How to Normalize the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Wave Function?

In summary, the conversation discusses the integration of the quantum harmonic oscillator wave function in order to find the constant a for normalization. It is suggested to use a substitution and check for proof. The question is raised if the x^2 term should be included in the expression, and if so, whether the integral can be done in terms of elementary functions.
  • #1
when considering the quantum harmonic oscillator, you get that the wave function takes the form


I have been trying to integrate [itex]\psi ^2[/itex] to find the constant a so that the wave function is normalised, and I know the trick with converting to polar coordinates to integrate [itex]e^{-x^2}[/itex], but I cannot figure out how to integrate the more complicated version above. I know that the constant should have the value [itex]\left(\frac{m\omega}{\pi \hbar}\right)^{\frac{1}{4}}[/itex] if the wavefunction is to be normalised, but I can't figure out how to do this?

Thank you in advance!
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  • #2
You have
\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{- c x^2} dx
Make the substitution ##\tilde{x} = \sqrt{c} x##, ##d\tilde{x} = \sqrt{c} dx##, and you get
\frac{1}{\sqrt{c}} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{- \tilde{x}^2} d\tilde{x}
  • #3
Use the substitution [itex] y=\sqrt{\frac{m\omega}{2\hbar}} x [/itex] and check the proof here!
  • #4
21joanna12 said:
when considering the quantum harmonic oscillator, you get that the wave function takes the form


I have been trying to integrate [itex]\psi ^2[/itex] to find the constant a so that the wave function is normalised, and I know the trick with converting to polar coordinates to integrate [itex]e^{-x^2}[/itex], but I cannot figure out how to integrate the more complicated version above. I know that the constant should have the value [itex]\left(\frac{m\omega}{\pi \hbar}\right)^{\frac{1}{4}}[/itex] if the wavefunction is to be normalised, but I can't figure out how to do this?

Thank you in advance!

Do you want the [itex] x^2 [/itex] in your expression for [itex] \psi [/itex]? If not then the comments above should serve you well: if you do, are you really trying to integrate something
\propto \int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-cx^4} \, dx

Related to How to Normalize the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Wave Function?

1. What is the Gaussian distribution integral?

The Gaussian distribution integral is a mathematical concept used to describe the probability distribution of a continuous random variable. It is also known as the normal distribution and is often used in statistics to model real-world phenomena.

2. How is the Gaussian distribution integral calculated?

The Gaussian distribution integral is calculated using a mathematical formula known as the cumulative distribution function (CDF). This formula takes into account the mean and standard deviation of the data and calculates the probability of a random variable falling within a certain range.

3. What is the importance of the Gaussian distribution integral in statistics?

The Gaussian distribution integral is important in statistics because it allows us to make predictions about the likelihood of a certain outcome based on a given set of data. It is also used in hypothesis testing and confidence interval calculations.

4. How is the concept of the Gaussian distribution integral applied in real-world situations?

The Gaussian distribution integral is applied in a wide range of real-world situations, such as in finance, engineering, and social sciences. It is commonly used to model phenomena such as stock prices, weather patterns, and human height.

5. Can the Gaussian distribution integral be used for non-normal distributions?

While the Gaussian distribution is often used to model real-world data, it is important to note that not all data follows a normal distribution. In cases where the data is not normally distributed, alternative statistical methods may need to be used.

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