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Thanks, I'll take a look at it.
To determine if Q(√2+√2):Q is a field extension, we must first check if Q(√2+√2) is a field. This can be done by verifying that every element in Q(√2+√2) has an inverse in Q(√2+√2). We also need to check if Q is a subfield of Q(√2+√2).
The degree of Q(√2+√2):Q is 4. This is because the minimal polynomial of √2+√2 over Q is x^4 - 4x^2 + 2, which is a quartic polynomial.
To prove that Q(√2+√2):Q is a normal extension, we need to show that it is a splitting field for some polynomial over Q. In this case, we can show that Q(√2+√2) is a splitting field for the polynomial x^4 - 4x^2 + 2 over Q.
Yes, the Galois correspondence can be used to prove the normality of Q(√2+√2):Q. We can show that the Galois group of Q(√2+√2):Q over Q is isomorphic to the Klein four-group, which is a normal subgroup of the symmetric group S4. This implies that Q(√2+√2):Q is a normal extension.
Yes, there are other methods to prove the normality of Q(√2+√2):Q. One approach is to use the fact that Q(√2+√2) is a quadratic extension of Q(√2), which is a normal extension. Another method is to use the fact that Q(√2+√2) is a Galois extension, and therefore, it must be a normal extension.