How to show G/Z(R(G)) is isomorphic to Aut(R(G))?

In summary, the problem is trying to prove that G/(Z(R(G))) is isomorphic to N(R(G)). TheRadical of G is normal, and the center of G is Z(R(G)). The kernel of the mapping from G to Aut(R(G)) is a centralizer.
  • #1
I am working on this problem with lots and lots of nesting definitions like this following, and I have been trying to get help from here as well as , but none gave me complete help:

Show that ##G/Z(R(G))## is isomorphic to a subgroup of ##Aut(R(G))##.​

For your info, ##R(G)## is called the Radical of ##G##, defined as ##R(G) := E(G)F(G)##, where ##E(G)## is called the Layer of ##G##, and ##F(G)## is called the Fitting of ##G##. Long story short, it suffices (I think) to say that since both ##E(G)## and ##F(G)## are normal according to a lemma, therefore ##R(G)## is normal too.

And then the problem comes with a hint: Use Exercise 3.4. This exercise has the following mappings:

\alpha \ &: \ N_G(H) \to Aut(H), \quad g \mapsto \alpha_g \tag{1}\\
\text{where} \ \alpha_g \ &: \ H \to H, \quad h \mapsto h^g, \tag{2}

therefore I think that this hint is directing me to use conjugate automorphism.

I was thinking about letting ##\varphi : G/Z(R(G)) \to Aut(R(G))##, and thenstructuring this ##\varphi## into mappings like (1) and (2), so that at least I have a visual idea. But after getting limited responses from my earlier postings, I am not so sure that will be the right direction. Any help or hints would be very, very much appreciated.

Thank you for your time and help.
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  • #2
Is N(H) supposed to be the normalizer, and Z(R(G)) supposed to be the center of R(G)?
  • #3
MostlyHarmless said:
Is N(H) supposed to be the normalizer, and Z(R(G)) supposed to be the center of R(G)?
Yes, that is correct. ##Z## and ##N## stand for centralizer and normalizer. Thanks!
  • #4
Wait, the center or the centralizer?

Either way, I'm not familiar with the Radical, but I would try proving that the map that they gave is an automorphism(replacing H with R(G), and then show that the G/(Z(R(G)) is isomorphic to N(R(G)).
  • #5
MostlyHarmless said:
Wait, the center or the centralizer?

Either way, I'm not familiar with the Radical, but I would try proving that the map that they gave is an automorphism(replacing H with R(G), and then show that the G/(Z(R(G)) is isomorphic to N(R(G)).

Oops! I made careless typo. Center ##Z(G) ## have the elements of ##G## that commute with every element in ##G##.
  • #6
Ah ok, well that's about as much as I can offer on this one. I would start by redfining that map with R(G) in place of H and prove that it is an automorphism.
  • #7
First let's address the normality of the various subgroups. Even without knowing the definitions of ##E##, ##F##, and ##R##, it's a solid bet that all three are not only normal but characteristic subgroups. As Isaacs points out in his Algebra text, if a subgroup is prefixed with "the", then it's generally characteristic. E.g. the center of ##G##, the layer of ##G##, the radical of ##G##, the Fitting subgroup of ##G## are all characteristic subgroups of ##G##. (One can, of course, show this rigorously in each specific case.) Using this reasoning, ##Z(R(G))## is the center of ##R(G)##, which is the radical of ##G##, so ##Z(R(G))## is characteristic in ##R(G)##, which is characteristic in ##G##. So ##Z(R(G))## is normal in ##G## and ##G/Z(R(G))## is a group.

The natural mapping to consider is ##\phi : G \to Aut(R(G))## such that ##\phi(g) : R(G) \to R(G)## is conjugation by ##g##. This mapping makes sense because ##R(G) \lhd G##, so the restriction of conjugation to ##R(G)## is an automorphism of ##R(G)##. What is the kernel of ##\phi##? By definition, it is the set of all ##g\in G## such that ##\phi(g)## is the identity map on ##R(G)##. What does that mean in this case? (Hint: it's a centralizer.)

By the first isomorphism theorem, ##G/\text{ker}(\phi)## is isomorphic to ##\phi(G)##, which is a subgroup of ##Aut(R(G))##.

Now what's the relation between ##Z(R(G))## and ##\text{ker}(\phi)##?
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  • #8
jbunniii said:
First let's address the normality of the various subgroups ...

I am posting this message just to acknowledge your response. Thank you. Give me sometime to digest and I will get back with you shortly. Thanks again as always.

Related to How to show G/Z(R(G)) is isomorphic to Aut(R(G))?

1. What is the definition of G/Z(R(G))?

G/Z(R(G)) is the quotient group of the center of the group ring R(G) by the center of the group G. In other words, it is the set of all cosets of the center of R(G) by the center of G.

2. How is G/Z(R(G)) related to the automorphism group of R(G)?

The group G/Z(R(G)) is isomorphic to the automorphism group of R(G). This means that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of these two groups, and they have the same group structure.

3. Why is it important to show that G/Z(R(G)) is isomorphic to Aut(R(G))?

It is important because it helps us understand the relationship between the center of the group ring R(G) and the automorphism group of R(G). This can provide insight into the structure and properties of both groups.

4. What are the steps to proving that G/Z(R(G)) is isomorphic to Aut(R(G))?

The first step is to show that the mapping from G/Z(R(G)) to Aut(R(G)) is a homomorphism, meaning it preserves the group operation. Then, we need to show that this mapping is injective, meaning each element of G/Z(R(G)) maps to a unique element in Aut(R(G)). Lastly, we need to show that the mapping is surjective, meaning every element of Aut(R(G)) has a corresponding element in G/Z(R(G)).

5. Are there any applications of this isomorphism in mathematics or science?

Yes, there are several applications in group theory, algebra, and other areas of mathematics. For example, this isomorphism can be used to study the symmetry of certain mathematical objects, such as graphs and polyhedra. It also has applications in physics, particularly in quantum mechanics and particle physics, where group theory is used to describe the symmetries of physical systems.

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