How to Obtain Fundamental Solutions for Non-Constant Coefficient Equations?

In summary, the conversation is discussing the method of variation of parameters for solving a differential equation with non-constant coefficients. The speaker is seeking help in obtaining the fundamental solutions when the coefficients are not constants. The other person suggests using the method of Frobenius and plugging in the solution of x^r to determine the values of r that work.
  • #1
Solve by method of variation of parameters
(x^2)y'' - (4x)y' + 6y = x^4*sinx (x > 0)

Hey, I know how to solve problems using variation of parameters but only when the corresponding homogenous equation has constant coefficients...

y'' - (4/x)y' + (6/x^2)y = 0.. the bit I am confused about is how to obtain the fundamental solutions to this equation {y1, y2} when the coefficients are not constants. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • #2
Note that each term has the same "units", if you think of x as having units of length (so that a derivative removes one unit of length). Such differential equations have solutions of the form x^r. Plug this in and solve for r, and you'll quickly see why such solutions work. This is something you can just remember, although it would also fall out if you tried the Frobenius method.
  • #3
im not quite sure I understand where to plug in x^r .
  • #4
I mean y(x)=xr is a solution to the homogenous differential equation for certain r. Plug in this y and see which r work.

FAQ: How to Obtain Fundamental Solutions for Non-Constant Coefficient Equations?

What is the concept of "Variation of Parameters" in mathematics?

Variation of Parameters is a method used to find the particular solution of a non-homogeneous linear differential equation. It involves using a set of arbitrary constants, known as parameters, to represent the unknown solution.

When is the "Variation of Parameters" method typically used?

This method is typically used when the coefficients of the differential equation are not constant and cannot be solved using other methods such as the Method of Undetermined Coefficients or the Method of Reduction of Order.

How does the "Variation of Parameters" method work?

The method involves finding the general solution of the associated homogeneous equation, and then using the undetermined parameters to construct a particular solution. These parameters are then solved for using the given initial conditions.

What are the advantages of using the "Variation of Parameters" method?

One advantage of this method is that it can be used to solve non-homogeneous equations with non-constant coefficients, which cannot be solved using other methods. It also provides a more general solution compared to other methods, as it includes arbitrary parameters.

Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using the "Variation of Parameters" method?

One limitation of this method is that it can be more time-consuming compared to other methods, as it involves solving for multiple parameters. It also may not be applicable to all types of non-homogeneous equations, and in some cases, may still require guessing a particular solution.
