How Will Venezuela's Aid Impact U.S. Poor and Healthcare?

In summary, Chavez said that he would like Jackson to help with finding a way to provide discounted heating oil and free eye operations to poor communities in the US. Pointing out that Venezuela provides 1.5 million barrels of oil per day to the U.S., Chavez said, “we would like to provide a part of this 1.5 million barrels of oil to poor communities.” This proposal is part of Chavez’s “Mission Miracle” social program, which has already provided 150,000 Venezuelans with free eye operations.
  • #1
Caracas, Venezuela, August 28, 2005 —Venezuela’s Chavez said to visiting Rev. Jesse Jackson today that he would like Jackson to help with finding a way to provide discounted heating oil and free eye operations to poor communities in the U.S. Pointing out that Venezuela provides 1.5 million barrels of oil per day to the U.S., Chavez said, “we would like to provide a part of this 1.5 million barrels of oil to poor communities.”

Chavez made these comments during his weekly television program Aló Presidente today, which Jackson briefly attended to speak to Chavez and the audience. Jackson is on a three-day visit to Venezuela, during which he will meet with local religious leaders, Afro-Venezuelan groups, the president of the state oil company PDVSA, President Hugo Chavez, and visit poor-neighborhoods to see Venezuela's social programs at work.

Chavez had first mentioned the plan to supply discounted oil to poor communities in the U.S. last week, while in Cuba, but did not provide any details beyond that. Today he specified that it was heating oil that the Venezuelan government was looking into because this seemed the most feasible and most necessary approach. Given the high price of oil this year, heating oil is expected to reach very high levels this winter, which will be unaffordable for many poor families in the U.S.

“There is a lot of poverty in the U.S. and don’t believe that everything reflects the American Way of Life. Many people die of cold in the winter. Many die of heat in the summer, many unemployed and that die of starvation,” said Chavez in explaining why Venezuela was interested in providing discounted heating oil to the U.S. poor. “We could have an impact on seven to eight million persons,” he added.

Chavez said that he was interested in talking to Jackson about this plan, so that his organization and other U.S.-based groups might help with it. Chavez mentioned the groups TransAfrica Forum, Global Exchange, and Global Women’s Strike that could also help implement the plan.

Part of the plan was for the U.S.-based and Venezuelan state-owned oil company Citgo to provide heating oil directly to poor households. Chavez said this would not present a loss to Venezuela because the idea would be to offer the oil at a lower rate because intermediaries would not be involved. Up to 30% to 40% of the cost could be saved said Chavez. Citgo licenses 14,000 gas station franchises and 8 refineries in the U.S.

Venezuela’s ambassador to the U.S. Bernardo Alvarez, had told Chavez that the embassy has already received over 140 requests about the plan, even though it has not been formally announced yet.

Free Eye Operations

Chavez spent a large part of his Sunday talk show discussing new healthcare plans for Venezuela. Part of this discussion also involved the provision of free eye operations to people in all of the American continents, north and south. The operations Cuba would provide the bulk of the operations, with Venezuela providing the transportation.

Chavez said that of the six million operations that Cuba and Venezuela would want to organize over the next ten years, there would be slots for 150,000 U.S.-Americans per year. Each country will receive a quota. Chavez gave some examples, explaining that there would be 100,000 for Brazilians, 60,000 for Colombians, 12,000 for Panamanians, 30,000 for Ecuadorians, 20,000 for Bolivians, and 20,000 for inhabitants of the Caribbean. Chavez said that those interested in the eye operations should turn to the Venezuelan embassies in their respective countries.

The plan to provide free eye operations is part of the “Mission Miracle,” which is one of the many new social programs that Chavez government has instituted in the past two years in Venezuela. By the end of December, 150,000 Venezuelans will have received eye operations. These operations involved operations for cataracts, myopia, pigmentary retinosis, and many others.
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  • #2
This is astounding! Thanks for posting this bit of news, Rabid - I don't quite know what to make of it, but it provides much food for thought.
  • #3
At present it is nothing but propaganda. If he is serious he needs to present a viable plan to carry it out.

Chavez is no angel, he is a politician.
  • #4
Skyhunter said:
At present it is nothing but propaganda. If he is serious he needs to present a viable plan to carry it out.

Chavez is no angel, he is a politician.

I agree, but people over here (Latin america) love him becouse he is against US goverment, and against imperialism
  • #5
Burnsys said:
I agree, but people over here (Latin america) love him becouse he is against US goverment, and against imperialism
Sad isn't it, that being anti-American can make someone popular.

And as for Imperialism. The US is becoming an Empire. American foreign policy, as far as I can discern since this administration is so secretive, is Imperialistic.

Never in history has a nation simultaneously been both a Republic and an Empire. The two seem to be mutually exclusive.
  • #6
Skyhunter said:
Never in history has a nation simultaneously been both a Republic and an Empire. The two seem to be mutually exclusive.

Wasn't Rome at one point a Republic and an Empire? Or basically just a banana republic as many see the U.S. as as well.
  • #7
Skyhunter said:
At present it is nothing but propaganda. If he is serious he needs to present a viable plan to carry it out.

Chavez is no angel, he is a politician.

You're welcome.
  • #8
burnsys said:
I agree, but people over here (Latin america) love him becouse he is against US goverment

Sad isn't it, that being anti-American can make someone popular.

Even sadder that being against the U.S. government is quickly interpreted as being Anti-American.
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  • #9
champ2823 said:
Wasn't Rome at one point a Republic and an Empire? Or basically just a banana republic as many see the U.S. as as well.

It ceased to function as a Republic once it became an Empire. Republics are not ruled by Emperors.

We-e-e-l-l-l. The Senate was continued under the emperors, largely but but not 100% as a rubber stamp, and the forms of the republic continued. On the other side, the republic had been ruled on and off by dictators for almost 100 years before Octavian became Augustus, I don't suppose republics are supposed to be ruled by dictators either.
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  • #10
Skyhunter said:
And as for Imperialism. The US is becoming an Empire.
...but only under some new definition of "imperialism" and "empire" that bears little-to-no resemblance to the traditional meaning of the words. :rolleyes:

The US has not, for example, taken a new territory since WWII and has, in fact, lost a number since then. Military conquest of territory, adding that territory to the empire, is the traditional definition. It seems people today want to use the word to describe any foreign policy whereby one country influences the the internal politics of, any foreign policy, they don't like. :rolleyes:

That is - unless you are suggesting (I seem to be asking this a lot, lately...) that you actually believe Bush will refuse to give up his presidency in 3.5 years when his term ends...?
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  • #11
Skyhunter said:
And as for Imperialism. The US is becoming an Empire. American foreign policy, as far as I can discern since this administration is so secretive, is Imperialistic.

So secret = Imperialistic. Wow. Thats like saying since Wal-mart offers low prices, they are run by Japanese plants. Do people even think about what htey are saying when they toss around these "empire" arguments.

Skyhunter said:
Never in history has a nation simultaneously been both a Republic and an Empire. The two seem to be mutually exclusive.

Dont tell that to Britain. They're really devoted to the lie.
  • #12
Pengwuino said:
So secret = Imperialistic. Wow. Thats like saying since Wal-mart offers low prices, they are run by Japanese plants. Do people even think about what htey are saying when they toss around these "empire" arguments.

Dont tell that to Britain. They're really devoted to the lie.
What I meant was I am not sure what the US foreign policy is because the administration doesn't spell it out and Congress won't hold any hearings to ask questions because the leadership is working closely with the administration.

They say one thing and do another. They have shown no regard for the truth and will say anything to sell their policy. They say they want to get our troops out of Iraq ASAP yet they are building military bases in Iraq while closing them here. :confused:

Good observation Russ. It is a new paradigm for an Imperium. We have military bases all over the world, yet we do not dictate to the host nations. However we do use our presence and power to influence their governments.

This is more a corporate takeover of the world, as opposed to a national one, so unless your on the board of directors for a multi-national corporation, you are not going to be part of the ruling nation.
  • #13
Pengwuino said:
Dont tell that to Britain. They're really devoted to the lie.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Republicanism is the view that a republic is the best form of government.

In a broad definition a republic is a state or country in which sovereignty is invested in the people.
I was referring to a Republic in the broad definition.

So when Britain colonized India and South Africa etc., Who were the sovereign people?
  • #14
Skyhunter said:
What I meant was I am not sure what the US foreign policy is because the administration doesn't spell it out and Congress won't hold any hearings to ask questions because the leadership is working closely with the administration.

They say one thing and do another. They have shown no regard for the truth and will say anything to sell their policy. They say they want to get our troops out of Iraq ASAP yet they are building military bases in Iraq while closing them here. :confused:

Being unsure about an administrations policy does not equate with the necessity of declaring imperialism. And ahem... wasnt there a mock impeachment trial in the Congress from the loonies? Err, democrats? I don't know where you get your information but every other second i hear someone in Congress complaining about the administration or questioning every single sentence the President says or NY times says he said (even when it turns out to be a lie on a newspapers part) :rolleyes:
  • #15
Pengwuino said:
Being unsure about an administrations policy does not equate with the necessity of declaring imperialism. And ahem... wasnt there a mock impeachment trial in the Congress from the loonies? Err, democrats? I don't know where you get your information but every other second i hear someone in Congress complaining about the administration or questioning every single sentence the President says or NY times says he said (even when it turns out to be a lie on a newspapers part) :rolleyes:
Could you post examples or links instead of relying on your memory and opinion?
  • #18
Skyhunter said:
Never in history has a nation simultaneously been both a Republic and an Empire. The two seem to be mutually exclusive.

What about the French republic?

Chavez is a very bad guy. He has sheltered and actively supported one of the most brutal terrorist groups in the world, the Leftists FARC from neighbouring Colombia (where Chavez is broadly despised).

The Anti-American mania is a very old and self-sustaining phenomenon in South America (and Europe for that matter) to be explained by particular administrations' foreign policy. What's ironic is that despite their loathing for the US, and their fanatical devotion for Cuba and Castro (and now Chavez), everyone in South America aspires to emigrate to the US and set up roots there. It is the task of a psychiatrist to explain why so many will give up everything for a shot at living in a country they proclaim to abhor :confused:
  • #19
Ron_Damon said:
What about the French republic?

Chavez is a very bad guy. He has sheltered and actively supported one of the most brutal terrorist groups in the world, the Leftists FARC from neighbouring Colombia (where Chavez is broadly despised).

What do you know about the FARC. Have you even heard about the AUC ? of course not. beocuse you have no idea. and you have no idea of what the colombian government does.

Ron_Damon said:
The Anti-American mania is a very old and self-sustaining phenomenon in South America (and Europe for that matter) to be explained by particular administrations' foreign policy. What's ironic is that despite their loathing for the US, and their fanatical devotion for Cuba and Castro (and now Chavez), everyone in South America aspires to emigrate to the US and set up roots there. It is the task of a psychiatrist to explain why so many will give up everything for a shot at living in a country they proclaim to abhor :confused:

Your argument is so racist and ilogic...
You are asuming that all south americans thinks the same way, didn't you ever think that Maybee, those who are sympatetic with chavez and fidel, could not be the same people who travels to the US ?
It's like saying.. those americans,,,, what ironic, they protest against the war in irak and they support president bush... NONSENSE
  • #20
Burnsys said:
What do you know about the FARC. Have you even heard about the AUC ? of course not. beocuse you have no idea. and you have no idea of what the colombian government does.

The AUC appeared in response to the bestiality of the Leftist guerillas. Carlos Castaño, one of the leaders of the Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia), had his father kidnapped by the Leftists and paid the ransom, after which the savages proceeded to murder the old man and demand more money to release the corpse. Later, the Leftists returned and took his 9 year old sister. The girl somehow cut loose from the captors and jumped out of the vehicle where she was being transported. Right there, the Leftists put a bullet through her head.

Those pigs go to apartment buildings in minor cities, empty them of women and children, load them up in trucks and then proceed to take them up into the jungle and chain them to trees in massive, barb-wired concentration camps for years until their desperate families come up with money to buy them back. But those are the lucky ones. If they hold you in the city, you'll enjoy having your eyes taped, your arms tied up, and thrown into a closet for months and years. Some people that have been rescued have had their eyesight burned after being exposed to light after years of being held up like that. A couple of years back they blew up a church full of children who were taking refuge there from their assault on their town. By themselves the FARC are responsible for most of the WORLD'S kidnappings.

Why do you think Right-wing president Uribe enjoys a 70-80% approval rating 3 years into his current term? The population (poor and rich) is sick of the Leftist guerillas' kidnappings, extortions, massacres, forced displacements, bombs, etc., and if you were to express your utterly ignorant views in a Bogota or Medellin city corner, you'd find yourself facing an angry mob... and this is a country that shares in the Catholic-Leftist prejudices of the rest of the region, but the FARC has bombed them into Right-wing atittudes, at least as they relate to the war on the terrorists.

ps. sorry for the rant, but hearing people minimize the brutal savagery that the Leftist FARC has unleashed upon my native country makes me cringe. Millions of people have had to leave the country from fear of them. And that rat Chavez giving them shelter and supplies, with the conniving of the rest of the Leftist regimes in the region... :mad:

Related to How Will Venezuela's Aid Impact U.S. Poor and Healthcare?

1. How is Venezuela able to provide discounted heating oil and free eye operations to U.S. poor?

Venezuela has a program called the PetroCaribe Initiative, which was created in 2005 to provide discounted oil to Caribbean and Central American countries. This program was expanded in 2007 to include the United States, specifically low-income families and communities. The discounted oil is made possible through a partnership between Venezuela's state-owned oil company, PDVSA, and a U.S.-based non-profit organization, Citizens Energy Corporation.

2. Who qualifies for the discounted heating oil and free eye operations in the U.S.?

The discounted heating oil is available to low-income households and communities in the U.S. To qualify, households must have an annual income that is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. The free eye operations are available to individuals who do not have health insurance and cannot afford the cost of the procedure.

3. How many people in the U.S. have benefited from this program?

Since the expansion of the program in 2007, over 200,000 people in the U.S. have benefited from the discounted heating oil and free eye operations. This includes households and individuals in 26 states across the country.

4. How does this program benefit Venezuela?

This program benefits Venezuela by promoting positive diplomatic relations with the U.S. and other countries, as well as showcasing their humanitarian efforts. It also helps to boost Venezuela's economy through the sale of discounted oil.

5. Is there any criticism of this program?

Some critics argue that this program is a tactic used by the Venezuelan government to gain political influence and support from low-income communities in the U.S. Others have raised concerns about the long-term sustainability of the program and the potential dependency it creates on foreign aid. However, supporters argue that the program provides much-needed assistance to those in need and promotes global solidarity.

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