HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily

  • Calculators
  • Thread starter Whalstib
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In summary, to use linear regression on a series of data points Y vs. X, go to STATS > FIT DATA and choose Linear Fit for the Model, and X-Col and Y-Col as 1 and 2, respectively. Make sure your data is entered correctly in the matrix editor.
  • #1

I'm taking 3rd semester chemistry and we often have to take a series of for instance:
Absorbance vs. concentrations data.

Usually a series 5 experiments with the goal to have a spread sheet type answer. I use Excel or what ever I have handy just to find the y=mx + b value for "m".

I want to use my HP50G to accomplish this while in class.

I looked in the HP50G manual and there does appear to be a way to create trend lines but is not working for me. The examples are a bit more involved in the answers.

I have a feeling I'm doing something wrong in the chose of which menu to use... I know my inputs are correct and formatted correctly so either this isn't possible or as I said I'm starting out on the wrong foot.

here's what I've been doing according to the manual:

Stats > Fit data > Linear Fit
I enter the data in A column=x axis, B column=Y axis

Answers not in the format I need.
None of the other choses seem to get me there either..

is there a simple way to do what I'm attempting so I have this with me always?


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  • #2
Actually All I'm after is a way to use a linear regression on a series of data points Y vs. X.

Any advise welcome.

  • #3
Whalstib said:

I'm taking 3rd semester chemistry and we often have to take a series of for instance:
Absorbance vs. concentrations data.

Usually a series 5 experiments with the goal to have a spread sheet type answer. I use Excel or what ever I have handy just to find the y=mx + b value for "m".

I want to use my HP50G to accomplish this while in class.

I looked in the HP50G manual and there does appear to be a way to create trend lines but is not working for me. The examples are a bit more involved in the answers.

I have a feeling I'm doing something wrong in the chose of which menu to use... I know my inputs are correct and formatted correctly so either this isn't possible or as I said I'm starting out on the wrong foot.

here's what I've been doing according to the manual:

Stats > Fit data > Linear Fit
I enter the data in A column=x axis, B column=Y axis

Answers not in the format I need.
None of the other choses seem to get me there either..

is there a simple way to do what I'm attempting so I have this with me always?




You should see a screen that shows [tex]\sigma[/tex]DAT, X-Col, Y-Col, and Model. Choose Linear Fit for the Model, and X-Col and Y-Col as 1 and 2, respectively. When entering data, make sure that the X values are listed in the first column, and the Y values are listed in the second column (as per your settings). Here's a sample data set:

(1,5) (2,10) (3,15) (4,20)

On the calculator, this should appear in the matrix editor as as:

1 5
2 10
3 15
4 20

Upon pressing OK, you should see:

[itex]0.+5. \cdot X[/itex]
Correlation: 1.
Covariance: 8.3333333333

This means your "m" is 5. and your "b" is 0.

FAQ: HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily

What is the purpose of "HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily"?

The purpose of "HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily" is to provide a tool for easily solving and analyzing absorbance vs. concentration data in scientific experiments.

How does "HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily" work?

"HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily" uses a combination of mathematical algorithms and data input to generate trend lines and calculate concentrations from absorbance data.

Is "HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily" user-friendly?

Yes, "HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily" is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use for scientists and researchers of all levels.

Can "HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily" be used for any type of absorbance data?

Yes, "HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily" can be used for any type of absorbance data, as long as the data is in a compatible format for input into the program.

Are there any limitations to using "HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily"?

While "HP50G Trend Lines: Solve Absorbance vs. Concentrations Easily" is a powerful tool for analyzing absorbance data, it may have limitations in complex or unique experimental conditions. It is always important to carefully review and validate results from any scientific tool.
