How will George W. Bush figure in world history?

In summary, President George W. Bush will eventually stand trial for his actions during his presidency.
  • #1
Loren Booda
As world history is decided by all peoples, wherein it will President George W. Bush eventually stand?
Science news on
  • #2
Originally posted by Loren Booda
As world history is decided by all peoples, wherein it will President George W. Bush eventually stand?

Probably low but not at the bottom. He will get a little raise from his speeches after 9/11, but his actions on the economy will have by then been shown to be disasterous, and his administration's high handedness in nearly all areas will not go down well with historians.
  • #3
That and he is the only one to choke on a pretzel and have passing resemblances to a monkey.
  • #4
I think its a little tough to judge now since he's not even halfway through his presidency.
  • #5
You wish!
  • #6

Originally posted by selfAdjoint
Probably low but not at the bottom. He will get a little raise from his speeches after 9/11...

True, the speaches were stirring and elloquent, and rencered all the more so by the fact that he isn't a very good speaker most of the time. At least, that's what impressed me most about those speaches.

But I think that of all the events in his first term, it will be his actions regarding 911 that will be remembered the most. The WTC massacre will probably be seen as the turning point where the US truly decided to get serious about terrorism. And because he was the president in office at the time, and the one who intiated the actions taken against terrorism since, he will most likely be remembered for his roll in the inititation of an all-out effort to stem the growth of terrorism worldwide.

I truly hope that he will be remembered for the "Freedom Car" initiative because if he is, it will be because that program sparked a revolution in the global energy economy. Likewise, I hope he will be remembered as the president who led us to the first human landings on Mars. But these are more wishes than predictions, not because I want him recalled as a great man, but just because I hope these things will happen.
  • #7
I think history will see him accurately, which means it will see him poorly.
  • #8
history only remembers the things it WANTS to remember

i mean correct me if I am wrong and I am using the old cliche, Hitler was a monster who ordered hundreds of thousands to their deaths etc... but a lot of people don't know that in the earlier days before the war, he built Germany back up from the ashes.

Bush will be remembered for his downfalls.
  • #9
Originally posted by russ_watters
I think its a little tough to judge now since he's not even halfway through his presidency.

  • #10
How will humanity as a whole differ significantly from Americans in lasting judgement of President Bush?
  • #11
Originally posted by Loren Booda
How will humanity as a whole differ significantly from Americans in lasting judgement of President Bush?
Probably the world at large will see Bush's presidency as a disaster. Most Americans will too, over the course of time. How much of a disaster is up for grabs though, at least for Americans. Plus, we have to consider whether we are discussing professional historians' view, or "popular" history. After all, Nixon was both a better and worse president than popular history gives him credit for, because his presidency was defined in the common view as "Watergate". Clinton was a credible moderate Republican president, but the popular view is all "Lewinski".

Since Bush has screwed up nearly every aspect of the presidential duties, who knows exactly what history will remember him for?
  • #12
Clinton was a credible moderate Republican president, but the popular view is all "Lewinski".
A-hem! A Dem!
  • #13
Originally posted by selfAdjoint
You wish!
Actually, I don't. But unfortunately, there aren't any good alternatives, so his re-election is pretty much a foregone conclusion.
  • #14
Originally posted by Loren Booda
Zero A-hem! A Dem!
In name only.
  • #15
Wasn't it Michael Moore who stated the Clinton was, without a doubt, the best Republican president ever?
  • #16
Originally posted by Dimitri Terryn
Wasn't it Michael Moore who stated the Clinton was, without a doubt, the best Republican president ever?
He is not even nearly the only one. In fact, my understanding was that Clinton was only a Democrat because early in his career he completely alienated the Arkansas Republicans, and had little choice but to run as a Dem.
  • #17
In Afrikaans, there's a word which PERFECTLY suits mr. bush. He's a DOOS!

I'm sure you enterprising guys will find out the meaning of that!
  • #18
Originally posted by Shahil
In Afrikaans, there's a word which PERFECTLY suits mr. bush. He's a DOOS!

I'm sure you enterprising guys will find out the meaning of that!

Wooh! Now we're calling names!
  • #19
I'd say somewhere between Nixon and Hoover.
  • #20
Een doos is a box in Dutch. You're saying that's an insult down there?
  • #21
Originally posted by Dimitri Terryn
Een doos is a box in Dutch. You're saying that's an insult down there?

Doos is a colloquial saying meaning something on the lines of someone really stupid. I don't speak afrikaans so can't really directly translate it but its a common saying known by most South Africans.

Sorry phatmonky but I really find it hard to respect Mr. Bush. Unfortunately he's probably the most important man in American history because of how events are panning out in the world today but still, I just can't credit him for being great AT ALL!
  • #22
Originally posted by Shahil
Doos is a colloquial saying meaning something on the lines of someone really stupid. I don't speak afrikaans so can't really directly translate it but its a common saying known by most South Africans.

Sorry phatmonky but I really find it hard to respect Mr. Bush. Unfortunately he's probably the most important man in American history because of how events are panning out in the world today but still, I just can't credit him for being great AT ALL!

In Afrikaans, DOOS is box literally, but slang for female genitalia.
  • #23
Can we get back on track here?
  • #24
Originally posted by Zero
Can we get back on track here?

Sorry Zero!

Back to the actual topic, even though I severly dislike Mr. Bush, maybe his decisions that he took were actually the only routes that could be taken? I mean, if my country was bombed (911) and I knew that my country is the strongest in the world, I WOULD retaliate. It just seems logical. Dunno, maybe, taking this into account, Bush ain't such a bad historical figure after all when put in context?
  • #25
He would have been ok if he had focused troops and money in Afghanistan. Instead, he abandoned that country to the warlords, and moved on to Iraq for no logical reason.
  • #26
I think that sums up his pivotal foriegn policy blunder(!), and may lose him the next election.
  • #27
Originally posted by Zero
He would have been ok if he had focused troops and money in Afghanistan. Instead, he abandoned that country to the warlords, and moved on to Iraq for no logical reason.

Don't you just think that he HAD to leave Afghanistan coz if he stayed, American resentment would have gone to such a level that the AMerican backed govt would have suufered a coup and then Bush would've really been red faced.

Also, by leaving Afghanistan, media attention has been focused else meaning any "blunders" that are occurring there now are reserved for those half an hour specials on BBC or CNN (ie. news that doesn't have the impact of headline news) rather than in the main news bulletin.

Strategically, I think he did his best to save face in the circumstances of adversity.

BUT, at the end of the day - I still totally disagree with his war mongering which was done terribly. :smile:
  • #28
I think that President Bush will be remembered for lying about the war and destroying American credibility abroad. I think the consequences of this are only beginning to be revealed. As Hans Blitz said yesterday, for example, the failure of US intelligence over a period of months to recognize that the "Aluminum tubes" documents were forged, as opposed to the one day that it took the Europeans, "is scandalous".
  • #29
I seem to remember him voted "worst president in history" here a little while back... He's going to be low but not at the bottom. By far the worst in a century. :(
  • #30
Remember Franklin Pierce? Grover Cleveland?

Yeah, me neither. Same concept. All but forgotten.
  • #31
World history?
A Texas cow-boy with bad friends. But we have to wait 50 years before the classified files will be opened. That will show how much damage he caused 'inside' USA, and will show the dirty games he played outside USA in the name of national security and national interest.
  • #32
I think you can't really tell how history will treat people until anyone with a personal stake in that person's reputation is dead. As far as presidents go, I think Eisenhauer is a historical figure, but JFK is still a political one.

I think Bush will be remembered. For better or worse, he will be tied to 9/11. While the Iraq war will fade into the pack of other little wars we've had (who remembers the 1935 invasion of Nicaragua?) 9/11 will always be significant.

  • #33
He will be rated as one of the best; 5-12.
  • #34
Strategically, I think he did his best to save face in the circumstances of adversity.
You;re probably right that it was a strategic move, meant to deflect media attention away from failures in Afghanistan and the US economy, but the conventional wisdom is that he had it planned from the beginning, invading Iraq. The "neocons" like VVolfowitz seem to be the ones in true control of foreign policy, projecting candy-land possibilities to the suggestive president.
The problem is that you're going from the frying pan into the fire, from one failed plan to another.
  • #35
How will George W. Bush figure in world history? A bush figure.

FAQ: How will George W. Bush figure in world history?

1. How did George W. Bush impact global politics during his presidency?

During his presidency, George W. Bush made several significant decisions that had a major impact on global politics. These include the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security, and the implementation of the War on Terror. These actions sparked controversy and had lasting effects on international relations.

2. What were some of the major events that occurred during George W. Bush's presidency?

Aside from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, George W. Bush's presidency was marked by several major events, including the September 11th terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina, and the 2008 financial crisis. These events had significant consequences for both the United States and the rest of the world.

3. How did George W. Bush's foreign policies differ from those of his predecessors?

Compared to his predecessors, George W. Bush's foreign policies were more focused on promoting democracy and combating terrorism. He also took a more aggressive approach to foreign policy, particularly in regards to the Middle East. This led to both praise and criticism from other countries and world leaders.

4. What is the general consensus on George W. Bush's presidency in terms of world history?

The general consensus on George W. Bush's presidency is mixed. Some view him as a strong leader who made tough decisions in the face of adversity, while others criticize his handling of the Iraq War and the economic recession. Ultimately, his legacy in world history is still being debated and will likely continue to be for years to come.

5. How has George W. Bush's presidency impacted the current state of global affairs?

The impact of George W. Bush's presidency on global affairs is still being felt today. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have had long-lasting consequences, and the War on Terror has shaped the way many countries approach international security. Additionally, his policies on climate change and immigration continue to be hotly debated topics in global politics.

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