Humor me; can our bodies be smaller but the same?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of humans being "fine-tuned" to exist as a smaller version of themselves by reducing the number of cells and elements in the body. This idea is explored through the concept of island dwarfism and the effects of scaling down the body's size, particularly in regards to the brain and bone structure. However, it is noted that the laws of physics and the complexity of the human body present challenges in achieving this. The conversation also touches on the potential for this concept to be used in science fiction.
  • #1
Working on some sci-fi and exploring the theory that there is redundancy in the human body, i.e., we could function with fewer cells, then fewer amounts of elements, and therefore less matter. Could we be “fine-tuned” and exist as a smaller version of ourself?
Physics news on
  • #2
Do you mean something like island dwarfism? That's an observation that evolutionists have made, which describes the tendency for some species to become very small when they are isolated from preditors (on an island, for example), for an extended period of time.

Google "hobbit Indonesia" -- it's mind-blowing.
  • #3
Sure it's possible. There are people who are less than 5' tall with all the same proportions. You could definitely go smaller. But why would you want to? You wouldn't be able to reach things on the top shelf.
  • #4
The biggest problem is scaling. For instance, looking at it from the mechanical engineering of the bone structure:

Assume the leg bones have a circular cross section. The moment of inertia for the bones will dependent, to the 4th power, on the leg bone diameter. This means that halving the bone size will make the bones 1/16 as strong in bending. This is HUGE. Now, someone half the size won't weigh as much, but the overall ability for the person to act physically will be changed dramatically.

Then there's brain mass. I've seen charts plotting the relative intelligence of animals based on their brain size, but I can't recall exactly what kind of empirical relationship there is.
  • #5
Greg Freeman said:
Then there's brain mass. I've seen charts plotting the relative intelligence of animals based on their brain size, but I can't recall exactly what kind of empirical relationship there is.

Careful there. I don't think you want to say someone with a small brain is dumber than a bigger person.
  • #6
thanks let me clarify

My work (fiction) is more looking at the "believability" that a process could remove the number of redundant cells in an existing human body, therefore, allowing it to be smaller, yet still function. A true leaner and meaner you. I've been researching redundancy in the human body for the last few hours and appear it is a major way our bodies deal with brain injuries and virus protection, etc. It seems like a possible sci-fi exploration, no?
  • #8
Guinea pigs are pretty small, compared to humans, but have all the same organs and essentially the same physiology. They do lack cranial capacity, though, and that is necessary for human-like intelligence. Sure, people with smaller brains can be smarter than people with larger brains, on an individual basis, but civilization would not exist if we all had 1/10th our current cranial volume.

- Warren
  • #9
chroot said:
but civilization would not exist if we all had 1/10th our current cranial volume.
Depends which states you are talking about - and wether you consider them civilized?
  • #10
I've had my tonsils out and my appendix too. That's a start. I expect that human intelligence developed for reasons other than our size. Perhaps the same could happen to a smaller species given time and tolerance.
  • #11
If you just mean smaller, sure, there's proportionate dwarfism to solve that. Plus, like jimmy said, remove the less important (or totally useless) organs/body parts.
  • #12
It depends on how small you want to go in your story. If you just want to shrink in half or so it's already been done in the wizard of oz. If you want to drive a submarine through your veins you'll run into problems.
  • #13
You can't scale down atoms, and even if you could, the laws of physics that depend on powers of lengths (and not linearly on length) would make it so that it would just not work. And if you're speaking of reducing the number of cells, etc. that's completely irrelevant since that shrunk person wouldn't even be you, on the account of the new arrangement of neurons in the brain.

Now if you are speaking of shrinking only the body without affecting the brain; I say it's possible since head transplants are thought to be realizable and obviously no two bodies are of the exact same dimensions.

FAQ: Humor me; can our bodies be smaller but the same?

1. Can our bodies physically shrink in size over time?

No, our bodies do not shrink in size over time. While our bodies may appear to be smaller as we age due to factors such as loss of muscle mass and height, our actual physical size does not decrease.

2. Is it possible for our bodies to be smaller but maintain the same function?

Yes, it is possible for our bodies to be smaller but still maintain the same function. This can be seen in cases where individuals have a smaller body frame but are still able to perform the same activities and functions as someone with a larger body.

3. Can our bodies become smaller if we lose weight?

Yes, our bodies can become smaller if we lose weight. Weight loss is typically associated with a decrease in body size as excess fat and muscle mass are reduced. However, our overall physical structure and function remains the same.

4. Will our bodies be smaller if we are born prematurely?

Yes, premature babies are often smaller in size compared to babies born at full term. However, as they grow and develop, their bodies will continue to grow and reach a similar size and function as those born at full term.

5. Can our bodies naturally become smaller as a result of genetics?

Yes, our body size and shape can be influenced by genetics. Some individuals may naturally have a smaller body frame due to their genetic makeup, but this does not necessarily mean their body functions differently from someone with a larger body frame.

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