How to write an interactive GUI in MATLAB

In summary, you need to read "Creating GUI" in Matlab help before proceeding. You also need to use get() and set() to access and set properties of graphics objects. Figures have "parent" and "child" fields, while axes is the "place" for plots. One thing to notice is the "parent" and "child" fields in axes/figures.
  • #1
I'm supposed to write a MATLAB code where it calculates kinematics of a robot arm and plots it. But the plot is required to have a way of user entering different values and be able to change position of the robot. I think i can handle the kinematics behind it but i have no idea how to make an interactive gui like that in matlab. Basically i want to code something like this
but mine is going to be much more simple of course. Can someone recommend me some reading on this subject so i can figure this out ?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
Hai to start with type "guide" in MATLAB command prompt. It will take you to creating new GUI that suits your application.
You have to read "Creating GUI" in Matlab help first before proceeding !
  • #3
thanks that was quite useful
  • #4
To give you a mini lesson on the way MATLAB handles figures (gui objects):

MATLAB deals with all graphics objects as Handles. If you don't know what that is, a Handle is a reference to a set of data. In the case of graphics objects in MATLAB, these handles are all simply double precision numbers.

To access or set any properties of any graphics, you have to use the get()/set() command, along with the handle to the graphics object you are referencing.There are 3 "levels" of graphics objects in MATLAB:

Figure - the highest level. It is the window that any graphics objects you create go in. eg:
>> f = figure
creates an empty figure. f is now set to a handle to the figure you created. To see what kinds of properties figures have, use:
>> get(f)
Its a good idea to look at what this returns, so you can see what sorts of properties are stored in the figure handle. It stores data like the size of the figure, and other general properties.

Axes - The second level is the "child" of the figure, the axes. each axes is ALWAYS created in a figure (Matlab will create one if you create an axes without specifying a figure). The Axes is the "place" for plots, text, labels, and any other graphics object in MATLAB.

>> f = figure
a = axes;
This will create a figure then an axes in that figure. to see what sorts of things are stored in axes, use
>> get(a)
This will list all properties in the axes, its a good idea again to see what's there to understand what sort of things go into axes.

One thing to notice is the "parent" and "child" fields in axes/figures. In the code above, you created an axes in a figure. Now, if you run
>> child = get(f,'children');
% child==a will be true
it will return a handle to the axes you created - the same handle as a.

Graphics objectsThe last level of graphics objects are the actual graphics objects - plots, text, etc. Again, if you create a plot:
f = figure;
a = axes;
p = plot(1,1);
now a has a child (the plot p) so if you run:
child = get(a,'children')
child will point to the same plot as p. Again, it is a good idea to use get(p) to see what sort of things go in a graphics object.

Ive bored you enough with this stuff - it really is the most annoying part of MATLAB imo, but just remember you use get() and set for everything.

jsut realized I haven't used set to set anything, here's a simple way to resize the figure f:
>> set(f,'position',[1,1,400,500]);
this will set the figure to begin at the [1,1] pixel on your screen and end at the [400,500] pixel (from the bottom left of your screen).

if makign an interactive GUI wuy will also need to look into callback functions, as they are important to any gui.

hope this essay didnt confuse you more
  • #5

I understand your desire to create an interactive GUI for your MATLAB code. This can greatly enhance the user experience and make your code more accessible to a wider audience. Fortunately, MATLAB has built-in tools and functions that can help you create an interactive GUI for your robot arm kinematics project.

The first step would be to familiarize yourself with the GUI building tools available in MATLAB. The MATLAB documentation has a section specifically dedicated to creating GUIs, which can be a great starting point. Additionally, there are many online tutorials and resources available that can guide you through the process of creating an interactive GUI in MATLAB.

Once you have a basic understanding of the GUI building tools, you can start incorporating them into your code. You will need to use functions such as uicontrol, uipanel, and uiaxes to create interactive elements such as buttons, sliders, and plots. These functions have various properties that can be customized to suit your specific needs.

It is also important to consider the design and layout of your GUI. This can greatly impact the usability and effectiveness of your interface. You may want to explore different design options and consider the user's perspective when creating your GUI.

In terms of recommended reading, I would suggest exploring the MATLAB documentation, as well as online tutorials and forums for tips and tricks on creating interactive GUIs in MATLAB. Additionally, there are many books available on GUI design and development that can provide valuable insights and techniques.

Overall, creating an interactive GUI in MATLAB may seem daunting at first, but with the right resources and a bit of practice, you will be able to successfully incorporate it into your robot arm kinematics project. Good luck!

FAQ: How to write an interactive GUI in MATLAB

1. How do I create a basic interactive GUI in MATLAB?

To create a basic interactive GUI in MATLAB, you will need to use the guide command. This will open the MATLAB GUI Development Environment, where you can design and edit your GUI using the drag-and-drop interface. Once you have designed your GUI, you can use the uicontrol function to add interactive elements such as buttons, text boxes, and sliders.

2. How can I customize the appearance of my GUI in MATLAB?

MATLAB offers various tools for customizing the appearance of your GUI. You can use the uifigure function to set properties such as background color and font style. You can also use the uistyle function to create custom styles for your GUI elements. Additionally, you can use HTML and CSS to further customize the appearance of your GUI.

3. Is it possible to add callbacks to my GUI elements in MATLAB?

Yes, you can add callbacks to your GUI elements in MATLAB to make them interactive. Callbacks are functions that are executed when a certain event occurs, such as clicking a button or changing the value of a slider. You can use the Callback property of your GUI elements to specify the callback function.

4. How can I test and debug my interactive GUI in MATLAB?

MATLAB provides a debugging tool called the uigethandles function, which allows you to test and debug your GUI. This function will display a list of handles for all the elements in your GUI, which you can use to access and modify their properties. Additionally, you can use the MATLAB Editor's debugging features to step through your code and identify any errors.

5. Can I deploy my interactive GUI in MATLAB to a standalone application?

Yes, you can deploy your interactive GUI in MATLAB as a standalone application using the deploytool command. This will create a standalone executable file that can be run on any computer without the need for MATLAB. However, note that some features, such as interactive plotting, may not be available in the standalone version of your GUI.

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