing a variable in an equation with a known value or expression. This process is repeated until all variables are eliminated and the equation can be solved for the remaining unknown variable.

2. What are the advantages of using a substitution-based equation solver?

One advantage of using a substitution-based equation solver is that it can be used to solve a wide range of equations, including linear, quadratic, and systems of equations. It is also a relatively straightforward method that can be easily understood and applied.

3. Are there any limitations to using a substitution-based equation solver?

Yes, one limitation of using a substitution-based equation solver is that it may not work for more complex equations, such as those with multiple variables or with exponents. It also requires some algebraic knowledge and may be more time-consuming compared to other methods such as graphing or using a calculator.

4. Can a substitution-based equation solver be used for real-world applications?

Yes, substitution-based equation solvers are commonly used in various fields, including engineering, physics, and economics, to solve equations and model real-world scenarios. They can also be used to find solutions to problems in everyday life, such as calculating interest rates or determining the optimal price for a product.

5. Are there any tips for using a substitution-based equation solver effectively?

Yes, some tips for using a substitution-based equation solver include organizing the equation and clearly identifying the variable to be solved for, carefully choosing the values or expressions to substitute, and checking the solution by plugging it back into the original equation. It is also important to practice and familiarize oneself with the method to improve efficiency and accuracy.

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