Can You DIY Inductor Coils for Specific Electronic Projects?

In summary, the individual is looking for inductor coils and is asking for help finding a local supplier. The coils described require a drill bit and #26 insulated wire. The other coils are possible to make, but require a tester to measure the final inductance.
  • #1
I am looking forward to a small project. For this i need some inductor coils. I searched through the local shops, but i could find any inductor coil. According to what i know inductor coils are made by making loops using wires.
Is it possible to make any inductor coil like that?

These are the coils that i need
.12 uH coil
.68 uH coil
.82 uH coil

For the .15uH there is a description like this.
"Air wound; 1.5 turns
on 3/8 form
#26 insulated wire"

I would also appreciate if you could explain these in a simple manner because i don't know a lot about electronics.
Engineering news on
  • #2
Inductors like those would usually be used at very high frequencies. What are you trying to make?

You could use a 3/8th inch drill bit and wind the coil on the shaft of it. You would then slide the coil off the drill bit and use it like that.
Once wound, it will hold its shape to some extent, although #26 wire is quite you would have to support it at each end.
  • #3
What you explained is how to make the .15uH coil, right?

What about the others? Is it possible to make them too?
  • #4
Yes, maybe.

There are formulae for calculating these dimensions, however with very small coils like these, you really need a tester to measure the final result.
This is because, slight variations in the wire diameter, coil diameter, coil length and turns spacing can all have an effect on the final inductance.

One formula for calculating inductance given the coil dimensions is Wheeler's formula. I won't quote this, but you can look it up.

Here is an Internet coil calculator.
You would have to check the result, though.
If there is a variable capacitor in parallel with the coil, you can usually adjust this for resonance, even if the coil is slightly inaccurate.

There are manufacturers of coils:

There are meters that can measure such small coils:
  • #5
[KNIGHT];3726968 said:
I am looking forward to a small project.
You should indicate what this project is. I suspect that the inductor values may be critical to the success of the project.
These are the coils that i need
.12 uH coil
.68 uH coil
.82 uH coil
While you can wind coils yourself and to any value, expect the final coil's inductance to differ from what you designed for by a factor of anything up to about x3 or x1/3, so for critical values they will have to be modified or tweaked to get the value closer to the desired value. The "connecting wire" that you join to these inductors may contribute more inductance than the coils themselves. Construction techniques can be very important.

What is the circuit you hope to construct?

FAQ: Can You DIY Inductor Coils for Specific Electronic Projects?

1. How do I determine the number of turns needed for an inductor coil?

The number of turns needed for an inductor coil depends on the desired inductance value and the dimensions of the coil. You can use an online calculator or a formula to determine the number of turns required.

2. What is the best material to use for inductor coils?

The best material for inductor coils is typically a high-permeability material such as ferrite or iron powder. These materials have low losses and can achieve a higher inductance value compared to other materials.

3. How can I calculate the inductance of an inductor coil?

The inductance of an inductor coil can be calculated using the formula L = (μ₀μᵣN²A)/l, where μ₀ is the permeability of free space, μᵣ is the relative permeability of the core material, N is the number of turns, A is the cross-sectional area of the coil, and l is the length of the coil.

4. Can I use any wire for making inductor coils?

No, the wire used for inductor coils should have a high conductivity and low resistance. Typically, copper wire is the preferred choice for its high conductivity and low cost.

5. How do I wind an inductor coil for optimal performance?

The inductor coil should be wound tightly and evenly to minimize air gaps and maximize the magnetic field. It is also important to maintain the proper direction of winding, where the start and end of the coil should be in the same direction to avoid cancelation of the magnetic field.

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