How to Prove the Integral Identity in POTW #331?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Euge
  • Start date
In summary, POTW #331 is a weekly challenge on the website Project Euler that was released on November 13, 2018. The goal of the challenge is to solve a mathematical or computer science problem using critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It is open to anyone with an interest in these subjects, regardless of age or skill level, and there are no prizes for solving the challenge. The main reward is the satisfaction of solving a challenging problem and improving problem-solving skills.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Here is this week's POTW:

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$$\int_0^\infty \frac{x^\alpha \log x}{x^2 + 1}\, dx = \frac{\pi^2}{4} \frac{\sin(\pi \alpha/2)}{\cos^2(\pi \alpha/2)}\quad (0 < \alpha < 1)$$-----

Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
Hello MHB community,

Since this POTW is more difficult than usual, I will give another week for user’s to attempt a solution. Please write a careful analysis in your solution, not simply a calculation.

As a side note, transforming the integral via the transformation $x\mapsto 1/x$, the result can be shown to be valid more generally for $-1 < \alpha < 1$.
  • #3
Congratulations to Opalg, Ackbach for correct, carefully written solutions. Honorable mention goes to Dhamnekar Winod.

1. Here is Opalg's solution:

Preliminary calculation: $1+e^{i\pi\alpha} = 1 + \cos(\pi\alpha) + i\sin(\pi\alpha) = 2\cos^2(\pi\alpha/2) + 2i\sin(\pi\alpha/2)\cos(\pi\alpha/2) = 2e^{i\pi\alpha/2}\cos(\pi\alpha/2)$.

First main calculation: \(\displaystyle \int_0^\infty \frac{x^\alpha}{x^2+1}dx = \frac{\pi}{2\cos(\pi\alpha/2)}.\)

To see that, integrate the function $f(z) = \frac{z^\alpha}{z^2+1}$ round a contour consisting of the segment $[-R,R]$ of the real axis and the semicircle in the upper half-plane with ends at $R$ and $-R$, and then let $R\to\infty$. (The function has a branch point at the origin but is zero there. If you want to be super-careful, you can avoid the branch point by taking a small semi-circular detour round the origin, staying in the upper half-plane so as to stay on the same branch of the function. The integral along the detour will go to $0$ as its radius goes to $0$.)

The integral consists of three segments: \(\displaystyle I_1= \int_0^\infty \frac{x^\alpha}{x^2+1}dx\) is the part on the positive real axis. For $I_2$, the integral round the semicircle, let $z = Re^{i\theta}$. Then \(\displaystyle I_2 = \int_0^\pi \frac{R^\alpha e^{i\alpha\theta}}{R^2e^{2i\theta} + 1}iRe^{i\theta}d\theta.\) The size of the integrand is of order $R^{\alpha-1}$, so $I_2\to0$ as $R\to\infty$.

For $I_3$, the integral along the negative real axis, put $z = xe^{i\pi} = -x$. Then \(\displaystyle I_3 = \int_{-\infty}^0 \frac{x^\alpha e^{i\pi\alpha}}{x^2+1}(-dx) = e^{i\pi\alpha}I_1.\)

The only singularity of $f(z)$ inside the contour is at $z=i = e^{i\pi/2}$. Since $z^2+1 = (z-i)(z+i)$, the residue there is \(\displaystyle \left.\frac{z^\alpha}{z+1}\right|_{z=i} = \frac{e^{i\pi\alpha/2}}{2i}.\)

By Cauchy's theorem, $I_1+I_2+I_3 = 2\pi i\, \text{res}_if(z)$, so $(1+e^{i\pi\alpha})I_1 = \pi e^{i\pi\alpha/2}$. It follows from the preliminary calculation that \(\displaystyle I_1 = \frac{\pi}{2\cos(\pi\alpha/2)}\), as required.

Second main calculation is to find \(\displaystyle \int_0^\infty \frac{x^\alpha \log x}{x^2+1}dx\). For this, proceed exactly as for the first main calculation, using the function $g(z) = \dfrac{z^\alpha\log z}{z^2+1}$. The integral $J_1$ along the positive real axis is the answer that we are looking for. For $J_2$, the integral round the semicircle, the extra factor $\log R$ in the integrand does not stop the integral from going to zero, because $R^{\alpha-1}\log R \to0$.

For $J_3$, the integral along the negative real axis, the substitution $z=xe^{i\pi}$ gives $\log z = \log x + i\pi$, and so \(\displaystyle J_3 = \int_{-\infty}^0 \frac{x^\alpha e^{i\pi\alpha}(\log x + i\pi)}{x^2+1}(-dx) = e^{i\pi\alpha}(J_1 + i\pi I_1).\)

The residue of $g(z)$ at $i$ is \(\displaystyle \left.\frac{z^\alpha\log z}{z+i}\right|_{z=i} = \frac{e^{i\pi\alpha/2}(i\pi/2)}{2i}.\) Cauchy's theorem then gives \(\displaystyle (1 + e^{i\pi\alpha})J_1 + i\pi e^{i\pi\alpha}I_1 = \frac{i\pi^2}2e^{i\pi\alpha/2}.\)

Now use the two previous calculations to see that \[ 2e^{i\pi\alpha/2}\cos(\pi\alpha/2)J_1 = \frac{i\pi^2}2e^{i\pi\alpha/2} - \frac{i\pi^2e^{i\pi\alpha}}{2\cos(\pi\alpha/2)},\] \[ 2\cos(\pi\alpha/2)J_1 = \frac{i\pi^2}2 - \frac{i\pi^2e^{i\pi\alpha/2}}{2\cos(\pi\alpha/2)} = \frac{i\pi^2}2 - \frac{i\pi^2\bigl(\cos(\pi\alpha/2 + i\sin(\pi\alpha/2)\bigr)}{2\cos(\pi\alpha/2)} = \frac{\pi^2}2\frac{\sin(\pi\alpha/2)}{\cos(\pi\alpha/2)}, \] and so \(\displaystyle J_1 = \frac{\pi^2}4\frac{\sin(\pi\alpha/2)}{\cos^2(\pi\alpha/2)}.\)

2. Here is Ackbach's solution.

We consider the complex integral equivalent
and make this part of a contour as follows (let $z=re^{i\theta}$):
\gamma_1:&\;\varepsilon<r\le R, \; \theta=0 \\
\gamma_2:&\;0<\theta<\pi, \; r=R \\
\gamma_3:&\;-R<r<-\varepsilon, \; \theta=\pi \\
\gamma_4:&\;r=\varepsilon, \; \pi >\theta >0.
We define
z^{\alpha}&=r^{\alpha}e^{i\alpha \operatorname{arg}(z)}, \\
That is, we choose the branch cut for these two functions along the negative imaginary axis. Let
$$f(z)=\frac{z^{\alpha}\ln(z) }{z^2+1}.$$
Then the only pole of $f$ inside the contour described above is at $z=i$. Hence, we have that
$$\sum_{j=1}^4\int_{\gamma_j}f(z)\,dz=2\pi i \operatorname{Res}[f,i], $$
by the Residue Theorem. It follows that
$$\int_{\gamma_1}f(z)\,dz=2\pi i \operatorname{Res}[f,i]-\sum_{j=2}^4\int_{\gamma_j}f(z)\,dz=2\pi i\left(\frac{\pi e^{i\alpha\pi/2}}{4}\right)-\sum_{j=2}^4\int_{\gamma_j}f(z)\,dz=\frac{i\pi^2 e^{i\alpha\pi/2}}{2}-\sum_{j=2}^4\int_{\gamma_j}f(z)\,dz.$$
The next step is to show that
Both of these will follow by the ML inequality. On $\gamma_4,$ we have that
$$|f(z)|\le \varepsilon^\alpha \sqrt{\ln^2(\varepsilon) + \pi^2}/(1 - \varepsilon^2)\lesssim \varepsilon^\alpha \ln(1/\varepsilon) \lesssim \varepsilon^{(\alpha - 1)}.$$
By ML, $\displaystyle\int_{\gamma_4}$ is $O(\varepsilon^{\alpha}),$ which goes to zero as $\varepsilon\to 0.$ Similarly, on $\gamma_2,$ $f$ is $O(R^{\alpha-1}),$ which goes to zero as $R\to\infty,$ since $\alpha<1.$ So we now have
$$\int_{\gamma_1}f(z)\,dz=\frac{i\pi^2 e^{i\alpha\pi/2}}{2}-\int_{\gamma_3}f(z)\,dz.$$
We can show (I'll omit the tedious calculations) that:
$$\int_{\gamma_1}f(z)\,dz=\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{x^{\alpha}\ln(x)}{x^2+1}\,dx\quad\text{and}\quad\int_{\gamma_3}f(z)\,dz=e^{i\alpha\pi}\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{x^{\alpha}\ln(x)}{x^2+1}\,dx+i\pi e^{i\alpha\pi}\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{x^{\alpha}}{x^2+1}\,dx.$$
We'll pull the first one on the RHS to the LHS to obtain
$$(1+e^{i\alpha\pi})\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{x^{\alpha}\ln(x)}{x^2+1}\,dx=\frac{i\pi^2 e^{i\alpha\pi/2}}{2}-i\pi e^{i\alpha\pi}\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{x^{\alpha}}{x^2+1}\,dx. $$
Next we multiply by $e^{-i\alpha\pi}$ and take the real part to obtain
$$(1+\cos(\alpha\pi))\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{x^{\alpha}\ln(x)}{x^2+1}\,dx=\frac{\pi^2\sin(\alpha\pi/2)}{2}. $$
Trig identities will yield the final result.

Note: many thanks to Euge for lots of help on this one. I learned not a few tricks!

Note that while the above solutions use complex analysis, the integral may be evaluated by real variable methods. One can use the properties of the Gamma and Beta functions, a method employed by Dhamnenkar.

FAQ: How to Prove the Integral Identity in POTW #331?

What is POTW #331?

POTW #331 is a weekly challenge on the website Project Euler, where participants are given a mathematical or computer science problem to solve.

When was POTW #331 released?

POTW #331 was released on November 13, 2018.

What is the goal of POTW #331?

The goal of POTW #331 is to solve a mathematical or computer science problem using critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Who can participate in POTW #331?

Anyone with an interest in mathematics or computer science can participate in POTW #331. It is open to all ages and skill levels.

Are there any prizes for solving POTW #331?

No, there are no prizes for solving POTW #331. The main reward is the satisfaction of solving a challenging problem and improving problem-solving skills.
