How to use formula x-y =m c squared

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In summary, the conversation is about using a formula to find angles in a pool game. The formula in question is x/y = mc², which is believed to be originated by Einstein. However, the formula may actually be Pythagoras' Theorem, which states that a² + b² = c². The conversation also discusses the use of triangles and angles (specifically 15, 30, and 45 degrees) in determining shots in pool. The person is looking for a more simplified and understandable explanation of the technical aspects of this formula and its application in the game. They also mention having an article on this topic and ask if they can send it to the expert.
  • #1
Line Up
Not sure if I wrote it right ,but I am interested in knowing how to use this formula to find an angle ,relative to a pool table.
Mathematics news on
  • #2
I have no idea where you got that so it is impossible to say how it should be used. What do "x", "y", "m" and "c" represent? I presume that "c" is NOT the speed of light since nothing on a pool table will be moving at near light speed!
  • #3
the formula to find any angle ,I am not 100 percent up to speed on this kind of thing. This is why I joined the forum.Pool is a game of angles,geomotry etc.I have another post on this site of simular content based on a statement made about pool ,it atated that there are only 3 anle for any given shot on the table,I believe this to be true .The guy who wrote the article ,his statement was made from a gemetrical point of view.The three angles are 45,30,15.I have worked figuing out how this is possible for 2 months.I use this thepry in my pool game but have not masrered it yet nor can i fully explain it .So i came here to look for answres.The formulawas originated by Einstine I belive.I will try to word it another way.XoverY= MCsquared.I heard that this is the formula used to determine an angle from given points or a given point.So if that's not the formula to use ,what would be the correct one and how would you use it?
Thanks for responding hope you can help me out.
  • #4
pardon me for not previewing my post before submitting,SPELLING lol sorry
  • #5
one other way I presume this ,form a triagle from 2 given points,to one side point,the side is the side of a rectangle. a second point given,form a triangle from the given points off of the first triangle, meaning,draw a line from given point 2 to the side point of the first triangle formed,then draw a line from given point 2 to aprox.1/2 the distance of the side of the first triangle that was formed,the triangle now formed is = to the opposite side of the top triangle thus meaning the formula was x/y, point x divided by Y = mc squared. sound right? all points are squared
  • #6
Would it be Pythagoras' Theorem you want mate?

Which is a2 + b2 = c2

You've got c is the distance from the white ball to the ball you want to hit, d is the distance from the white ball to the pocket, and e is the distance between the pocket and the ball you want to hit, and these distances form a triangle between white ball, pocket, and ball to be hit.

Then you drop a line from the ball you want to hit to the line from the white ball to the pocket, these lines should meet at a distance b from the white ball and be perpendicular, and should split the original triangle into two right angled triangles, one of which has sides a,b,c where a is the distance between the ball you want to hit and the point b.

Apologies if I've misunderstood the question.


Sorry I'm getting this mixed up, see red text for corrections. I'll upload a picture to show what I mean if you want. Actually the formula d2=c2+e2-2ce cos [tex]\theta[/tex] might be better. Sorry for the mistakes.
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  • #7
yes i think that's what I am lookinf g foe diagam yes please
  • #8
in the pool game how would you use this formula quickly if understood ,the origanall statement was made only three angle for any given shot 15,30,45,begrees. he said to start on the side that does not face the pocket, that is the part iam confused on
  • #9
the angles I think he is saying is meant to be triangles. that sound right?
  • #10
in cobonation they add up to 90 degrees
  • #11
split in 1/2 =45 degrees thecenter of the pocket
something like that
  • #12
Have you got the original paper/source where you read this from, or a diagram maybe?

See the attachment for a pic of what I was describing. Though now it doesn't quite sound like what you were looking for.


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  • #13
Do you mean something like this:


  • pocket.JPG
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  • #14
I did not read this anywhere I determind this by looking at the pool table over and over for a while this is the only soulition I could come up with.then manualy proving to my self bye drawing it out on papper then actually cutting out the triangle wnd plscingit where it needed to be.Mind you I have no math or geometry backround at all to speak of.
  • #15
so far I am not able to open file ,it says pending aproval,any sugestions on how to open or can you E-mailt the attachments Thanks
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  • #16
I'll have to send you them later today mate. I think I better understand now what you're describing. I'll attach the pic here in case my attachments get approved before I get a chance to email you.


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  • #17
Yes ,this is what I am looking for,but a little more information on how to explain that.Things like ,is there a formula to use,what would that be?
,how is it quickly and easy to use ?and a easy way to prove to someone else ,maybe without all the techinal stuff that most people would not understand,I believe to put it in (laymens terms)in other words, words that most people would understand.I am looking for both ,the techinical side to it and the easy way to understand it.Do you understand what I am saying?
Backto the techinal side ,the three angle are considered to be tri-angles correct?
In the pool game what side of the triangle would be considered not to be facing the pocket?
Alot of questions ,to many?
  • #18
I have an article that I am trying to figure out may it send you this articl via E-Mail?
  • #19
Or go to google and type in Hal Houle point and piviot ,you will find the article there. this is what lead me to this forum after 2 months of me working on it wih no help.
  • #20
Ah okay I found the article. You want to know how to identify which is a 45 degree, 30 degree, or 15 degree shot?

I think you first need to find where the 45, 30, 15 degree lines are, which I tried to draw on the attached picture from the info in the article. Then if the cue ball and the ball you want to pot are lined up on one of these lines that is the angle of the shot.

Note in the picture I only drew the lines (left side of pic) for when the cue ball is on the bottom left of the picture and you're shooting into the two left corner pockets or top centre, and on the other side for when the cue ball is on the bottom right and shooting into the right corner pockets or top centre. If the cue ball is somewhere else or you're shooting into another pocket then the lines would be different.

I could be completely wrong though, so you should check with someone who knows more about pool.


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  • #21
ok ,attachment is waitig approval,You do not mind helping me out do you?
  • #22
I don't mind but I think that my previous post is probably the best I can do at the moment. You would have to ask someone who knows more about pool than me, for example I don't know what cue ball relation to object ball relation means so what I said before could just be completely wrong.
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  • #23
you are in the right direction but you pointed out before ,the therom i can't rember i have it wrote down here somewhere.i looked it up and has a lot to do with it.Correct me if i am wrong, in order for an angle to present it has to be a tri- angle ,right?
wich consist of 2legs and a hypotense,the sum of any triangle = 180 degrees,the suplementry tiangle to this triangle will be on the opposite side ,you don't have to know the sum of the trianglejust which side is the oposit side is.that would be =the first triangle.somethibg like that ,I found an article explaining the law of a triangle ,have not understood all of it though.I believe the answre lies in the laws of a triangle .but how would on a pool table that is a 2-1 ratio determine the opposite the side not facing the pocket?
This has nothing to to with playing the game ,I will tell you that.What we are doing is trying to solve this equation .I agree 3 triangles (angles )15,45,30.Dosent logarithim come into play somewhere here?
based on a 2-1 ratio.for a 90 degree what is the logarithim for that?
is it 3?for a 15degree,2 for a 45,3 for 30 which = in combination they all add up to 90.the Balls on a pool table measure 2 1/4in diameter ,togther they =5 so 1/2 to1/2 would be 45 drgrees ,3/ 4to 1/4would be 30 degrees 4quarters to one 1/4 would be 15 degrees ,(triangles)I think i got that right?
make sense to you?
but still I not sure what start on the side that does not face the pocket would mean.Iam sure he worded it the way he did to make it more difficult than it really is.I read somwhere that it only takes about 30 min to have someone understand and to be able to use this theory. if you look he states the backspin english ,to me that goes with geometric relationship. in order to see the angle one must rotate counterclockwise direction ,counter would result in opposite? So i am still stuck on the side thing.
I really talking to you about this ,thanks again for helping ,remember you don't have to be a pool player to understand this,this is just a way to line up the shot .One other thing = bilateral,what does that mean?
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  • #24
If you look at the picture in post #12, to find the angle (only the part in the right angle triangle) nearest the colour you use a/c=cos(theta) or b/c=sin(theta) where theta is the angle. To find the angle nearest the white use b/c=cos(theta) or a/c=sin(theta).

I'm not sure how the logarithm would come into it or about the ball and backspin bits. I don't think I know enough geometry to help you here mate, only Pythagoras really and I don't remember learning how the logarithm would come into it.

If you draw a picture of what you mean it would make your question a lot easier to understand. Sorry I'm afraid I can't really help you any more than this mate, you'll have to wait for someone who knows more geometry.
  • #25
You have been a lot of help Thanks ,If you don't mind me asking where are you from?
And what does sin ,theata mean?
thats all the questions I have for you .Thanks again

Tony S.
  • #26
I'm from New Zealand where are you from mate?

Sin(theta) is the sine of the angle theta. On the picture in post #12 if you take the angle nearest the white ball as being theta then sine of theta is the length a divided by the length c.
  • #27
I am from U.S.A,the state would be Maryland,near Washington D.C.,
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  • #28
Again thanks for all your help ,I will look up the terms and go from there.You seem to be a very intelegant person in this area ,me I started out with no clue of geometry, trig. etc...,I only had general math in high school so it takes me a little time to understand it all. After this conversation how do i keep in contact with you that is if you don't mind?
I am 41 you are?
I presume you are a male?
as I am
  • #29
I hope you're not offended but I can't really keep in contact or answer any personal questions. It's nothing personal mate I hope you understand.
  • #30
No offense taken,with all the things that happen on the INTERNET,Security is in my best interest,as I hope it is yours.Thanks for your help.I assure you, you were not wasting your time on. I am a sincere person.
Thanks ,Line Up

FAQ: How to use formula x-y =m c squared

How do I solve a formula using x-y = mc²?

To solve a formula using x-y = mc², you first need to identify the variables involved. In this case, x and y are the variables, m is the mass, and c is the speed of light. Then, you can rearrange the formula to solve for the desired variable. For example, if you want to find the value of x, you can rearrange the formula to x = mc² + y.

What is the significance of the formula x-y = mc²?

The formula x-y = mc² is known as the mass-energy equivalence formula, also known as Einstein's famous equation. It relates the mass of an object to its energy, and shows that energy and mass are interchangeable and can be converted into one another.

How do I convert units when using the formula x-y = mc²?

When using the formula x-y = mc², it is important to ensure that all units are consistent. The unit of mass is typically measured in kilograms (kg), while the speed of light is measured in meters per second (m/s). If you need to convert between units, you can use conversion factors or online unit converters.

Can the formula x-y = mc² be used for any type of energy?

The formula x-y = mc² can be used to calculate the energy of an object in terms of its mass, but it is specifically used for objects moving at the speed of light. It is not applicable to all types of energy, as it does not take into account other factors such as potential energy or thermal energy.

How is the formula x-y = mc² related to Einstein's theory of relativity?

The formula x-y = mc² is a direct result of Einstein's theory of relativity, which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion. This formula is a fundamental part of the theory and has been proven through numerous experiments and observations.

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