Hundreds of thousands may lose Internet in July

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In summary, the US government has set up a system to prevent Internet disruptions for users infected with the Flashback and SabPub virus. If you are infected, you will not be able to connect to the Internet after July 9.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
I want this kept in GD as any IE users would probably be in here, not computer technology. :wink:

This is really amazing what the US government has done to keep people from losing their connections. I'm impressed.

For computer users, a few mouse clicks could mean the difference between staying online and losing Internet connections this summer.

Unknown to most of them, their problem began when international hackers ran an online advertising scam to take control of infected computers around the world. In a highly unusual response, the FBI set up a safety net months ago using government computers to prevent Internet disruptions for those infected users. But that system is to be shut down.

The FBI is encouraging users to visit a website run by its security partner, , that will inform them whether they're infected and explain how to fix the problem. After July 9, infected users won't be able to connect to the Internet.

Most victims don't even know their computers have been infected, although the malicious software probably has slowed their web surfing and disabled their antivirus software, making their machines more vulnerable to other problems.
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  • #2
Once again, I can only lie back and laugh at those who don't have Macs.
Even if this applied to me, I would rather lose my internet connection than have the Federal Bureau of Imbeciles escape the confines of their country to interfere in my life. They have no jurisdiction over anything outside of US borders.
  • #3
DNS Resolution = GREEN

Your computer appears to have been looking up IP addresses correctly up until you visited this site!
  • #5
AlephZero said:
Oh, wow... half a million Macs. As opposed to how many hundreds of millions of Windows-burners that get trashed on a regular basis, and often by Windows itself?
Besides, there is nothing that can be done to my machine that will in any way inconvenience me, unless it crashes completely. In that case, I would just reinstall Leopard, zap the PRAM, and be back to business as usual. It's not as if there are Top Secret files in my address book or Documents folder.
There is also always the option of turning it off, or at least disconnecting it from the net.
  • #6
sorry, but I can't play video games with Macs

it's kind of a deal breaker
  • #7
sorry, but I can't play video games with Macs

it's kind of a deal breaker
Why apologize? It doesn't bother me any.
  • #8
Hurray! My computer was green as well until I clicked on that site!

I don't care if my windows machine catches on fire and explodes. With the money I saved from not buying a Mac I'll buy two more.
  • #9
Meh, I use Linux.
  • #10
Microsoft Security Essentials is free and a highly rated anti-virus protection, but for malware I would recommend downloading a little extra protection such as "Malwarebytes" which is also free. Cnet is a great website for rating and downloading freeware. You can buy other common anti-virus programs like McAfee or Norton for around $60.oo, but if you really need better protection then the free programs can provide I'd suggest paying more and shopping around for which is rated the best at any given time.
  • #11
Danger said:
Once again, I can only lie back and laugh at those who don't have Macs.
Even if this applied to me, I would rather lose my internet connection than have the Federal Bureau of Imbeciles escape the confines of their country to interfere in my life. They have no jurisdiction over anything outside of US borders.

Keep laughing, because I can buy three PC's for the price of your mac, with equal if not better performance.

And I don't have to carry around the pretentious douchebaggery that seems to come standard with the purchase of an apple product either.
  • #12
Danger said:
Once again, I can only lie back and laugh at those who don't have Macs.
Don't laugh too hard until you have checked to see whether your Mac is infected with Flashback or SabPub. These are just the latest of the recent spate of backdoor attacks on the Mac.
  • #13
dipole said:
I don't have to carry around the pretentious douchebaggery that seems to come standard with the purchase of an apple product either.
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. There's absolutely no need t carry anything other than the computer itself. By choice, I always take the power cord so I don't have to consider battery life.
Since the ex- gave me a nice Targa bag for it, which just perfectly fits in the cargo pouch of my walker, I also keep my accessories in it just so they don't get lost.
  • #14
Danger said:
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. There's absolutely no need t carry anything other than the computer itself. By choice, I always take the power cord so I don't have to consider battery life.
Since the ex- gave me a nice Targa bag for it, which just perfectly fits in the cargo pouch of my walker, I also keep my accessories in it just so they don't get lost.

i use a mac and I'm proud
i used to feel alone in a crowd
but now you look around these days
and it seems there's a pretentious CRAZE
i'm pretentious he's pretentious she's pretentious we're pretentious
wouldn't you like to be a pretentious douche?
i'm pretentious he's pretentious she's pretentious
if you use a mac you're a pretentious douche, also!
sung to the tune of "I'm a Pepper"

ps. my macbook is nearly 5 years old now. I think the time saved by the fact that it only takes 30 seconds to boot up vs the 5 minutes is well worth the extra cash. Plus, I think it may have crashed twice in those 5 years.

pps. DNS Resolution = GREEN, just to keep me marginally on topic. o:)
  • #15
Hmmm, Mac... Mac... dunno, never seen one. I guess they don't have a presence in the working world. :biggrin:
  • #16
OmCheeto said:
ps. my macbook is nearly 5 years old now. I think the time saved by the fact that it only takes 30 seconds to boot up vs the 5 minutes is well worth the extra cash. Plus, I think it may have crashed twice in those 5 years.)

If your PC crashes more than once and takes 5 minutes to boot you're doing something seriously wrong.
  • #17
genericusrnme said:
If your PC crashes more than once and takes 5 minutes to boot you're doing something seriously wrong.
Every single person that I know in real life who has a Windows-burner experiences at least a couple of lethal crashes per year. That in spite of whatever Nortons and such-like they invest in.
As for Flashback and SabPub, I have no idea whether or not my machine has them. If it does, it isn't being adversely affected by them. (Once or twice a month, Safari will quit while playing Adventure Quest—no other time—which it blames upon the Flash player. If that's the result of a world-menacing virus, I can live with it.
  • #18
...another mac vs. pc war.

I use both linux and windows, but my PC isn't infected! Then again, I only go to a select group of webpages.
  • #19
Danger said:
Every single person that I know in real life who has a Windows-burner experiences at least a couple of lethal crashes per year. That in spite of whatever Nortons and such-like they invest in.
As for Flashback and SabPub, I have no idea whether or not my machine has them. If it does, it isn't being adversely affected by them. (Once or twice a month, Safari will quit while playing Adventure Quest—no other time—which it blames upon the Flash player. If that's the result of a world-menacing virus, I can live with it.

I know no one who has had a single 'lethal' crash.
Even the completely computer illiterate people I know have never had this problem.
  • #20
This is completely off topic, back to the OP.

Related to Hundreds of thousands may lose Internet in July

1. What is the reason behind the potential loss of Internet for hundreds of thousands in July?

The potential loss of Internet for hundreds of thousands in July is due to the shutdown of a temporary Internet server that has been in place since 2012. This server was set up to combat a malware infection called DNSChanger, and its shutdown may result in those infected being unable to access the Internet.

2. How many people are at risk of losing Internet access in July?

According to reports, hundreds of thousands of people may lose Internet access in July if they were infected with DNSChanger and have not taken steps to fix it. While this number may seem large, it is a relatively small percentage of the total number of Internet users worldwide.

3. Can the potential loss of Internet in July be prevented?

Yes, the potential loss of Internet in July can be prevented. Those who may be at risk can check if their computer is infected with DNSChanger by using a free online tool provided by major security companies. If infected, steps can be taken to remove the malware and fix the issue before the July deadline.

4. What can happen if someone loses Internet access in July?

If someone loses Internet access in July due to the shutdown of the temporary server, they may experience difficulties in accessing certain websites or using certain online services. They may also be at risk of falling victim to other cybersecurity threats, as their computer may be vulnerable without the protection of the server.

5. Is there a chance that the shutdown of the temporary server will be delayed?

There is a possibility that the shutdown of the temporary server may be delayed, but it is not guaranteed. The original deadline for the server to be shut down was in 2012, and it has been extended several times since then. However, it is important for those at risk to take action as soon as possible to prevent any potential loss of Internet access in July.

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