How to prove a vector bundle is non-trivial using transition functions

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of checking whether a vector bundle is trivial or not, with a focus on using characteristic classes and Cech cohomology. The use of the sheaf of smooth functions with values in GL(n) is suggested, along with considering the bundle of frames of the vector bundle. It is also mentioned that the frame bundle must be trivial for the vector bundle to be trivial.
  • #1
My knowledge on this topic is a bit sketchy. I realize that there is a whole branch of math out there devoted to checking whether a certain vector bundle is trivial or not, and I partly know some stuff about characteristic classes that seems to do just that (the cases of the Euler classes and Chern classes are well-known to me).

But what if we define a vector bundle in terms of its transition functions? Is there a natural framework to check whether it's non-trivial? I know a bit of Cech cohomology, and it seems that the cocycle condition satisfied by vector bundle makes this piece of math quite relevant. I know of it being used for holomorphic line bundles, but I don't know of a more general approach where one calculates some related Cech cohomology for a general vector bundle given in terms of its transition functions.

Can anyone point me into the right direction? It's not even that I need to calculate something, I'm more generally interested in how one would approach this problem.
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  • #2
First of all, non-trivial characteristic classes are a sufficient, but not necessary condition for non-triviality.

You're right about Cech cohomology. The result is that bundle isomorphism classes correspond to Cech cohomology classes of the base space. I'm a bit foggy on the details myself. I think you want to work with the sheaf of smooth functions with values in GL(n). Then, you'd want to try to show that if the Cech cocycle defined by your transition functions is null-cohomologous, your bundle is trivial. There are some technicalities because GL(n) is non-Abelian, so you have to figure out how to make sense of that.
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  • #3
You could look at the bundle of frames of the vector bundle. This is a ##GL(V)##-principal bundle and this bundle is trivial if and only if it admits a global nowhere-vanishing smooth (unit) section. You get the transition functions directly from the vector bundle. Correspondingly, ##V## is trivial if and only if the frame bundle is trivial. If it is not trivial, you could go around in three overlapping charts and see whether you can produce a contradiction.
I hope this helps.

FAQ: How to prove a vector bundle is non-trivial using transition functions

1. How do you prove that a vector bundle is non-trivial?

To prove that a vector bundle is non-trivial, you need to show that the transition functions between local trivializations are not constant. This means that the vector bundle cannot be continuously deformed into a trivial bundle.

2. What are transition functions in a vector bundle?

Transition functions are the mathematical objects that describe how the local trivializations of a vector bundle are related to each other. They allow us to smoothly glue together the local trivializations to form a global structure.

3. Can you give an example of a non-trivial vector bundle?

One example of a non-trivial vector bundle is the Möbius strip, which is a one-dimensional vector bundle over a two-dimensional base space. It cannot be continuously deformed into a trivial bundle, as it has a half-twist in its structure.

4. Why is proving the non-triviality of a vector bundle important?

Proving the non-triviality of a vector bundle is important because it helps us understand the topological structure of the bundle. It also allows us to classify different types of vector bundles and study their properties.

5. Are there any techniques or strategies for proving a vector bundle is non-trivial?

Yes, there are various techniques and strategies for proving the non-triviality of a vector bundle. Some common approaches include using homotopy theory, obstruction theory, and characteristic classes. It is important to carefully analyze the transition functions and their properties to determine the non-triviality of the bundle.
