How to prove if Riemann integrable then J-integrable

  • Thread starter ianchenmu
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In summary, the conversation discusses the definitions and properties of Riemann and J-integrability for a bounded function on a closed Jordan domain in n-dimensional space. It is proven that if a function is Riemann integrable on the domain, then it is also J-integrable. The conversation also introduces the concepts of upper and lower R-sums and the notation for calculating the volume of a function on a domain.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let ##E\subset\mathbb{R}^n## be a closed Jordan domain and ##f:E\rightarrow\mathbb{R}## a bounded function. We adopt the convention that ##f## is extended to ##\mathbb{R}^n\setminus E## by ##0##.
Let ##\jmath## be a finite set of Jordan domains in ##\mathbb{R}^n## that cover ##E##.

Define ##M_J=sup\left \{ f(x)\;|\;x\in J \right \}##, ##m_J=inf\left \{ f(x)\;|\;x\in J \right \}####W(f;\jmath )=\sum_{J\in\jmath ,J\cap E\neq \varnothing }M_JVol(J)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;##(upper R-sum)
##w(f;\jmath )=\sum_{J\in\jmath ,J\cap E\neq \varnothing }m_JVol(J)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;##(lower R-sum)

Define ##\overline{vol}(f;E)=inf\left \{ W(f;\jmath ) \right \}\;##, ##\;\underline{vol}(f;E)=sup\left \{ w(f;\jmath ) \right \}##.

Say that ##f## is ##J##-integrable on ##E## if ##\overline{vol}(f;E)=\underline{vol}(f;E)##.

**Prove** that if ##f## is Riemann integrable on ##E## then it is ##J##-integrable.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

How to relate this? The definition of Riemann integrable has only a difference that ##\jmath## is an n-dimensional rectangle and ##J## is a grid on ##\jmath##.
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  • #2
I think that ##J##-integrable implies Riemann integrable (by taking ##\jmath## to be a grid on ##E##) but I am not sure how to prove the other way.

FAQ: How to prove if Riemann integrable then J-integrable

1. What is the difference between Riemann integrable and J-integrable?

Riemann integrability refers to a function being integrable using the Riemann sum method, while J-integrability is a more general concept that considers integrability based on the Jordan content of a function.

2. How can I prove that a function is Riemann integrable?

In order to prove that a function is Riemann integrable, you must show that it meets the necessary and sufficient conditions for Riemann integrability. This includes being bounded, having a finite number of discontinuities, and having a Riemann sum that approaches a finite limit as the partition size approaches zero.

3. Is every Riemann integrable function also J-integrable?

No, not every Riemann integrable function is necessarily J-integrable. A function must meet additional conditions, such as being bounded on a closed interval, in order to be J-integrable.

4. What is the significance of proving a function is J-integrable?

Proving a function is J-integrable is important because it allows for a wider range of functions to be integrated and can provide more accurate results. J-integrability also takes into account more complex functions that may not meet the conditions for Riemann integrability.

5. Can a function be J-integrable but not Riemann integrable?

Yes, a function can be J-integrable but not Riemann integrable. This is because J-integrability considers a broader range of functions, including those that may have infinite discontinuities but still have a finite Jordan content.

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