How to make my equation fancier?

In summary, the speaker is seeking a way to simplify their final answer in a problem related to general relativity. They discuss using a neat math trick involving renaming indices and using a formula involving the Levi-Civita symbol to simplify the equation.
  • #1
I hope I am posting this in the right thread!
As I was solving a problem in general relativity, my final answer needs to get a little fancier. So my final answer was as follows: $$ (\bar{U}{U})^3 (\epsilon_{ijk} \frac{d\omega^i}{dx^k} \theta^k) \wedge (\epsilon_{ijk} \frac{d\omega^i}{dx^k} \theta^k) $$ But if my theta's are equal to one another they will eat themselves out. This mean for example $$(\theta^1 \wedge \theta^1 = 0)$$ So I don't know if using some neat maths trick I can write out my final answer without the need to put a note of what I just wrote. How to make the equation speak for itself?

Thank you!
Physics news on
  • #2
You need to rename some dummy indices in the second factor so that each index is repeated only twice. Then use

$$\varepsilon_{abc} \varepsilon_{ade} = \delta^{bc}_{de} = \delta^b_d \delta^c_e - \delta^c_d \delta^b_e$$

FAQ: How to make my equation fancier?

1. Can I use symbols or characters in my equation to make it fancier?

Yes, you can use symbols or characters such as Greek letters, subscripts, and superscripts to make your equation fancier. However, make sure to use them correctly and in a way that enhances the clarity of your equation.

2. How can I make my equation more visually appealing?

You can use formatting options such as bold, italics, and font size to make your equation more visually appealing. Additionally, you can use different colors or adjust spacing to make certain parts of your equation stand out.

3. Is it important to use proper notation in my equation?

Yes, using proper notation is crucial in making your equation fancier. It not only makes your equation more visually appealing but also helps to convey the intended meaning accurately. Make sure to follow the standard notation guidelines for your specific field of study.

4. Can I add images or diagrams to my equation?

Yes, you can add images or diagrams to your equation to make it fancier. This can be especially useful when explaining complex concepts or equations that involve multiple variables. Just make sure to properly label and reference any images used in your equation.

5. Are there any online tools or resources to help make my equation fancier?

Yes, there are various online tools and resources available to help make your equation fancier. Some tools offer advanced formatting options, while others provide templates or examples of well-formatted equations. It is always a good idea to do some research and familiarize yourself with the available resources before starting to work on your equation.
