How to write electron hole Hamiltonian into quasi-boson?

In summary, the conversation discusses the equations Eq.(2.2), Eq. (B1) Eq.(B4)-(B6) which describe a two-band system with electron-hole interactions. The equations involve operators for electrons and holes, as well as the definition of the exciton operator. The equations can be used to calculate the Hamiltonian for this system, but it is not possible to write the sole electron or hole Hamiltonian in terms of quasi-boson operators. The conversation also mentions the need for a reference or hint on how to write the electron-hole Hamiltonian in terms of quasi-boson operators.
  • #1
V Chernyak, Wei Min Zhang, S Mukamel, J Chem Phys Vol. 109, 9587
(can download here )
Eq.(2.2), Eq. (B1) Eq.(B4)-(B6).
When I substitue Eq.(B4)-(B6) into Eq.(2.2), I can not recover Eq.(B1).
Who can give me a reference or hint on
how to write electron hole Hamiltonian into quasi-boson operator?
I think it is not possible to write sole electron or sole hole Hamiltonian in Eq.(2.2)
into quasi-boson operator.
Eq.(2.2) describes a two-band (one conduction one-valence semiconductor) system in real space,
taking account of electron-electron, hole-hole, electron-hole interactions.
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  • #2
V Chernyak, Wei Min Zhang, S Mukamel, J Chem Phys Vol. 109, 9587 (can be freely downloaded here ) Eq.(2.2), Eq. (B1) Eq.(B4)-(B6). When I substitue Eq.(B4)-(B6) into Eq.(2.2), I can not recover Eq.(B1). Who can give me a reference or hint on how to write electron hole Hamiltonian into quasi-boson operator? I think it is not possible to write sole electron or sole hole Hamiltonian in Eq.(2.2) into quasi-boson operator. Eq.(2.2) describes a two-band (one conduction one-valence semiconductor) system in real space, taking account of electron-electron, hole-hole, electron-hole interactions.

The equations listed as follows:


[tex]H_e=\sum\limits_{m_1,m_2;n_1,n_2} h_{m_1,m_2;n_1,n_2} B^\dagger_{m_1,m_2}B_{n_1,n_2}+U_{m_1,m_2;n_1,n_2;k_1,k_2;l_1,l_2}B^\dagger_{m_1,m_2}B^\dagger_{n_1,n_2}B_{k_1,k_2}B_{l_1,l_2}[/tex]



where [tex]a_{n_1}~(a^\dagger_{n_1})[/tex] is electron annihilation (creation) operator, [tex]b_{n_2}~(b^\dagger_{n_1})[/tex] is hole annihilation (creation) operator.

the definition of exciton operator



[tex]U_{m_1,m_2;n_1,n_2;k_1,k_2;l_1,l_2}=-\frac{1}{4}[ t^{(1)}_{m_1,k_1}\delta_{m_2,k_2} \delta_{n_1,l_1} \delta_{n_2,l_2}
+\delta_{m_1,k_1}\delta_{m_2,k_2}t^{(1)}_{n_1,l_1} \delta_{n_2,l_2}
+\delta_{m_1,k_1}\delta_{m_2,k_2}\delta_{n_1,l_1} t^{(2)}_{n_2,l_2}]
+\frac{1}{4}[V^{(1)}_{m_1,n_1,k_1,l_1}\delta_{m_2,k_2}\delta_{n_2,l_2} +

Related to How to write electron hole Hamiltonian into quasi-boson?

1. How do I write the electron hole Hamiltonian into quasi-boson?

To write the electron hole Hamiltonian into quasi-boson, you will need to use the annihilation and creation operators for both electrons and holes. You can then use their commutation relations to convert the Hamiltonian into a form that represents a quasi-boson system.

2. What are the annihilation and creation operators for electrons and holes?

The annihilation operator for an electron is represented by "a" and the creation operator is represented by "a†". Similarly, for holes, the annihilation operator is represented by "b" and the creation operator is represented by "b†". These operators can be used to describe the behavior of the particles in the Hamiltonian.

3. What are the commutation relations for the annihilation and creation operators?

The commutation relations for the electron and hole operators are as follows: [a, a†] = 1 and [b, b†] = 1. This means that the creation and annihilation operators for each particle type do not commute with each other, but instead have a commutator value of 1.

4. How does converting the Hamiltonian into quasi-boson form affect the system?

Converting the Hamiltonian into quasi-boson form allows us to treat the electron-hole system as a bosonic system, which simplifies the calculations and makes it easier to analyze the system. This method also allows us to study the collective behavior of the particles rather than focusing on individual particles.

5. Are there any limitations to using quasi-boson representation for the electron hole Hamiltonian?

Yes, there are some limitations to using this representation. It is only applicable for systems with a large number of particles, and it does not take into account the effects of interactions between the particles. Additionally, it is only valid for systems in equilibrium and does not account for any dynamic processes.
