How would you define Frequency in terms of quantum model?

In summary, frequency in the quantum model is associated with the wavefunction of a particle and is intimately related to the probability of finding the particle in a certain location. The frequency of a photon is known exactly and is inversely proportional to its momentum and proportional to its energy. However, there should be an uncertainty constraint on measuring the frequency of a photon, depending on the transition time of atomic electrons between energy levels.
  • #1
How would you define Frequency in terms of quantum model?
hehe i found that for waves you can have it but how could the quantom model have frequency too?
im kinda confused..i knwo I am a noob just learn quantum theory
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  • #2
HI kokok.

I think mybe you could not image that,because you can't,and nobody can either.It just have a Frequency.What is it? it related to something else.Just think about spin.Maybe they are the same at this point.
  • #3
Frequency of what? Photons? Particle in a well?
  • #4
frequency of photons
  • #5
I'm only a first year undergrad so I should probably stress I've not actually been examined on even the elementary QM yet; and light is more complicated than 1st yr work because the Schroedinger equation isn't relativistic :rolleyes:

I'll have a go though :biggrin:

Quantum Mechanics describes a wavefunction that is associated with any particle. It doesn't make sense for the particle itself to have a frequency, only the wave associated with it.

This wave is intimately related mathemetically to the probability that the particle is found at a particular point when we try to detect it; I don't know how to format the equation on here, but you basically take the square of the modulus of the wavefunction to work out the probability that the wave will be found in an interval dx. The physical meaning (if any) of this wave is a hotly disputed topic, because it is in general a complex quantity (it contains the basic unit imaginary number i where i^2 = -1). But the frequency of this wave manifests itself in experiment in the superposition of waves.
  • #6
The frequency of a photon is known exactly. It's inversely proportional to the momentum and proportional to the energy.

P=hbar k
E=hbar w

There is no uncertainty constraint on measuring either the momentum or energy of a photon to arbitrary precision.
  • #7
christianjb said:
The frequency of a photon is known exactly. It's inversely proportional to the momentum and proportional to the energy.
P=hbar k
E=hbar w
There is no uncertainty constraint on measuring either the momentum or energy of a photon to arbitrary precision.
But, actually, there should be. For example, if a photon is emitted by transition of atomic electrons between two levels, frequency's precision should be proportional to transition's time.

FAQ: How would you define Frequency in terms of quantum model?

What is frequency in the quantum model?

In the quantum model, frequency refers to the number of times a wave oscillates or repeats itself in a given time period. It is measured in units of Hertz (Hz) and is directly related to the energy of a quantum system.

How does frequency relate to the quantum model?

Frequency is a fundamental concept in the quantum model, as it is used to describe the behavior of particles and waves. In quantum mechanics, particles can also behave as waves, and the frequency of these waves determines their energy and momentum.

Can frequency be observed in the quantum world?

Yes, frequency can be observed in the quantum world through various experiments, such as the double-slit experiment. In this experiment, the interference pattern produced by particles passing through two slits is directly related to their frequency.

How does the frequency of a particle affect its behavior in the quantum world?

The frequency of a particle in the quantum world is directly related to its energy and momentum. Higher frequencies correspond to higher energies and shorter wavelengths, which can affect the particle's behavior and interactions with other particles.

Can frequency be changed in the quantum model?

Yes, frequency can be changed in the quantum model through various means, such as applying an external force or changing the energy state of a particle. These changes in frequency can have significant impacts on the behavior and properties of particles in the quantum world.

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