Huge Salt Water "Ocean" Found Beneath Chinese Desert

In summary: Chinese scientists have discovered what could potentially be a massive hidden ocean underneath the Tarim basin in northwestern Xinjiang, China, the South China Morning Post reported. The basin is one of the driest places on Earth, but the amount of salt water hidden underneath could equal 10 times the amount of water found in all five of the Great Lakes located in the U.S.Li's team had accidentally discovered the water; they had actually been looking for carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can be absorbed in certain regions called “carbon sinks,” and scientists study those “carbon sinks” to better understand climate change. Li’s team had discovered 10 years that carbon dioxide had been disappearing into the basin, but could not understand
  • #1

Chinese scientists have discovered what could potentially be a massive hidden ocean underneath the Tarim basin in northwestern Xinjiang, China, the South China Morning Post reported. The basin is one of the driest places on Earth, but the amount of salt water hidden underneath could equal 10 times the amount of water found in all five of the Great Lakes located in the U.S.

Li’s team had accidentally discovered the water; they had actually been looking for carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can be absorbed in certain regions called “carbon sinks,” and scientists study those “carbon sinks” to better understand climate change. Li’s team had discovered 10 years that carbon dioxide had been disappearing into the basin, but could not understand why.
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  • #3
Ten times the amount of water found in all five Great Lakes is no drop in the bucket either. :rolleyes:

But, as they say, you always find something in the last place you look. :wink:
  • #5
Also in Africa.

'Huge' water resource exists under Africa

Scientists say the notoriously dry continent of Africa is sitting on a vast reservoir of groundwater.

They argue that the total volume of water in aquifers underground is 100 times the amount found on the surface.
  • #6
Greg Bernhardt said:
A hidden ocean? So it's like a cave system or is it just a huge water table?
I don't think it's caves, but I'm not sure what the alternatives to that are. Aquifer? Wet sand?

The means whereby they are estimating the amount strike me as very indirect. I wouldn't be surprised if other teams came up with quite different estimates as time goes by.
In any event, I don't think this water is easily usable by people. The main interest here is it's function as a "carbon sink."

FAQ: Huge Salt Water "Ocean" Found Beneath Chinese Desert

1. What is the "huge salt water ocean" found beneath the Chinese desert?

The "huge salt water ocean" is a large underground body of saltwater discovered beneath the Tarim Basin in the Xinjiang region of China. It is estimated to be around 10,000 square kilometers in size and is believed to have formed millions of years ago.

2. How was this salt water ocean discovered?

The salt water ocean was discovered by a team of Chinese scientists who were conducting drilling operations in the Tarim Basin. They were surprised to find that the water they encountered was not freshwater, but instead was extremely salty.

3. What are the implications of this discovery?

This discovery has significant implications for our understanding of the Earth's geological processes and the distribution of water on our planet. It also has potential implications for the local ecosystem and could provide valuable resources for the surrounding communities.

4. Is this salt water ocean drinkable?

No, the salt water ocean is not drinkable as it has an extremely high salinity level, making it undrinkable for humans and most animals. It also contains high levels of minerals, making it unsuitable for agricultural use.

5. Could there be other hidden bodies of water beneath other deserts?

It is possible that there could be other hidden bodies of water beneath other deserts, as this discovery has shown that large underground oceans can exist in unexpected places. Further research and exploration may reveal more about the distribution of water beneath the Earth's surface.

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