How to use series expansion to simplify

In summary, the conversation discusses a question about a lightly damped harmonic oscillator being driven at a certain frequency. The first part asks to find the frequency of the driving force for a specific amplitude, and the second part asks for the phase shifts between the driving force and displacement. The person mentions finding two solutions using series expansion, but is unsure how to use it to simplify their solutions. They ask for help and mention Taylor series expansions as a possible approach.
  • #1
Hi, I'm new to this forum, so if there is anything wrong in this post please forgive me,

I'm not sure my post will be shown correctly, so I attached a doc file.

The question is

A lightly damped harmonic osillator, γ<<ω0, is driven at frequency ω.

Find the frequency of the driving force such that the steady-state oscillation amplitude is one half of that at the resonance. How many solutions are there?

I found that two solutions, ω = ω0±√3γ (two solutions ± )


Find the phase shifts between the driving force and the displacement at these frequencies to the first order in the ratio γ/ω0.
Give your answer as Φ= tan-1[a+bγ/ω0], where a, b are numbers; use series expansion for the messy analytic expressions

I got two solions,
I got
Φ1 = tan-1[2γ(ω0+√3γ) / ω02 – (ω0+√3γ)2]
Φ2 = tan-1[2γ(ω0-√3γ) / ω02 – (ω0-√3γ 2]

but I couldn't find the way to use series expansion to simplify my solutions,

Please someone help me!


  • A lightly damped harmonic oscillator.doc
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  • #2
I don't know what the messy function is, so I can't answer the question specifically. Do you know about Taylor series expansions? A first-order approximation would be the sum truncated at the term that's first order in the derivative and the displacement from the initial point. There is a TS expansion for multi-variable functions, and a corresponding expansion for complex-valued functions.

FAQ: How to use series expansion to simplify

1. What is series expansion?

Series expansion is a mathematical technique used to express a complicated function in terms of a simpler function. It involves representing a function as an infinite sum of simpler functions, called a series, in order to simplify calculations and make the function easier to work with.

2. How do I use series expansion to simplify a function?

To use series expansion, you first need to identify a simpler function that can be used to represent the more complex function. Then, you can use a mathematical formula, such as the Taylor series or the Maclaurin series, to express the function as an infinite sum of terms. By truncating the series at a certain point, you can approximate the original function with a simpler, more manageable version.

3. What are some common applications of series expansion?

Series expansion is commonly used in calculus, physics, and engineering to simplify complex functions and solve problems involving infinite sums. It is also used in statistics and probability to model and analyze data. Additionally, series expansion plays an important role in numerical methods for solving differential equations and other mathematical problems.

4. Are there any limitations to using series expansion?

Series expansion can only be used to approximate functions that are infinitely differentiable, meaning they have an infinite number of derivatives at every point. It also requires a good understanding of mathematical concepts and techniques, so it may not be suitable for those who are not familiar with advanced mathematics.

5. Can series expansion be used to simplify any function?

No, series expansion is not always possible or practical for every function. It works best for functions that have a relatively simple and well-defined behavior, such as polynomial functions or trigonometric functions. Some functions, such as discontinuous or non-differentiable functions, cannot be expressed as a series.
