How to prove that rank is a similarity invariant?

In summary, the rank of a matrix is invariant under similarity, as shown through the use of invertible matrices and the general property of matrix multiplication.
  • #1
1. Prove that the rank of a matrix is invariant under similarity.Notes so far:
Let A, B, P be nxn matrices, and let A and B be similar. That is, there exists an invertible matrix P such that B = P-1AP. I know the following relations so far: rank(P)=rank(P-1)=n ; rank(A) = rank(AT); rank(A) + nullity(A) = n . However, I'm unable to write a full proof of the theorem. It makes sense intuitively, but I really would like a written proof.Thanks for your help!
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  • #2
Rank is the dimension of the image of the transformation. Can you compare the dimension of the image of B and A?
  • #3
Yea, it sort of just hit me. Just to verify I've written it up soundly, how does this sound to you?

Let [tex] B = P^{-1}AP.[/tex] Consider [tex] T_A:V \rightarrow V [/tex] and [tex] T_B: V \rightarrow V. [/tex] Then [tex] (P^{-1}AP)\textbf{x} = \textbf{0} \Leftrightarrow A\textbf{x}=\textbf{0} [/tex], simply multiply by [tex] P [/tex] on left and [tex] P^{-1} [/tex] on right. Therefore, [tex] N(T_A) = N(T_B). [/tex] Equivalently, [tex] rank(A) = rank(B) [/tex].
  • #4
Raskolnikov said:
Yea, it sort of just hit me. Just to verify I've written it up soundly, how does this sound to you?

Let [tex] B = P^{-1}AP.[/tex] Consider [tex] T_A:V \rightarrow V [/tex] and [tex] T_B: V \rightarrow V. [/tex] Then [tex] (P^{-1}AP)\textbf{x} = \textbf{0} \Leftrightarrow A\textbf{x}=\textbf{0} [/tex], simply multiply by [tex] P [/tex] on left and [tex] P^{-1} [/tex] on right. Therefore, [tex] N(T_A) = N(T_B). [/tex] Equivalently, [tex] rank(A) = rank(B) [/tex].
That doesn't work because the x gets in the way when you try to multiply by P-1 on the right.
  • #5
vela said:
That doesn't work because the x gets in the way when you try to multiply by P-1 on the right.

Attempt #2:
hmmm...well, since P is invertible, [tex] R(T_P) = R^n. [/tex]
So [tex] (P^{-1}AP)\textbf{x} = \textbf{0} \Leftrightarrow AP\textbf{x}=\textbf{0}
\Leftrightarrow T_A(T_P(\textbf{x})) = \textbf{0}. [/tex] But, since [tex] R(T_P) = R^n , [/tex] this is equivalent to [tex] T_A(\textbf{x}) = A\textbf{x}= \textbf{0}. [/tex]

How is this?
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  • #6
That doesn't work either. For example, working in R2, suppose you have

[tex]A=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0\end{bmatrix}[/tex]


[tex]P=\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0\end{bmatrix}[/tex]


[tex]P^{-1}AP\begin{bmatrix}1 \\ 0\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}0 \\ 0\end{bmatrix}[/tex]


[tex]A\begin{bmatrix}1 \\ 0\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}1 \\ 0\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

So P-1APx=0 doesn't imply Ax=0.
  • #7
Alright, I think I'm over-complicating things. Since P and P-1 are invertible, they are equivalent to multiplication of some elementary matrices. Thus, multiplying A on the left by P-1 is solely elementary row operations, and multiplying by P on the right is solely elementary column operations. Neither of these affect the dimensions of the rowspace or columnspace of A. Thus, rank(A) remains the same.

How does this sound?
  • #8
That sounds more complicated than necessary to me. Go back to your original idea but be more careful- If [itex]B= P^{-1}AP[/itex] and Bx= 0, then (P^{-1}AP)x= P^{-1}(AP)x= 0 so, multiplying on both sides by P, APx= 0. Now let [itex]y= P^{-1}x[/itex] so that [itex]x= Py[/itex]. APx= AP(P^{-1}P)x= A(Px)= Ay= 0.
  • #9
HallsofIvy said:
Now let [itex]y= P^{-1}x[/itex] so that [itex]x= Py[/itex]. APx= AP(P^{-1}P)x= A(Px)= Ay= 0.

I don't see how that logically follows. From your definition of y, we should get [tex] APx = AP(Py) = AP^2y=0. [/tex]

Regardless, I think I stumbled on a somewhat more elegant proof. It uses the general fact that [tex] rank(AB) \ \leq \ min\{rank(A),rank(B)\}. [/tex]

Let [itex]
B= P^{-1}AP
[/itex]. Then [tex] rank(B) = rank(P^{-1}AP) \leq rank(P^{-1})rank(A)rank(P) \leq rank(A), [/tex] since [tex] rank(P) = rank(P^{-1}) = n \geq rank(A). [/tex] Similarly, since [tex] A=PBP^{-1} [/tex], we easily find that [tex] rank(A) \leq rank(B). [/tex] Therefore, [tex] rank(A)=rank(B). [/tex]

FAQ: How to prove that rank is a similarity invariant?

1. What is rank and how is it related to similarity invariance?

Rank is a mathematical term that refers to the number of independent rows or columns in a matrix. It is related to similarity invariance because it measures the number of linearly independent vectors in a matrix, which is a key factor in determining if two matrices are similar or not.

2. How can I prove that rank is a similarity invariant?

There are a few different ways to prove that rank is a similarity invariant. One approach is to use the definition of similarity, which states that two matrices A and B are similar if there exists an invertible matrix P such that A = PBP-1. By manipulating this equation and using properties of rank, you can show that the rank of A and B must be equal.

3. Is rank the only similarity invariant?

No, rank is not the only similarity invariant. Other examples include trace, determinant, and characteristic polynomial. These invariants can also be used to determine if two matrices are similar or not.

4. Can rank be affected by elementary row operations?

Yes, elementary row operations can affect the rank of a matrix. However, they do not change the similarity of two matrices. This is because elementary row operations can be undone by performing the same operations on the other matrix, thus preserving the similarity.

5. How is rank related to eigenvalues and eigenvectors?

The rank of a matrix is related to its eigenvalues and eigenvectors in several ways. For example, the number of nonzero eigenvalues is equal to the rank of the matrix. Additionally, the dimension of the eigenspace corresponding to a particular eigenvalue is equal to the multiplicity of that eigenvalue, which is related to the rank of the matrix.

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