How to Prove that u and Gradient(f(u)) are Colinear on the Unit Sphere?

In summary: Thank you.Basically, you are trying to find the optimum value of a function ##f## subject to a constraint that the variables must lie on a hypersphere of unit radius. Look for articles on how to deal with this kind of problem and see what they say about it.In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of finding the maximum of a function on a hypersphere of unit radius. The goal is to show that the point of maximum and the gradient of the function at that point are colinear. The conversation touches on the use of the implicit function theorem and the concept of constrained optimization.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let be ##f : V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}## a ##C^{1}## function define on a neighbourhood V of the unit sphere ##S = S_{n-1}##(in ##\mathbb{R}^{n}## with its euclidian structure.).
By compacity it exists u in S with ##f(u) = max_{x \in S}f(x) = m##. My goal is to show that ##u## and ##grad(f(u))## are colinear.

Homework Equations

##f(u) = max_{x \in S}f(x)##

The Attempt at a Solution

If m is the maximum in a certain neighbourhood then the gradient is nul so the results is obvious. Then I wroght J the set of all i in ##<1, n>## with ##\frac{\partial f}{\partial i}(u) \neq 0##, if i in J that mean this equality is true on e certain neighbourhood ##V_{i}## of u so I considere the fonction ##x \in V_{i} \rightarrow \frac{x_{i}}{\frac{\partial f}{\partial i}(x)}## and try to show
that they all value a same value on u. But I don't know what to do(perhaps with the implicites function theorem.). and what to do with the nul components. I'm lost.

Could you helpme please?

Thank you in advance and have a nice afternoon:oldbiggrin:.
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  • #2
Calabi said:

Homework Statement

Let be ##f : V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}## a ##C^{1}## function define on a neighbourhood V of the unit sphere ##S = S_{n-1}##(in ##\mathbb{R}^{n}## with its euclidian structure.).
By compacity it exists u in S with ##f(u) = max_{x \in S}f(x) = m##. My goal is to show that ##u## and ##grad(f(u))## are colinear.

Homework Equations

##f(u) = max_{x \in S}f(x)##

The Attempt at a Solution

If m is the maximum in a certain neighbourhood then the gradient is nul so the results is obvious. Then I wroght J the set of all i in ##<1, n>## with ##\frac{\partial f}{\partial i}(u) \neq 0##, if i in J that mean this equality is true on e certain neighbourhood ##V_{i}## of u so I considere the fonction ##x \in V_{i} \rightarrow \frac{x_{i}}{\frac{\partial f}{\partial i}(x)}## and try to show
that they all value a same value on u. But I don't know what to do(perhaps with the implicites function theorem.). and what to do with the nul components. I'm lost.

Could you helpme please?

Thank you in advance and have a nice afternoon:oldbiggrin:.

Please stop using a bold font in your message; it looks like you are yelling at us!

Anyway, the gradient is definitely NOT null in this problem; stationarity at an extremum applies to unconstrained optimization problems, not to problems where your variables are subject to one or more equality constraints, as they are in this case. In your problem you have the constraint ##\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2 = 1## imposed on the variables in your function ##f(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)##.
  • #3
Hello I try to keep out the bold but I can't so sorry I'm not yelling on you.
  • #4
It is possible that one of the variable of u is nul. I just say that it exists u where the maximum of f on S is reach.
And the gradient could also have a nul component which not necessarely mean that the gradient is nul.
  • #5
Calabi said:
Hello I try to keep out the bold but I can't so sorry I'm not yelling on you.

Yes you can (keep out the bold, that is); just preview your entry before you post it, to see what it will look like. If it is in bold, just use your mouse to pick out the bold part and then press the "B" button on the gray ribbon menu at the top of the input panel. Alternatively, you can manually delete the "[B|" and "[/B]' delimiters at the start and end of the bold text.

Anyway, at the optimum it might be the case that ALL components of the gradient are non-zero. Maybe some of them are zero, but maybe not---you cannnot assume anything like that. It depends very much on the form of ##f(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)##
  • #6
Yes I agree. But still don't see the colinearity.

I try to make a draw and we could show that ##grad(g(u))## is orthogonal to S and I already heard that is link to implicite function.

Have you got an idea please?
  • #7
Calabi said:
Yes I agree. But still don't see the colinearity.

I try to make a draw and we could show that ##grad(g(u))## is orthogonal to S and I already heard that is link to implicite function.

Have you got an idea please?

I don't think I am allowed to say any more; I would be solving the problem if I did.

All I can suggest is that you look in your textbook, or look on-line for articles and/or tutorials on "constrained optimization problems", or something similar.
  • #8
The things is I don't see what you suggest to me.
You could say me to look an intermediar function or something else.
  • #9
Without giving me the solution the problem is not a one problem line.
  • #10
Ok it's cool I find on optimization theory some usefull information.

FAQ: How to Prove that u and Gradient(f(u)) are Colinear on the Unit Sphere?

1. What is the gradient on the unit sphere?

The gradient on the unit sphere is a vector that points in the direction of the steepest increase of a function on the surface of the sphere. It is perpendicular to the level curves of the function and its magnitude represents the rate of change of the function at a certain point on the sphere.

2. How is the gradient calculated on the unit sphere?

To calculate the gradient on the unit sphere, the unit normal vector at a given point is first determined. Then, the dot product of the unit normal vector and the gradient of the function is taken, resulting in a scalar value. Finally, the gradient vector is obtained by multiplying the scalar value with the unit normal vector.

3. What is the significance of the gradient on the unit sphere?

The gradient on the unit sphere is significant because it helps us understand the direction and rate of change of a function on the surface of the sphere. It is also useful in optimization problems, where finding the minimum or maximum of a function on the sphere is desired.

4. Does the gradient on the unit sphere always point towards the center of the sphere?

No, the gradient on the unit sphere does not always point towards the center of the sphere. It depends on the direction and magnitude of the function's rate of change at a specific point on the sphere. The gradient can point in any direction on the surface of the sphere.

5. How does the gradient on the unit sphere relate to the Laplace-Beltrami operator?

The gradient on the unit sphere is closely related to the Laplace-Beltrami operator, which is a differential operator used to measure the curvature of a surface. The Laplace-Beltrami operator of a function on the unit sphere can be expressed in terms of the gradient and the Hessian matrix of the function.

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