Hybridisation of SO 2 and SeO 2

In summary, there is a difference in the hybridisation of S in SO2 and SeO2 due to their different molecular structures. SO2 exists as a discrete molecule in the gaseous state, while SeO2 has a polymeric chain or layer structure. The hybridisation of S in SO2 is sp2, while the hybridisation of Se in SeO2 is sp3. Additionally, the bond angles in SO2 and SeO2 vary in different states, with solid SeO2 having bond angles between 90 and 100 degrees. It is important to consider the molecular structure and state when determining the hybridisation of an element.
  • #1
Hybridisation of SO2 and SeO2

Why is the hybridisation of S in SO2 sp2 where as it is sp3 in SeO2 ?
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2

Who sais so? Or is this only based on some difference in bond angle?
  • #3

My book.
"SO2 being a discrete molecule exists in the gaseous state. Hybridisation of S in SO2 in the gaseous state is sp2.

Selenium and tellurium dioxides are solids having polymeric chain or layer structure. It consists of a zig-zag chain. Hybridisation of Se in SeO2 is sp3"
  • #4

What does this book want to tell us? That SO2 doesn't exist in liquid or solid form because it is a discrete molecule?
What you can say is that the bond angles in SO2 and SeO2 are about 120 deg in gas phase and in solid SeO2 between 90 and 100 degree. Would be much more honest than speculating about some hypothetical hybridization which is not observable.
In case of SeO2 (solid) assuming no hybridization at all would probably describe the molecule even better.
Get a better book.
  • #5

The hybridisation of an atom depends on its bonding environment and the number of bonding and non-bonding electron pairs around it. In the case of SO2 and SeO2, both molecules have two bonding and one non-bonding electron pairs around the central atom (S and Se, respectively). However, the electronegativity difference between S and O is smaller than that between Se and O. This leads to a stronger bond between S and O in SO2, resulting in a trigonal planar arrangement with sp2 hybridisation. On the other hand, the stronger electronegativity difference between Se and O in SeO2 results in a tetrahedral arrangement with sp3 hybridisation. Therefore, the difference in hybridisation between S and Se in these two molecules can be attributed to the difference in their electronegativities.

FAQ: Hybridisation of SO 2 and SeO 2

1. What is hybridisation and why is it important in understanding the structure of molecules?

Hybridisation is the mixing of atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals with different shapes and energies. It is important in understanding the structure of molecules because it helps determine the bond angles and molecular geometry, which in turn affects the properties and reactivity of the molecule.

2. How are the hybrid orbitals of SO2 and SeO2 determined?

The hybrid orbitals of SO2 and SeO2 are determined by the number of bonding and lone pairs of electrons around the central atom. In both molecules, the central atom has two bonding pairs and one lone pair, leading to a hybridisation of sp2.

3. What is the difference between the hybridisation of SO2 and SeO2?

The main difference between the hybridisation of SO2 and SeO2 is the electronegativity of the central atom. Sulfur has a lower electronegativity compared to selenium, leading to a slightly larger bond angle and a more polar molecule in SO2 compared to SeO2.

4. How does the hybridisation affect the polarity of SO2 and SeO2?

The hybridisation of SO2 and SeO2 affects the polarity of the molecules as it determines the electron density and arrangement around the central atom. In both cases, the hybrid orbitals are directed towards the oxygen atoms, making the molecules polar due to unequal sharing of electrons.

5. Can the hybridisation of SO2 and SeO2 affect their chemical properties?

Yes, the hybridisation of SO2 and SeO2 can affect their chemical properties. The different hybridisation leads to different bond angles and molecular geometries, which can impact the strength and reactivity of the bonds. This, in turn, can affect the physical and chemical properties of the molecules such as boiling and melting points, acidity, and basicity.

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