How to understand the notion of a limit of a function

In summary: The limit of a function is the value that the values of the function converge to as the input variable approaches the given point. The value of the limit is written symbolically as $\lim_{x\rightarrow a}f(x)=L$. If the function is not differentiable at the point ##x_0## then the limit does not exist at that point and we say that the function is not differentiable at ##x_0##. The limiting value of the function can be a value that we make the function arbitrarily close to for a suitably arbitrarily close choice of input variable to the function, but in general will not be equal to the value of the function at the point ##
  • #1
"Don't panic!"
I am trying to explain to someone the formal notion of a limit of a function, however it has made me realize that I might have some faults in my own understanding. I will write down how I understand the subject and would very much appreciate if someone(s) can point out any errors/misunderstandings.

The limit of a function ##f## naturally arises when one wishes to consider the behaviour of a function ##f## around a given point, say ##x=a##, i.e. the values ##f(x)## that it takes near that point. In particular, such a notion is useful if the function itself is undefined at ##x=a##. In such an approach, we study the values that ##f## takes as we allow its input variable ##x## to approach the given point ##x=a##. If the values ##f(x)## get closer and closer to a fixed value ##L## as we allow ##x## to get closer and closer to ##a## regardless of whether we approach ##a## from the left or the right (of ##a##) then we can say that the values of ##f## converge to the value ##L## as ##x## approaches the point##x=a##. In other words, the limiting value of ##f## (i.e. the value that it converges to) is the value ##L## and is written symbolically as $$\lim_{x\rightarrow a}f(x)=L$$ This is the statement that by taking a value of ##x## arbitrarily close (but not equal to) ##a##, we can "force" the value of ##f## arbitrarily close to ##L##. This can be formalised mathematically by saying that if for all ##\epsilon >0## there exists a ##\delta >0## such that, for all ##x## (in the domain of ##f##), ##0<\lvert x-a\rvert <\delta\Rightarrow\lvert f(x)-L\rvert <\epsilon##.

I then go on to give a particularly important example of why the notion of a limit of a function is useful, namely in defining the derivative of a function at a given point. Indeed, we first consider a function ##f(x)## and its difference quotient ##\frac{f(x+\Delta x)-f(x)}{\Delta x}##. This gives the average rate of change in the value of ##f## with respect to a change in its input ##x## from ##x## to ##x+\Delta x##; equivalently, it defines the slope of the secant line passing through the points ##(x,f(x))## and ##(x+\Delta x,f(x+\Delta x))## of the curve ##y=f(x)##. We then ask what it means to calculate the rate of change at each point along the curve of ##f(x)##. Clearly we can't use the difference quotient at a single point ##x## as its value is undefined (we would have ##\frac{0}{0}##), however we can consider what happens as we allow ##\Delta x## to approach zero (such that the points ##x## and ##x+\Delta x## approach one another). Intuitively, we expect that the secant line (that we introduced earlier) should approach the tangent line to the point ##x##, and as such its slope should approach the value of the slope of the tangent line at that point which we label as ##f'(x)##. Now, if by taking values of ##\Delta x## arbitrarily close to (but not equal) ##0##, we can "force" the value of ##\frac{f(x+\Delta x)-f(x)}{\Delta x}## arbitrarily close to the value ##f'(x)##, independently of whether ##\Delta x## approaches ##0## from the left or right hand side of the point ##x##, then we can say that the value of ##\frac{f(x+\Delta x)-f(x)}{\Delta x}## converges to the value ##f'(x)##, and we can say that its limiting value is given by $$\lim_{\Delta x\rightarrow 0}\frac{f(x+\Delta x)-f(x)}{\Delta x}=f'(x)$$ SInce this limiting value (that the value of the difference quotient converges to) is exactly the slope of the tangent line to the curve ##y=f(x)## at the point ##x## and hence describes the rate of change in the value of the function ##f## with respect to a ##x## at the point ##x##, we can therefore define the derivative of the function at a given point as the limiting value of the difference quotient ##\frac{f(x+\Delta x)-f(x)}{\Delta x}##, i.e. $$f'(x)=\lim_{\Delta x\rightarrow 0}\frac{f(x+\Delta x)-f(x)}{\Delta x}$$
In taking this approach we have avoided having to resort to the ethereal notion of infinitesimals and undefined quantities.

Would this be a correct understanding of the situation? I really don't want to convey incorrect information to someone.
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  • #2
Looks good to me.

All I'd add is that if that limit does not exist at some point ##x_0## then ##f## is not differentiable at ##x_0##. And, such functions do exist!
  • #3
PeroK said:
Looks good to me.

Cheers for taking a look! I'm I correct in saying that the ##L## is the value that the values of ##f## converge to as ##x## approaches a given point ##x=a## and hence the limiting value ##L## of the function is a value that we can make ##f(x)## arbitrarily close to for a suitably arbitrarily close choice of ##x## to ##a##, but in general won't actually be equal to the value of the function at ##x=a##? (Of course, if the function is continuous at a given point then its value at that point is equal to the limiting value of ##f(x)## as ##x## approaches that point).
Also, is it correct to say that in practice the function, in general, never actually reaches the limiting value ##L## exactly (i.e. is never exactly equal to ##L##), just a value arbitrarily close to ##L##?!

PeroK said:
All I'd add is that if that limit does not exist at some point x0x_0 then ff is not differentiable at x0x_0. And, such functions do exist!

Good point, I had meant to put that in my description.
  • #4
"Don't panic!" said:
Cheers for taking a look! I'm I correct in saying that the ##L## is the value that the values of ##f## converge to as ##x## approaches a given point ##x=a## and hence the limiting value ##L## of the function is a value that we can make ##f(x)## arbitrarily close to for a suitably arbitrarily close choice of ##x## to ##a##, but in general won't actually be equal to the value of the function at ##x=a##? (Of course, if the function is continuous at a given point then its value at that point is equal to the limiting value of ##f(x)## as ##x## approaches that point).
Also, is it correct to say that in practice the function, in general, never actually reaches the limiting value ##L## exactly (i.e. is never exactly equal to ##L##), just a value arbitrarily close to ##L##?!

Essentially, yes. The function need not assume the limit ##L## at any point. Obviously, a constant function has the limit value at every point and a function like:


Attains the limit value of ##0## (as ##x \rightarrow 0##) infinitely often in any interval containing ##0##.
  • #5
PeroK said:
Essentially, yes.

Would there be a better way to articulate what I wrote then (or a better way to understand it)?
  • #6
"Don't panic!" said:
Would there be a better way to articulate what I wrote then (or a better way to understand it)?

I would just say simply that a function may or may not attain the limit value. I think examples are better than lots of words.

##f(x) = x## is a simple example of a function that never reaches its limit value at any other point. And, with the two above, you have three very different examples of functions that tend to a limit in different ways.
  • #7
PeroK said:
f(x)=xf(x) = x is a simple example of a function that never reaches its limit value at any other point.

By this do you mean that ##f(x)=x## never reaches its limit value at any point other than the one that we are approaching in the limit? (i.e. in this case, as ##f(x)=x## is continuous, we have that ##\lim_{x\rightarrow a}f(x)=f(a)##, specifically ##\lim_{x\rightarrow a}x=a##. Of course ##x\neq a## at any point other than ##x=a##, but because the limit is defined then we can make ##f(x)=x## arbitrarily close to ##f(a)=a## by choosing a value of ##x## arbitrarily close to ##a##).

One last thing (sorry to go on a bit). Just to confirm, the limiting value ##\lim_{x\rightarrow a}f(x)=L## is the value that ##f(x)## is converging to as ##x## gets closer and closer to ##a##, and not necessarily the value that ##f(x)## assumes near to ##a## (or even at ##a##). The notation ##L## labels the limiting value (that ##f(x)## is converging to) and the notation ##\lim_{x\rightarrow a}f(x)## is to explicitly note that this limiting value is the value that the function ##f(x)## is converging to as ##x## converges to ##a##, right?
  • #8
"Don't panic!" said:
One last thing (sorry to go on a bit). Just to confirm, the limiting value ##\lim_{x\rightarrow a}f(x)=L## is the value that ##f(x)## is converging to as ##x## gets closer and closer to ##a##, and not necessarily the value that ##f(x)## assumes near to ##a## (or even at ##a##). The notation ##L## labels the limiting value (that ##f(x)## is converging to) and the notation ##\lim_{x\rightarrow a}f(x)## is to explicitly note that this limiting value is the value that the function ##f(x)## is converging to as ##x## converges to ##a##, right?

I thought you'd already explained that the limit equals the function value precisely when the function is defined and continuous at that point.
  • #9
PeroK said:
I thought you'd already explained that the limit equals the function value precisely when the function is defined and continuous at that point.

Sorry, yes I had. I have a bad habit of doubting my understanding and then repeating myself trying to convince myself that I'm wrong! :-\
I think I just need to be more confident in myself perhaps!

Related to How to understand the notion of a limit of a function

1. What is the definition of a limit of a function?

A limit of a function is a fundamental concept in calculus that describes the behavior of a function as its input approaches a particular value. It is the value that the function "approaches" as the input gets closer and closer to a certain point.

2. How do you calculate the limit of a function?

The limit of a function can be calculated by evaluating the function at values that are close to the given input and observing the trend of the output. Alternatively, there are also mathematical techniques such as the epsilon-delta definition and L'Hopital's rule that can be used to calculate limits.

3. Why is understanding the limit of a function important?

Understanding the limit of a function is important because it allows us to analyze the behavior of a function and make predictions about its values. It also forms the foundation for other important concepts in calculus such as continuity and differentiability.

4. What is the connection between limits and derivatives?

The derivative of a function at a point is defined as the limit of the function as the input approaches that point. In other words, the derivative is the slope of the tangent line to the function at that point, which can be found by calculating the limit of the function.

5. Can a function have a limit at a point where it is not defined?

Yes, a function can have a limit at a point where it is not defined. This is because the limit does not depend on the actual value of the function at the point, but rather on its behavior as the input approaches that point. However, it is important to note that the function must exist in a neighborhood around the point for the limit to be defined.

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