Hubble's Law And A Question Of Time

In summary, the Hubble law takes into account the concept of "universe time" or "Friedmann time" in its equation. This means that the law is based on a "freeze-frame" distance, which can only be estimated through modeling and data fitting. As galaxies are observed further away, their redshift does not correspond to their actual speed, but rather to the ratio by which the universe's distances expanded during the time the light was traveling to us. This concept of distance is often referred to as the "proper" distance in astronomy. Online calculators, like morgan's "cosmos calculator", can help visualize and understand this concept further. Overall, the Hubble law allows us to study the expansion of the universe
  • #1
One thing that really bothers me about Hubble's law is the question of time. Was this ever taken into account? When we observe large distances in space we are also looking way back in time. Sure Galaxies appear to be moving faster at a greater distance but how do we know how fast they are moving now when really we are just observing them further back in time the further away they are located?

If someone made a slow motion video of a bomb exploding and played it in reverse, sure the speed of particles moving away from the centre of the explosion would be faster the further back we played the video. How can we be certain that this is not what we are seeing when we observe distant Galxies and use these results to derive Hubble's law? It could be argued that a constant value for Hubble's constant is just another way of saying that matter under went constant deceleration after the Big Bang. If so it could easily predict the maximum size our Universe could achieve. How can we prove otherwise?
Space news on
  • #2
Hubble law does indeed take account of time. The version of time it is based on is sometimes called "universe time" or "Friedmann time". It is the time that you see in the Friedmann equation which is what most cosmologists use to model the cosmos.

Universe time is implicit in the law, which says
v(t) = H(t) d(t).

suppose that t = present moment. Then it says if d(t) is the present distance (if you could freeze expansion and measure it today) and H(t) is the present value of the Hubble ratio, then v(t) is the rate that distance is increasing at the present moment and v = Hd.

The law is explicitly based on that kind of "freeze-frame" distance, which we can only estimate and know approximately by a process of modeling and fitting data. The mathematical meaning of the law, if you look at it rigorously, has things in it which are not directly measureable---that's just how it is. For galaxies not too far away the approximation is so close you can just apply it naively.

As you go further out you realize that the REDSHIFT does not correspond in any simple way to either the speed which the object had when it emitted the light, or to the speed which we infer that it has today. The redshift that you measure corresponds to in a simple precise way (not to any speed but rather) to the ratio by which the universe's distances expanded during the period of time the light was traveling to us.

In discussing Hubble law I am always using the "freeze frame" idea of distance. What you would measure (by radar or yardsticks or string, but really by light travel time) if you could freeze the expansion process at a certain moment in time. It is often called the "proper" distance by astronomers. The speed we are talking about is the instantaneous rate of increase of distances defined that way.

You might enjoy playing around with some of the online calculators that model the universe.
One I like is morgan's "cosmos calculator". I have the link in my sig at the end of the post.
You can also just google "cosmos calculator" and get it. When you get there first type in .27 for matter density, and .73 for cosmological constant or dark energy density, and 71 for the presentday value of Hubble parameter. Put in redshift 1000 if you want, and try other redshifts. It will tell you speeds (distance increase rates) both back then and now. It will tell you past values of Hubble ratio. It will tell you freeze-frame distances both back when the light was emitted, and now on the day the light is received by us. The nice thing about morgan's online calculator is it doesn't have a lot of extra frills. Just focuses on a few things without distraction. If you want other ones ask.
  • #3
Many thanks for this excellent response Marcus and for the fabulous detail.
I find this subject intriguing - I think there is a lot of scope here for enhancing understanding of how the universe came about and much to discover.

Best Wishes,

Patrick Naughton

marcus said:
Hubble law does indeed take account of time. The version of time it is based on is sometimes called "universe time" or "Friedmann time". It is the time that you see in the Friedmann equation which is what most cosmologists use to model the cosmos.

Universe time is implicit in the law, which says
v(t) = H(t) d(t).

suppose that t = present moment. Then it says if d(t) is the present distance (if you could freeze expansion and measure it today) and H(t) is the present value of the Hubble ratio, then v(t) is the rate that distance is increasing at the present moment and v = Hd.

The law is explicitly based on that kind of "freeze-frame" distance, which we can only estimate and know approximately by a process of modeling and fitting data. The mathematical meaning of the law, if you look at it rigorously, has things in it which are not directly measureable---that's just how it is. For galaxies not too far away the approximation is so close you can just apply it naively.

As you go further out you realize that the REDSHIFT does not correspond in any simple way to either the speed which the object had when it emitted the light, or to the speed which we infer that it has today. The redshift that you measure corresponds to in a simple precise way (not to any speed but rather) to the ratio by which the universe's distances expanded during the period of time the light was traveling to us.

In discussing Hubble law I am always using the "freeze frame" idea of distance. What you would measure (by radar or yardsticks or string, but really by light travel time) if you could freeze the expansion process at a certain moment in time. It is often called the "proper" distance by astronomers. The speed we are talking about is the instantaneous rate of increase of distances defined that way.

You might enjoy playing around with some of the online calculators that model the universe.
One I like is morgan's "cosmos calculator". I have the link in my sig at the end of the post.
You can also just google "cosmos calculator" and get it. When you get there first type in .27 for matter density, and .73 for cosmological constant or dark energy density, and 71 for the presentday value of Hubble parameter. Put in redshift 1000 if you want, and try other redshifts. It will tell you speeds (distance increase rates) both back then and now. It will tell you past values of Hubble ratio. It will tell you freeze-frame distances both back when the light was emitted, and now on the day the light is received by us. The nice thing about morgan's online calculator is it doesn't have a lot of extra frills. Just focuses on a few things without distraction. If you want other ones ask.

Related to Hubble's Law And A Question Of Time

1. What is Hubble's Law?

Hubble's Law is a principle in astronomy that states the further away a galaxy is from Earth, the faster it is moving away from us. It is based on the observation that galaxies are redshifted, meaning their light is shifted towards the red end of the spectrum, which indicates they are moving away from us.

2. Who is Hubble and how did he discover this law?

Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who first discovered the expansion of the universe in the 1920s. He used the Doppler effect, which is the change in frequency of light or sound waves as the source moves towards or away from an observer, to measure the redshift of galaxies and determine their distance from Earth.

3. What is the significance of Hubble's Law?

Hubble's Law is significant because it provides evidence for the expanding universe and the Big Bang theory. It also allows astronomers to estimate the age of the universe and track the evolution of galaxies over time.

4. How does Hubble's Law relate to the concept of time?

Hubble's Law suggests that the universe is expanding, which means it was smaller and more compact in the past. This relates to the concept of time because it implies that the universe has a finite age and has been evolving over time.

5. Are there any limitations to Hubble's Law?

Yes, there are limitations to Hubble's Law. It assumes that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic, meaning it is the same in all directions and at all points in time. It also does not take into account the effects of dark matter or dark energy, which can impact the movement of galaxies and the expansion of the universe.

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