How to Use the Method of Iteration to Find μ in Fermi Distribution?

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B T}}}-\frac{1}{1+e^{\frac{x}{k_B T}}}\right)$$At this point, we can use the method of iteration to solve for ##\mu##. I hope this helps you get started. Good luck!In summary, the conversation discusses using the method of iteration to solve for ##\mu## in a given equation involving an arbitrary density of states and the Fermi distribution. The initial steps involve using the Taylor expansion of ##D(\epsilon)## and the properties of the Fermi distribution to rewrite the equation in terms of ##x = \epsilon - \mu##. The method of iteration can then be used to
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Homework Statement

Let ##D(\epsilon)## be an arbitrary but well-behaved (finite at ##\epsilon_F##) density of states, and ##f(\epsilon,\mu,T)## be the Fermi distribution. Assume that ##\mu\approx\epsilon_F## at all temperatures of interest. ##f(\epsilon,\mu,T=0)-f(\epsilon,\mu,T)## is an odd function of ##\epsilon-\mu## and it is different from zero only about when ##|\epsilon-\mu|\lesssim k_b T##. Use the method of iteration, the Taylor expansion ##D(\epsilon)\approx D(\mu)+D'(\mu)(\epsilon-\mu)## and the equation
\int_{\epsilon_F}^\mu D(\epsilon)\, \mathrm{d}\epsilon = \int_0^\infty D(\epsilon)[f(\epsilon,\mu,T=0)-f(\epsilon,\mu,T)]\, \mathrm{d}\epsilon
to find ##\mu## to the leading order in terms of ##D(\epsilon_F)##, ##D'(\epsilon_F)##, ##k_B##, ##T##, and numerical constants.

All relevant equations to my knowledge are included above.

I'm really not very familiar with the method of iteration. I'm just looking for some hints on how to get started on this. I know that ##\epsilon_f-\mu## is going to be a small parameter. I'm not sure if I should use the linear expansion of ##D(\epsilon)## on both sides of the equation or just on one side. I have the feeling that I need to get ##\epsilon_F-\mu## as one side of the equation and do some kind of perturbation. I would love to hear any hints and tips or resources on the method of iteration. Where do I begin?
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. The method of iteration is a useful tool for solving equations that cannot be solved analytically. It involves making an initial guess for the solution and then refining it through a series of iterations until the desired accuracy is achieved. In this case, we are trying to find the value of ##\mu## that satisfies the given equation.

To get started, we can use the Taylor expansion of ##D(\epsilon)## to rewrite the integral on the left-hand side of the equation as follows:
\int_{\epsilon_F}^\mu D(\epsilon) \, \mathrm{d}\epsilon = \int_{\epsilon_F}^\mu \left(D(\mu)+D'(\mu)(\epsilon-\mu)+O((\epsilon-\mu)^2)\right) \, \mathrm{d}\epsilon
We can then use the substitution ##x = \epsilon - \mu## to rewrite the integral in terms of ##x##, giving us:
\int_0^{\mu-\epsilon_F} D(\mu+x) \, \mathrm{d}x = \int_0^{\mu-\epsilon_F} \left(D(\mu)+D'(\mu)x+O(x^2)\right) \, \mathrm{d}x
Next, we can use the fact that ##f(\epsilon,\mu,T=0)-f(\epsilon,\mu,T)## is an odd function of ##\epsilon-\mu## to rewrite the integral on the right-hand side as:
\int_0^\infty D(\mu+x)\left(f(\mu+x,\mu,T=0)-f(\mu+x,\mu,T)\right) \, \mathrm{d}x = \int_{-\infty}^\infty D(\mu+x)\left(f(\mu+x,\mu,T=0)-f(\mu+x,\mu,T)\right) \, \mathrm{d}x
We can then use the definition of the Fermi distribution to rewrite the integrand as:
D(\mu+x)\left(\frac{1}{1+e^{\frac{\mu+x-\mu}{k_B T}}}-\frac{1}{1+e^{\frac{\mu+x-\mu}{k_B T}}}\right) = D(\mu+x)\left(\frac{1}{

FAQ: How to Use the Method of Iteration to Find μ in Fermi Distribution?

What is the method of iteration?

The method of iteration is a problem-solving technique commonly used in science and mathematics. It involves repeatedly applying a set of rules or instructions to a problem until a desired result is achieved.

Why is iteration important in science?

Iteration allows scientists to approach complex problems in a systematic way, breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps. It also allows for refinement and improvement of solutions, leading to more accurate and reliable results.

What are some common types of iteration methods?

Some common types of iteration methods include trial and error, bisection, and Newton's method. These methods differ in the way they approach a problem and the types of rules or instructions they use to make progress towards a solution.

How do you know when to use iteration?

Iteration is useful when a problem cannot be solved using a single, direct approach. It can also be used to improve upon existing solutions or to find more accurate or efficient solutions to a problem.

What are the benefits of using iteration in science?

Iteration allows for a more thorough exploration and understanding of a problem, leading to more robust and reliable solutions. It also encourages critical thinking and creativity in problem-solving, as scientists must consider different approaches and solutions throughout the iterative process.
