How to Solve the Inverse Cable Problem: Examples and Method Explained

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of determining the linear mass density of a cable based on its shape. The equations and approach for finding the density are explained, specifically for the shape of a parabola. The conversation ends with a request for confirmation and simplification of the obtained equation.
  • #1
cable problem

I'm doing some self study on the subject of cables and I am curious about the reversed process of working out the linear mass density when given the shape of the cable (instead of the usual case of determining the shape of the cable given the density). The text I am currently reading explains an example but I would like to know how it works for other examples.

Homework Statement

Say we have a flexible chain hanging between fixed ends separated by a distance [tex] r_0 [/tex]. The weight of a small element [tex]ds[/tex] located at a position along the chain defined by the angle [tex]\theta[/tex] is [tex]\lambda[/tex][tex]gds[/tex] where [tex]\lambda[/tex] is the linear mass density of the cable and [tex]g[/tex] the acceleration due to gravity.

I don't have a scanner so I can't scan the diagram of forces, but considering the forces on the element, the equilibrium equations give:

(1) tangential component: [tex]dT = \lambda g ds sin \theta[/tex]
(2) normal component: [tex]Td \theta = \lambda g ds cos \theta[/tex]

dividing (1) by (2) we get

[tex] \frac {dT}{T} = tan \theta d\theta[/tex]

i.e. a separable O.D.E thus integrating both sides we get:

[tex]T = \frac {T_0}{cos \theta}[/tex]

where [tex]T_0[/tex] equaling the cable tension when [tex]\theta = 0[/tex]

Now suppose I want to find the linear density for the shape of a parabola [tex]y = x^2[/tex]. I have taken the following approach: (please correct me if I am wrong)

The attempt at a solution

From (2), rearranging we get [tex]T \frac{d\theta}{ds} =\lambda g cos \theta[/tex]

Curvature [tex]\kappa[/tex] is given by [tex]\frac{d \theta}{ds}[/tex] or in the form [tex]\kappa = \frac{y''}{(1+y'^2)^{3/2}}[/tex]

So we now have

[tex]T \kappa = \lambda g cos \theta[/tex] (*)

differentiating our equation for the parabola [tex]y=x^2[/tex], [tex]y'=2x[/tex], [tex]y''=2[/tex] and substituting these into our [tex]\kappa[/tex] equation and rearranging (*) for [tex]\lambda[/tex]:

[tex]\lambda = T(\frac{\frac{2}{1+(2x)^2)^{3/2}}}{g cos \theta}[/tex]

Can someone please tell me if I am taking the right approach? Also is there any way to simplify what i have obtained for [tex]\lambda[/tex]?

Many many thanks in advance!
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  • #2
I'm not exactly sure of where equations (1) and (2) come from, but if you can apply equation (2) to the y=x^2 geometry, then your approach should be fine.

FAQ: How to Solve the Inverse Cable Problem: Examples and Method Explained

1. What is the inverse cable problem?

The inverse cable problem is a mathematical problem that involves determining the shape of a cable suspended between two points, given the horizontal tension and the sag of the cable.

2. How is the inverse cable problem solved?

The inverse cable problem can be solved using mathematical equations and algorithms, such as the catenary equation and the finite element method. These methods take into account the properties of the cable, such as its weight and flexibility, to determine its shape.

3. Can you provide an example of solving the inverse cable problem?

Sure, let's say we have a cable with a length of 50 meters, a horizontal tension of 1000 Newtons, and a sag of 5 meters. Using the catenary equation, we can determine the shape of the cable and plot it on a graph.

4. What are some applications of solving the inverse cable problem?

The inverse cable problem has many practical applications, such as designing suspension bridges, power lines, and cable-stayed structures. It is also used in the field of physics and engineering to study the behavior of flexible materials under tension.

5. Are there any limitations to solving the inverse cable problem?

Yes, the inverse cable problem assumes certain conditions, such as a uniform cable and constant tension, which may not always be present in real-life scenarios. Additionally, the calculations can become complex for more complicated cable shapes or varying parameters.

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