How to model vibration motor in mobile phone

In summary, a vibration motor in a mobile phone works by using an electric motor with an unbalanced weight attached to create a buzzing sensation. It can be turned off through the phone's settings and the intensity can be controlled by adjusting the motor's power and speed. If it stops working, it can be replaced by a professional. There are no known health concerns with using the vibration feature, but prolonged use may cause discomfort for some individuals.
  • #1

I am working with the vibration motor in smartphone. I want to calculate to force comes from the vibration motor through time. In this case, I only measure the force in 3 direction, like x, y and z axes. I expect it has sinuous form but I don't know exactly the mathematics equation to represent it.

Here is the description of the vibration motor (a patent)

Anyone know about mathematical model of inertial force of eccentric weight? Please help me. My major is Computer Science, so could you explain it simple also?
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  • #2


Thank you for your question. I am happy to assist you in understanding the mathematical model of inertial force of an eccentric weight in a vibration motor.

First, let's define some terms. The eccentric weight is a component of the vibration motor that rotates off-center, causing the motor to vibrate. The inertial force is the force that opposes this rotation and is responsible for the vibration.

To calculate the force from the vibration motor over time, we can use the equation F = ma, where F is the force, m is the mass of the eccentric weight, and a is the acceleration of the weight. The acceleration can be calculated using the equation a = ω^2r, where ω is the angular velocity of the weight and r is the distance from the center of rotation to the center of mass of the weight.

The angular velocity of the weight can be calculated using the equation ω = 2πf, where f is the frequency of the vibration motor. This equation assumes that the motion of the weight is sinusoidal, which is a reasonable assumption for most vibration motors.

Now, to calculate the force in the x, y, and z directions, we can use the equations Fx = max, Fy = may, and Fz = maz. These equations take into account the direction of the force and the acceleration in each direction.

In summary, the mathematical model for calculating the force from a vibration motor with an eccentric weight involves using the equations F = ma, a = ω^2r, and ω = 2πf. These equations can be used to calculate the force in each direction over time.

I hope this explanation helps you in your research. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Best of luck in your studies.

FAQ: How to model vibration motor in mobile phone

1. How does a vibration motor work in a mobile phone?

A vibration motor in a mobile phone works by using a small electric motor with an unbalanced weight attached to its shaft. When electricity is passed through the motor, the weight rotates and creates a vibration that is transmitted to the phone's casing, resulting in the familiar buzzing sensation.

2. Can the vibration motor in a mobile phone be turned off?

Yes, most mobile phones have an option to turn off the vibration motor. This can usually be done by going into the phone's settings and adjusting the vibration settings for different functions such as calls, notifications, and alarms.

3. How is the vibration intensity controlled in a mobile phone?

The vibration intensity in a mobile phone is controlled by the power and speed of the electric motor as well as the size and weight of the unbalanced weight attached to it. Some phones may also have settings to adjust the intensity of the vibration for different functions.

4. Can the vibration motor in a mobile phone be replaced if it stops working?

Yes, the vibration motor in a mobile phone can be replaced if it stops working. However, it is a delicate process and should be done by a professional technician. Attempting to replace it yourself may cause damage to other components of the phone.

5. Are there any potential health concerns with using the vibration feature on a mobile phone?

No, there are no known health concerns with using the vibration feature on a mobile phone. The vibration motor is designed to produce a low level of vibration that is safe for everyday use. However, prolonged use of the vibration feature may cause discomfort or numbness in some individuals.

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