How to Solve Dynamics of Rigid Bodies Problems Involving Friction?

  • Thread starter nella_ph
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In summary, the coefficient of friction between block A and block B is 0.20. If a force is applied to block B, it will not slip.
  • #1
Please Help! Mechanix problem assignment

Homework Statement

Please help me do my assignment in dynamics of rigid bodies. It's more on kinetics of particles and I have difficulty in figuring out how to draw the free body diagram of the blocks..

Question 1: The 20 lb block A and the 30 lb block B are initially at rest. If a force P = 30 lb is applied to B as shown, determine the acceleration of each block. The coefficient of kinetic friction between any two surface is 0.20.

Fig for this problem is prob1.jpg

Question 2: Body A has a mass of 50 kg while the mass of body B is 20 kg. A force F = 500 N is applied to body A parallel to the plane. Assuming that the plane is smooth, determine the least coefficient of friction between A and B so that slipping will not occur.

Fig for this problem is prob2.jpg.

Your solutions and answers will be appreciated. thanks. :smile:

Homework Equations

Friction Force = uN
Summation of Forces along the path of motion = ma

The Attempt at a Solution

Pre-Assumptions on Question 1:
Force P on A will be in opposite direction (?)
The weight of A will be added to B (?)

Pre-Assumptions on Question 2:
The weight of block B will be added on A (?)


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  • #2

nella_ph said:
Question 1: The 20 lb block A and the 30 lb block B are initially at rest. If a force P = 30 lb is applied to B as shown, determine the acceleration of each block. The coefficient of kinetic friction between any two surface is 0.20.

Pre-Assumptions on Question 1:
Force P on A will be in opposite direction (?)
The weight of A will be added to B (?)

For this problem, it may help you to first calculate all of the frictional forces between all of the surfaces.

When you solve for the friction between blocks A and B, note that the force will be acting forward on A, and backward on B, due to Newton's third law of motion.

When you solve for the friction between blocks B and the ground, you are correct in adding the weight of A to B.

Once you have done this, draw a force diagram for each block. The only forces acting on A will be the frictional force, and the forces acting on B will be both frictional forces, and the applied force.

Now you can simply use:
nella_ph said:
Summation of Forces along the path of motion = ma
to find the acceleration of each block.
*REMEMBER: you were given the weight of each block, for this formula you need to use the mass.

nella_ph said:
Question 2: Body A has a mass of 50 kg while the mass of body B is 20 kg. A force F = 500 N is applied to body A parallel to the plane. Assuming that the plane is smooth, determine the least coefficient of friction between A and B so that slipping will not occur.

For this problem, start by assuming that block B will not slip. This allows you to find the acceleration of the system by adding the masses of the two blocks, and dividing by the net force.

Now you can draw a force diagram for the system, remembering to break each force into its parallel and perpendicular components. Once you have all of the parallel forces (there should be two) you can find the acceleration of the system.

The acceleration of block B must be equal to the acceleration of the system.
What force needs to be applied to B by A in order to cause this acceleration?
What are the x and y components of the force applied to B by A?
How much Normal force is needed to cause the acceleration in the y direction?
How much frictional force is needed to cause the acceleration in the x direction?
Finally, what coefficient of friction will give the needed frictional force?
  • #3

^ thanks beaker...that's a great help.

FAQ: How to Solve Dynamics of Rigid Bodies Problems Involving Friction?

What is a Mechanix problem assignment?

A Mechanix problem assignment is a task given to a scientist or engineer to solve a mechanical problem. It involves using scientific principles, mathematical equations, and problem-solving skills to design, analyze, and optimize a mechanical system or component.

How do you approach a Mechanix problem assignment?

The first step in approaching a Mechanix problem assignment is to clearly define the problem and its requirements. Then, gather all the necessary information and data, and identify the relevant principles and equations. Next, develop a plan and work through the problem systematically, checking your calculations and assumptions along the way. Finally, evaluate and refine your solution to ensure it meets the desired objectives.

What skills are needed to successfully complete a Mechanix problem assignment?

To successfully complete a Mechanix problem assignment, one needs a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and engineering principles. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills are also essential, as well as the ability to use computer-aided design and analysis tools.

What are some common challenges that scientists face when working on Mechanix problem assignments?

Some common challenges that scientists face when working on Mechanix problem assignments include incomplete or inconsistent data, complex or ambiguous requirements, and the need to balance multiple factors, such as cost, performance, and safety. They may also encounter unexpected obstacles or limitations during the design and testing process.

How can I improve my problem-solving skills for Mechanix problem assignments?

To improve your problem-solving skills for Mechanix problem assignments, you can practice solving different types of problems, both on paper and using computer simulations. You can also seek feedback and guidance from experienced scientists or engineers, and continue learning and staying updated on new technologies and techniques in the field.
