How to make a vector function from a f(x) function

In summary, to turn f(x) = x2 into a vector function, you can use the position vector of (x, f(x)) which is xi+ f(x)j. This will give you a vector that represents the x and y values with respect to the origin, and you can also find the length using the Pythagorean theorem.
  • #1
Let's say I want to turn f(x) = x2 into a vector function. How would I do that?

I know I can take plots of f(x) = x2 then plug them into the Pythagorean theorem to get the distance from the origin and then I would also know the direction. But is that doesn't seem the same as a vector valued function.
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  • #2
DrummingAtom said:
Let's say I want to turn f(x) = x2 into a vector function. How would I do that?

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Do you just want a vector that represents the x and y values wrt the origin? If so, all you need is:

<x,f(x)> = < x , x2 >
  • #3
Wouldn't the length be needed for a vector function? The whole "magnitude and direction" thing for vectors. Something like V=(direction, length).
  • #4
DrummingAtom said:
Wouldn't the length be needed for a vector function? The whole "magnitude and direction" thing for vectors. Something like V=(direction, length).

For any vector <x,y>, you can find the length by [tex]\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}[/tex].

In this case, if you want the length from the origin to a point (x,f(x)), all you need is [tex]\sqrt{(x)^2+(x^2)^2}[/tex]


Just out of curiousity, what are you trying to do with this?
  • #5
Ok, I came up with this too: [tex]\sqrt{(x)^2+(x^2)^2}[/tex].

I guess I just wanted to figure out if the vector function would be in terms of (direction, length) or only the position. Thanks for help.
  • #6
It sounds to me like you have some function f(x) and want to construct a vector that represents the postion vector of (x, f(x)).

The position vector of any point (x, y) is xi+ yj so the position vector of (x, f(x)) is xi+ f(x)j.

FAQ: How to make a vector function from a f(x) function

1. What is a vector function?

A vector function is a mathematical function that outputs a vector (a quantity with both magnitude and direction) instead of a scalar (a single numerical value). It is commonly used in physics and engineering to describe quantities such as force, velocity, and acceleration.

2. How is a vector function different from a regular function?

A regular function takes in one or more inputs and gives a single output, whereas a vector function takes in one or more inputs and gives a vector as an output. This means that a vector function has multiple components, each of which depends on the input variables.

3. Can any f(x) function be turned into a vector function?

No, not all f(x) functions can be turned into vector functions. A function can only be turned into a vector function if it has multiple outputs that are dependent on the input variables. For example, the function f(x) = x^2 does not have multiple outputs and therefore cannot be turned into a vector function.

4. How do you create a vector function from a f(x) function?

To create a vector function from a f(x) function, you need to identify the components of the vector that will depend on the input variables. These components can be found by taking the partial derivatives of the function with respect to each input variable. Once you have all the components, you can combine them into a vector function.

5. What are some real-life applications of vector functions?

Vector functions are commonly used in physics and engineering to describe the motion of objects in three-dimensional space. They are also used in computer graphics to create visual animations and simulations. Additionally, vector functions are used in economics and finance to model the behavior of stock prices and other financial data.
