HTML5 and MathML: Internet Explorer 9 is Broken

In summary, HTML5 and MathML are programming languages used for creating and displaying mathematical equations and symbols on webpages. However, Internet Explorer 9 has been found to have significant bugs and compatibility issues with MathML, making it unreliable for accurately rendering mathematical content. This has led to frustration and inconvenience for web developers and users who rely on MathML for their mathematical needs. As a result, many have turned to alternative browsers such as Firefox or Chrome, which have better support for MathML and other web standards.
  • #1
I have some good news and some bad news.

First, the good news is HTML5 includes MathML and has been embraced by all browser vendors.

Now the bad news. MathML support is broken in IE9 and we see no evidence that Microsoft will fix this problem unless they are made to understand how important MathML support is to the" and education communities. MathML is also an important key to insuring math accessibility to the blind and sight-impaired, as well as those with certain learning disabilities.

While we applaud Microsoft for promising to support HTML5 with Internet Explorer 9, we hope you will join us in encouraging them to fix the small bug that is currently preventing MathML from working in HTML5 pages. Please publicize the issue with whatever resources you have: personal blogs, tweets, forum posts, comments on other people's blog posts, etc.

Read the whole story:" .

Bob Mathews
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  • #3
Yep, MathJax is an awesome piece of work for sure. However, if someone's blind, he (or she) will still be needing the HTML5+MathML support in IE9, or his screen reader won't read the math. Pages will not be accessible in HTML+CSS mode, even with MathJax.
  • #4
bobm said:
I have some good news and some bad news.

First, the good news is HTML5 includes MathML and has been embraced by all browser vendors.

Now the bad news. MathML support is broken in IE9 and we see no evidence that Microsoft will fix this problem unless they are made to understand how important MathML support is to the" and education communities. MathML is also an important key to insuring math accessibility to the blind and sight-impaired, as well as those with certain learning disabilities.

While we applaud Microsoft for promising to support HTML5 with Internet Explorer 9, we hope you will join us in encouraging them to fix the small bug that is currently preventing MathML from working in HTML5 pages. Please publicize the issue with whatever resources you have: personal blogs, tweets, forum posts, comments on other people's blog posts, etc.

Read the whole story:" .

Bob Mathews
As a developer, who has watched IE go from a leader to a last-place follower in terms of browser-compliance, I must say I don't know what I would do in a world where IE was compliant or otherwise non-buggy. I guess I could probably flip burgers...
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  • #5

I understand the importance of MathML support in HTML5 for the STEM fields and education communities. It is concerning to hear that IE9 has broken MathML support and that there is no indication that Microsoft plans to fix it. This not only hinders the accessibility of math content for individuals with disabilities, but also limits the potential for progress and innovation in the STEM fields.

I urge Microsoft to prioritize fixing this issue and encourage others to join in raising awareness of the problem. MathML is a valuable tool for accurately representing mathematical equations and it is crucial for it to be fully supported in HTML5. Let's work together to ensure that all browsers, including IE9, properly support MathML in order to advance scientific research and education.

Related to HTML5 and MathML: Internet Explorer 9 is Broken

1. What is HTML5 and MathML?

HTML5 is the latest version of the Hypertext Markup Language used for creating web pages. It includes new features and improvements to make web development easier and more efficient. MathML is a markup language used for displaying mathematical equations and formulas on web pages.

2. What is Internet Explorer 9?

Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) is a web browser developed by Microsoft. It was released in 2011 and is included in the Windows operating system. It has been replaced by newer versions of Internet Explorer and is no longer supported by Microsoft.

3. How is Internet Explorer 9 broken in regards to HTML5 and MathML?

Internet Explorer 9 does not support the display of MathML equations and formulas on web pages. This means that websites using MathML will not render properly on IE9, causing a broken user experience.

4. Can this issue be fixed?

No, the lack of MathML support in IE9 is a permanent issue. Microsoft has discontinued support and updates for IE9, so it will not be fixed in the future.

5. What are some alternatives for displaying MathML on web pages?

There are several alternative web browsers that support MathML, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. Additionally, there are plugins and extensions available for IE9 that can add MathML support, although these may not be as reliable as using a different browser.

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