How to Measure Perpendicular Peculiar Velocity in Galaxy Simulations?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of measuring the perpendicular velocity of galaxies in a simulation and how it relates to other properties such as the radial velocity. The speaker is trying to calculate the radial and perpendicular peculiar velocities of galaxies in order to compute the pairwise velocity dispersion, but they do not have a 3D velocity vector in their data. The question remains whether it is possible to calculate the perpendicular velocity using other available data.
  • #1

I have data from a simulation of galaxies with various properties and I want to retrieve the peculiar velocity. If we want to relate with real galaxy surveys, what we can measure from real data is the radial peculiar velocity.

My question is, since we have a simulation i imagine we can measure the perpendicular velocity, but how?? Is there an equation which relates the perpendicular velocity of galaxies with other properties (i.e. the radial velocity)

P.S : to calculate the radial velocity I had the redshift of each galaxy with and without peculiar velocities.

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  • #2
My question is, since we have a simulation i imagine we can measure the perpendicular velocity, but how?? Is there an equation which relates the perpendicular velocity of galaxies with other properties (i.e. the radial velocity)?
... depend son the data in the simulation.
The peculiar velocity is not usually related to the radial... but to the angular velocity.

to calculate the radial velocity I had the redshift of each galaxy with and without peculiar velocities.
... which you cannot do because you do not know how to get the peculiar velocity.
  • #3
I don't think we are on the same page here. Since we are talking about mock catalogues of galaxies produced in simulation we have knowledge of individual velocity of the galaxies.

For example as I mentioned above we have the cosmological redshift of each Galaxy which corresponds to the velocity due to cosmic flow and I also have the observational redshift which corresponds to the velocity due to cosmic flow + radial component of the galaxy's peculiar velocity.

In other words I can actually measure the radial component of the peculiar velocity and my question remains... Is there a way to calculate the perpendicular peculiar velocity of each Galaxy and how?

The angular velocity has nothing to do with it.
  • #4
In that case you need to start by defining "peculiar velocity".
You simulation data gives you a 3D velocity vector wrt something right?
The use of "radial component" usually implies there are angular components.
  • #5
unfortunately i don't have such a vector in the data i received ( that would make my life easier ). I have distances, angular coordinates, observational and cosmological redshift and various other properties (i.e. luminocities, SFR, etc). I am not sure if i can measure the tangential component of the peculiar velocity ( so in a sense my question is quite arbitrary ).

Is there another way to compute, since i don't have a 3D velocity vector?
  • #6
Do you have angular components data with time?
Maybe none of the galaxies has significant enough angular displacements?
But start with an 3xplicit definition of what you want to find.
  • #7
My final goal is to compute the pairwise peculiar velocity dispersion. Normally in real galaxy surveys, one has to model the pairwise velocity dispersion with the two-point correlation function but since i have simulated data should be able to compute it directly.

If you define the pairwise velocity as: u12(r)=u1(x)-u2(x+r) then the pairwise velocity dispersion should be

I thought to take as u2=ur2+up2, where ur and up are the radial and perpendicular components of the peculiar velocity (for each galaxy).

That would be straightforward if i had the orthogonal components of peculiar velocity for every galaxy . I don't have time varying data, it's just a mock catalog of galaxies. ( i know i am not giving you much to work it through but this is what i know so far )
  • #8
You cannot derive a Doppler shift from motion perpendicular to the line of sight. So, I'm curious if you are asking if it can be inferred.

FAQ: How to Measure Perpendicular Peculiar Velocity in Galaxy Simulations?

1. What is perpendicular peculiar velocity?

Perpendicular peculiar velocity is the component of an object's velocity that is perpendicular to an observer's line of sight. It is a measure of how an object is moving relative to the observer's reference frame.

2. How is perpendicular peculiar velocity different from regular velocity?

Perpendicular peculiar velocity takes into account the motion of the observer, while regular velocity only considers the object's motion in a straight line. It is a more comprehensive measure of an object's movement in relation to the observer.

3. How is perpendicular peculiar velocity calculated?

Perpendicular peculiar velocity can be calculated by measuring the object's radial velocity (motion towards or away from the observer) and the angle between the object's motion and the observer's line of sight. It can also be calculated using Doppler shift measurements or through advanced techniques such as cosmological redshift.

4. What factors can affect perpendicular peculiar velocity?

Perpendicular peculiar velocity can be influenced by the object's distance from the observer, as well as the gravitational forces of nearby objects. It can also be affected by the expansion of the universe and the object's own motion within its galaxy or cluster.

5. Why is perpendicular peculiar velocity important in scientific research?

Perpendicular peculiar velocity helps scientists understand the dynamics and evolution of the universe. By studying an object's peculiar velocity, researchers can gain insights into the distribution of matter and the gravitational forces at play in different regions of the universe. It also helps in the study of cosmic phenomena such as dark matter and dark energy.
