How Would Gravity Work on a Planet-Sized Ring?

In summary: Oh well, here's the summary anyway:In summary, the conversation discusses the effects of gravity on a planet-sized ring structure, similar to the ones seen in the Halo game series. The questions revolve around whether one could walk on the inside or outside of the ring, and where the center of mass and gravity would be located. The conclusion is that the center of mass and gravity would be in the center of the ring, allowing for walking on the outside if it rotates fast enough. However, the discussion also raises the possibility of what would happen if one tried to walk on the inside of the ring, comparing it to a centrifuge. Further research on this topic can be found in a previous forum thread.
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I was wondering what the effect of gravity in a planet sized ring would be. If any of you have played the Halo game series, the ring structure is what I have in mind.

-Would you be able to walk on the inside of the ring, and what forces will or will not permit you to?
-Would you be able to walk on the outside of the ring, and what forces will or will not permit you to?
-And can you explicitly identify where the center of mass and gravity are and how they are involved with the forces above?

My line of reasoning is that center of mass and gravity would be in the center of the ring, which would mean that you are able to walk on the outside of the ring, provided that it rotates fast enough.
However, I'm not sure what would happen if you were to try to walk on the inside of the ring. My intuitions compares it to a centrifuge, where if something was spinning fast enough, the contents on the inside would be pushed against the wall, but it conflicts with how I think about the scenario where I walk on the outside of the ring. I hope this makes sense.

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do a forum search. This topic was beat to death here recently. Probably searching for "ringworld" or "larry niven" will turn it up since they were mentioned incidentally in the thread.

EDIT: I see rcgldr beat me to it.

FAQ: How Would Gravity Work on a Planet-Sized Ring?

What is gravity on a planet sized ring?

Gravity on a planet sized ring refers to the force of attraction between objects on a circular surface that is large enough to mimic the effects of a planet's gravity.

How is gravity on a planet sized ring different from gravity on a planet?

Gravity on a planet sized ring is different from gravity on a planet because it is not caused by the mass of a central object, but rather by the centripetal force created by the rotation of the ring itself.

Is gravity on a planet sized ring uniform?

No, gravity on a planet sized ring is not uniform. It varies depending on the distance from the center of the ring and the angular velocity of the rotation.

Can objects fall on a planet sized ring?

No, objects cannot fall on a planet sized ring because there is no central object for them to fall towards. However, they may experience a sensation of falling due to the curvature of the ring.

How does gravity on a planet sized ring affect living organisms?

Gravity on a planet sized ring may have a significant impact on the physiology and behavior of living organisms, as they are not adapted to living in a zero-g environment. This could result in various health issues and changes in movement and orientation.

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