How to solve noise,echo, distribution of sound over speakers

In summary, the person is seeking help with their project involving distributing live voice over multiple speakers in an open location with trees and buildings. They are looking for recommendations on subjects to research and solve the problems of speaker placement, orientation, and sound quality. They are also interested in any software or hardware suggestions to assist with their project. They simply need guidance on where to begin and where to search for information.
  • #1
hi i need some help

would u give me Topics for what i am looking for and
want to know how to begin and where to search

my project which is about

distributing the human( live voice ) over several speakers in an open location which contains trees ,buildings ans so..
(((its like building a sound system for school as an example)))

so please what ur reccomendation about that
i want names of subjects so i can solve these problems:

my problems are :
where can i put these speakers i know what is the best location and orientation for these in order to get the perfect sound from all speakers and without echo
how the sound will affected by the dimension of the building
of course there is an equation for these.. right

if u suggest some software hardware that will help ...

and again i just need to know where to go and search ..nothing else
Engineering news on
  • #2

FAQ: How to solve noise,echo, distribution of sound over speakers

1. How can I reduce noise from my speakers?

The best way to reduce noise from your speakers is to make sure all connections are secure and cables are free from interference. Additionally, using high-quality shielded cables and placing your speakers away from sources of interference can also help reduce noise.

2. What causes an echo in speaker sound?

An echo in speaker sound is typically caused by sound waves bouncing off hard surfaces and returning to the listener's ears. This can be mitigated by using sound-absorbing materials in the room and adjusting the speaker placement to reduce the amount of reflected sound.

3. How can I improve the distribution of sound over my speakers?

To improve the distribution of sound over your speakers, it is important to have a balanced sound system with properly placed speakers. Using equalization, or adjusting the volume levels of each speaker, can also help improve the distribution of sound.

4. Can I use software to solve noise and echo issues in my speakers?

Yes, there are many software programs available that can help reduce noise and echo in speaker sound. These programs use techniques such as noise cancellation and acoustic echo cancellation to improve the overall sound quality.

5. Is there a way to solve noise and echo without purchasing new equipment?

In some cases, you can solve noise and echo issues without purchasing new equipment. Simple fixes such as adjusting speaker placement, using sound-absorbing materials, and adjusting equalization settings can often improve sound quality without the need for new equipment.
