How to simulate a graph in Comsol Script?

In summary, the speaker is a beginner in Comsol Script and is trying to learn how to simulate a graph using the function simulate(Ss1,(U1,U2)). However, they are encountering a syntax error and are unsure how to modify the code to get the graph to work. They have tried several times without success and are seeking help. They are also advised to check the pointwise and matrix acting operators to ensure the dimensions and order are correct.
  • #1
I personally inform that i still beginner in Comsol Script. I wanted to learn about the comsol, how to simulate the graph. I tried plot(x,y). but i need to use this function simulate(Ss1,(U1,U2)). But at the end, it show Syntax error.
Heres the details of the code:

Ks = 600000; %spring stiffness of the car
M = 1200; %mass of the car
KST = 15000000; % New value for spring stiffness
MH = 48; % Constant value of the car.

A = [0 1 0 0 ; (-Ks+KST)/MH -Kv/MH -Ks/MH Kv/MH; 0 0 0 1; Ks/M Kv/M -Ks/M -Kv/M];
B= [0 0; KST/MH -1/MH; 0 0; 0 1/M];
C = [1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1];
D = [0 0; 0 0; 0 0; 0 0];
Ss1 = ss(A, B, C, D);
T = [0:0.01:10]';
S1 = zeros(size(T));
S2 = 3000*ones(size(T));
U1 = sig(S1, T);
U2 = sig(S2, T);
simulate(Ss1,(U1, U2))

From the beginning, i type all the code together. can when it comes to U1=sig(S1,T);
it shows Error: SIG constructor: Length of t must equal number of rows in y
sig.sig 96 error('SIG constructor: Length of t must equal number of rows in y')

until the end i couldn't get the graph. How can i get the graph done? how to modify the sig code? i have no idea. i tried many times already. those who know. please take a look. Help me please. Thx in advance
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  • #2
Have you checked you've your pointwise and matrix acting operators (* & .*) in order & dimensions of different elements going about ok?
  • #3

I would suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the basics of Comsol Scripting and how to use it to simulate graphs. This can be done by going through the tutorials and documentation provided by Comsol. Additionally, you may also consider reaching out to the Comsol support team for assistance with specific coding issues.

In terms of simulating a graph using Comsol Script, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Define your system parameters, such as spring stiffness, mass, and other constants, as you have done in your code.

2. Use the "ss" function to create a state-space model of your system. This function takes in the system matrices A, B, C, and D, and returns a state-space object that can be used for simulation.

3. Define your input signals, in this case, U1 and U2, using the "sig" function. This function takes in a vector of values and a corresponding time vector.

4. Use the "simulate" function to run the simulation. This function takes in the state-space model and the input signals, and returns the simulated output signals.

5. Finally, use the "plot" function to plot the output signals against the time vector.

It is important to note that the length of your time vector must be equal to the number of rows in your input signals. If you are getting an error related to the length of your time vector, you may need to adjust the values in your input signals or the time vector itself.

I would also suggest breaking down your code into smaller sections and testing each part individually to identify any specific issues. Additionally, you can also consult the Comsol user forums for tips and advice from experienced users.

I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. Keep practicing and learning, and you will soon become proficient in using Comsol Script for simulating graphs.

Related to How to simulate a graph in Comsol Script?

What is Comsol Script?

Comsol Script is a programming language used in the Comsol Multiphysics software for simulating and analyzing physical systems.

How do I create a graph in Comsol Script?

To create a graph in Comsol Script, you first need to define the variables and parameters that will be plotted on the graph. Then, you can use the "plot" function to plot the data and customize the graph appearance.

What types of graphs can be simulated in Comsol Script?

Comsol Script can simulate various types of graphs such as 2D and 3D plots, contour plots, surface plots, and vector plots. It also allows for the customization of axes, legends, and other graph elements.

How can I export a graph from Comsol Script?

To export a graph from Comsol Script, you can use the "export" function and specify the desired file format. Comsol Script supports various file formats, including image files (PNG, JPEG, etc.), vector graphics (SVG, EPS), and data files (CSV, Excel).

Can I use Comsol Script to animate a graph?

Yes, Comsol Script allows for the animation of graphs by using the "animate" function. This function allows you to specify the variables and parameters to be animated and the animation duration. It also offers options for customizing the animation, such as adding labels and changing the speed.

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