How to Solve the Schrödinger Equation for a Delta Potential Barrier in a Box?

In summary, Tommy tried to solve the schroedingerequation for the free particle, but he didn't understand how to handle x=0.
  • #1
i unfortunately couldn't find a solution to this problem although it seems like a classical textbook problem...

how can i solve the (time independent) schroedingerequation for the following potential

[tex]V(x) = \infty[/tex] for x<=-1
[tex]V(x) = a\delta(x)[/tex] for -1<x<1
[tex]V(x) = \infty[/tex] for x>=1

so at x=0 there is a barrier.

i thought i can set the solutions to the left and right of x=0 for a free particle but i don't know how to handle x=0.

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  • #2
I haven't done this, but I think I can see how it can be done. Basically you need to define the wave function [tex]\psi(x)[/tex] in parts, for intervals -1<x<0 and 0<x<1 separately (they will be trigonometric functions), so that they vanish at the end points x=-1 and x=1, and that you get certain kind of sharp angle at the x=0. You should somehow solve how big jump there has to be in the derivative [tex]\psi'(x)[/tex] at the origin (this could be the most understanding demanding part. You can ask more questions if you don't know how to calculate with equations like [tex]D_x\theta(x)=\delta(x)[/tex] and so on). After this, substitute in some attempt of trigonometric functions with some constants, and try to figure out what set of equations you get for the constants.
  • #3
tommy01 said:
i unfortunately couldn't find a solution to this problem although it seems like a classical textbook problem...

how can i solve the (time independent) schroedingerequation for the following potential

[tex]V(x) = \infty[/tex] for x<=-1
[tex]V(x) = a\delta(x)[/tex] for -1<x<1
[tex]V(x) = \infty[/tex] for x>=1

so at x=0 there is a barrier.

i thought i can set the solutions to the left and right of x=0 for a free particle but i don't know how to handle x=0.

You need to apply BCs to determine the coefficients of the plane wave states. But there's one trick here: while the wave function itself is continuous at x=0, its derivative is not. The discontinuity in [itex]\partial \psi/\partial x [/itex] at x=0 (due to the delta function potential there) can be found by integrating the SE over a tiny window about x=0 and taking the limit that the width of this window goes to zero.
  • #4
i think the idea here is this: you have and incident wave, and reflected wave and a transmitted wave. split the problem into two parts. in region (1) (ie before the potential) the wave could be of the form q(x) = Aexp(ikx) + bexp(-ikx) (+ikx for he incident, -ikx for reflected). and in region (2) (after the potential) q(x) = Cexp(ikx) (transmitted wave).
one boundary conditon obviously is continuity of q(x), but the bc of the first derivative is found as said by Golkul43201.
  • #5
It is not necessary to start with plane waves. You would then have to solve suitable superpositions to get the boundary conditions at the x=-1 and x=1 correctly. But we already know that the wave function is going to be trigonometric functions that vanish at these end points. So the attempt

\psi(x) = A\sin(B(x+1)),\quad -1<x<0

\psi(x) = C\sin(D(x-1)),\quad 0<x<1

gives a good start. The task that remains to be carried out, is that one must solve what constants A,B,C,D satisfy the correct boundary condition at the origin x=0.
  • #6
oh yeah of course, they aren't normalizable. i completely spaced on the fact that this is in a box. obviously we need bound states... sorry to the op.
  • #7
Oops. I did too. Nevertheless, the procedure I outlined ought to work.
  • #8
thanks for your answers.

i'll outline the solution method i found for later viewers:

this potential can be handled exactly the same way as the infinite square well with the exception of having 2 conditions at x=0. one to have a continuous wave function so [tex]\Psi_{left}(0)=\Psi_{right}(0)[/tex] and the other one to manage the delta potential which demands for a discontinuous first derivation of [tex]\Psi(x)[/tex] at x=0. this discontinuity condition is obtained by integrating over the schroedingerequation.

thanks again and greetings.

FAQ: How to Solve the Schrödinger Equation for a Delta Potential Barrier in a Box?

1. What is a delta potential barrier in a box?

A delta potential barrier in a box is a theoretical construct used in physics to describe a potential energy barrier of infinite height and zero width. In simpler terms, it is a mathematical representation of a barrier that has an abrupt and infinite change in potential energy in a confined space.

2. What is the purpose of studying delta potential barriers in a box?

Studying delta potential barriers in a box allows scientists to understand the behavior of quantum particles, such as electrons, when they encounter a barrier. This is important in fields such as nanotechnology, where the manipulation of particles at the quantum level is crucial.

3. How does the height and width of the barrier affect the behavior of quantum particles?

The height of the delta potential barrier determines the amount of energy required for a particle to cross it, while the width affects the probability of the particle crossing. A higher barrier or narrower width will result in a lower probability of the particle crossing, and vice versa.

4. Can delta potential barriers in a box be observed in real-world scenarios?

No, delta potential barriers in a box are purely theoretical and cannot be observed in real-world scenarios. However, they serve as a useful tool for understanding the behavior of quantum particles and can be used to make predictions about their behavior in practical situations.

5. Are there any practical applications of delta potential barriers in a box?

Yes, delta potential barriers in a box have practical applications in fields such as quantum computing and nanotechnology. Understanding the behavior of particles encountering barriers is crucial in these fields for designing and manipulating devices at the quantum level.

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