How to prove this question by induction

  • Thread starter hannahang
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In summary, you are trying to prove a theorem by mathematical induction. You started with n=1 and were able to prove it for n=1. You are having trouble proving it for n=k+1. You are using the product rule to differentiate d/dx(d^k/dx^k(e^x2) and are getting stuck on the last step. You are told that e^{x^2}(2^{(k+1)}x^{(k+1)} + Q_{k}(x)) + e^{x^2}(M_{(k-1)}(x)) is a polynomial, factorise it, and tell me the resulting polyn
  • #1
Prove by induction that for all n≥ 1,

dn/ dxn (e ^(x2) = Pn (x) e ^(x2)

where Pn(x) is a polynomial in x of degree n with coefficient of x^n equal to 2^n

I have problems trying to prove this question by mathematical induction. Please help...Really much appreciated
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  • #2
Do you know the basics of proof by mathematical induction? You haven't stated where exactly you're having trouble.
  • #3
I have started the prove with n = 1, that part was okay, I managed to prove that it is true for n = 1.

The part I am having trouble with is to prove n = k+1.

For that part, I tried to use product rule to differentiate d/dx(d^k/dx^k(e^x2)

I got 2^(k+1)x^(k+1) e^x2 + e^x2(k2^kx^k-1)

This is the part I got stuck with...Please advise thxs..
  • #4
You're on the right track, but you're missing a few steps. For the induction step, you assume that

[itex]\frac{d^n}{dx^n}e^{x^2} = P_{n}(x)e^{x^2}[/itex]

is true. Now use this to prove that

[itex]\frac{d^k}{dx^k}e^{x^2} = P_{k}(x)e^{x^2}[/itex], where k=n+1

is true.

Here's a hint, what is


equal to in terms of n instead of (n+1)?
  • #5

Thxs for the prompt reply...

I have done this d^(k+1)/dx^(K+1) (e^(x^2) = d/dx(d^k/dx^k (e^x^2)
= (Pk (x). e^(x^2)
Then I used product rule for this part which ended up with

= 2^(k+1)x^(k+1) e^x2 + e^x2(k. 2^k. x^k-1)
= e^(x^2) P k+1 (x) + this part I am not sure

It should just be equal to e^(x^2) P k+1 (x)... I don't know how to deal with the other part

  • #6
It seems that you're now using k to take the place of n. That's okay, just clarifying that so I don't confuse you with my reply.

You're correct so far. But remember the definition of [itex]P_{k}(x)[/itex]. We only need it to be a polynomial whose leading term is [itex]2^{k}x^{k}[/itex]. I'm unsure what your last step is, but try to simplify your second to last step. You should get [itex]e^{x^2}[/itex] multiplied by a polynomial. Does this polynomial satisfy our definition of [itex]P_{k}(x)[/itex]?
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  • #7
the second last step...that's the part I am not how I can simplyfy to get that polynomial Pk(x)

I have tried many ways...but I can't seem to get the proving right...

Could you please show me your workings so I can check with mine?

  • #8
Please show me how you would solve this problem so that I can compare with mine...Thxs so much...I need to finish this asap...

Thxs so much for ur help
  • #9
I don't have the time to write it out in detail, but what you should have at the moment is

[itex]e^{x^2}(2^{(k+1)}x^{(k+1)} + Q_{k}(x)) + e^{x^2}(M_{(k-1)}(x))[/itex] where [itex]Q_{k}(x)[/itex] and [itex]M_{(k-1)}(x)[/itex] are polynomials of degree k.

Factorise the [itex]e^{x^2}[/itex] and then tell me the resulting polynomial that it's multiplied by, the definition of [itex]P_{(k+1)}(x)[/itex] and whether or not your polynomial satisfies this.
  • #10
hannahang said:
Please show me how you would solve this problem so that I can compare with mine...
That's not how it works here at Physics Forums.

From the Rules (
Under no circumstances should complete solutions be provided to a questioner, whether or not an attempt has been made.
hannahang said:
Thxs so much...I need to finish this asap...

Thxs so much for ur help
  • #11
Thank you so much for your help. I will try to figure out how to do it again with your hints.

Hopefully, I can solve it as soon as possible. Thank you

Related to How to prove this question by induction

1. How do I start a proof by induction?

To start a proof by induction, you must first state the statement that you are trying to prove. Then, you must show that the statement holds true for a base case (usually n=1). Finally, you must show that if the statement holds true for some arbitrary value of n, it also holds true for n+1.

2. What is the difference between strong and weak induction?

The difference between strong and weak induction lies in the way the inductive step is performed. In strong induction, we assume that the statement holds true for all values up to n, while in weak induction, we only assume that it holds true for the previous value of n. This allows for a stronger inductive step in strong induction.

3. Can I use induction to prove any statement?

No, induction can only be used to prove statements that have a mathematical structure and can be written in terms of natural numbers. It cannot be used for non-mathematical statements or those involving real numbers.

4. How do I know when to use induction in a proof?

Induction is a useful method when you need to prove a statement that involves a variable that takes on discrete values, such as natural numbers. You can also use induction when the statement involves recursive definitions or when you need to prove a statement for all values of n.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when using induction?

Some common mistakes to avoid when using induction include assuming that the statement holds true for all values of n without properly proving it for the base case, using weak induction when strong induction is necessary, and using induction when it is not applicable to the statement. It is important to carefully follow the steps of induction and check for errors in your proof.

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