How to run Madgraph to calculate Feynmann Diagram

  • Thread starter zhangyang
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In summary, the conversation discusses the process of analyzing scattering using software such as Madgraph and Python. The speaker is experiencing difficulties with entering the interface and running the program, and seeks assistance in correcting their errors. They also mention trying to use the web edition of Madgraph, but are unable to obtain accurate results.
  • #1
Now I am studying some software to analyze the scattering process,but when I download the Madgraph and Python,I can't enter the interface,now I tell you my operation,could you tell me where I am wrong?
First,open Python,File open (madgraph tutorial text).But how could I operate next?
When I input "./bin/mg5_aMC" in the Python interface and Enter,result in an error.How to correct?
Thank you very much.
  • #3
Now,I try to use the web edition on
Input "e+ e->a a" which express positive and minus electrons convert into two photons,"submit",but why cann't I get a correct result on Feynman diagram and cross section?

FAQ: How to run Madgraph to calculate Feynmann Diagram

1. How do I install Madgraph on my computer?

To install Madgraph, you will need to download the latest version from the official website and follow the installation instructions provided. You may also need to install additional software such as Python or a C++ compiler depending on your operating system.

2. What is the input format for Feynman diagrams in Madgraph?

The input format for Feynman diagrams in Madgraph is a text file with a specific syntax. The syntax includes information such as the particles involved, their momenta, and the interactions between them. The Madgraph manual provides detailed guidance on the input format.

3. How do I choose the appropriate model for my calculation in Madgraph?

The appropriate model for your calculation in Madgraph depends on the physical system you are studying. You can select from a range of pre-existing models or create your own. It is important to choose a model that accurately represents the physics of your system.

4. How do I interpret the output from a Madgraph calculation?

The output from a Madgraph calculation is a text file with the results of the calculation, including the cross-sections and differential distributions. It is important to carefully read the output and understand the units and parameters used. The Madgraph manual provides guidance on how to interpret the output.

5. Can Madgraph calculate higher-order Feynman diagrams?

Madgraph is capable of calculating higher-order Feynman diagrams, but this depends on the complexity of the system and the available computing resources. It is recommended to start with simpler calculations and gradually increase the complexity to ensure accurate results.
