Hydraulics, venturi flume questions

In summary, to solve for the difference in water level between the upstream and flume sections in a venturi flume, you can use the equations of continuity and conservation of energy, along with relationships between velocities and critical depths at different sections of the channel.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A venturi flume is formed in a horizontal rectangular channel 1.2m wide by locally constricting the channel to a width of 0.9m and raising the floor level through the constriction by a height of 0.2m.

If the flow is 0.45 m3/s and a hydraulic jump forms downstream, calculate the difference of water level upstream and the throat section of the flume.

(The downstream part has the same width as the upstream part, the flume is located in between)

Homework Equations

The equation of continuity, Q=VA
Conservation of Energy, Total Head1=Total Head2
Critical Head,Hc=1.5 Critical depth
The velocity head is equal to v2/2g or (for downstream section) 0.5Critical depth
critical depth,yc = (q2/g)(1/3)
q is the flow per unit width, q=Q/width

The Attempt at a Solution

First I focused on calculating the critical depth, yc=(q2/g)(1/3)=((0.45/1.2)2/9.81)(1/3)=0.243m

Thus the critical head is equal to 0.3645

Since the question is interest in finding the different in depth/height between the upstream part and the flume, I used the conservation of energy to link the head between two points (either upstream or flume to downstream head (critical)). The equation of continuity is used to write the velocity, V in term of depth, Y.

Q=VA, =====> V=Q/A ======> V=0.45(1.2*y)=0.375/y (for upstream) and V=0.45(0.9*y)=0.5/y (for flume)

Due to conservation of energy, the head at the flume will be equal to the head at the downstream section

(v2/2g)+y+0.2(due to rising floor level at the flume) = 0.3645
Since Q=0.5/y, 0.0645=0.01274/y2+y
Thus the equation becomes a cubic equation, I do not know any solution that will solves this equation (since it is not given in the equation). Similarly, if I used the upstream head along with the downstream head, the equation will also result in cubic expression of , 0.3645=0.00717/y2+y

How does one solve this kind of problem? I don't think I missed any expressions
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  • #2
.Hello there,

Thank you for your question. Your approach to using the equations of continuity and conservation of energy is correct, but there are a few things you can do to simplify the problem and solve it more easily.

First, you can use the equation of continuity to relate the velocities at the upstream and flume sections. Since the flow rate is the same at both sections, the velocities will be inversely proportional to the cross-sectional areas. This means that V_upstream = (1.2/0.9)V_flume.

Next, you can use the equation for the critical head to relate the critical depths at the upstream and flume sections. Since the channel width is the same at both sections, the critical depth will also be inversely proportional to the velocities. This means that yc_upstream = (0.9/1.2)yc_flume.

Now, you can use the equation of continuity to relate the velocities at the downstream and flume sections. Since the flow rate is the same at both sections, the velocities will be inversely proportional to the cross-sectional areas. This means that V_downstream = (1.2/0.9)V_flume.

Finally, you can use the conservation of energy equation to relate the heads at the upstream and downstream sections, using the velocities and critical depths that you have just related.

Putting all of these relationships together, you should be able to solve for the difference in water level between the upstream and flume sections.

I hope this helps. Good luck with your calculations!

FAQ: Hydraulics, venturi flume questions

1. What is a venturi flume?

A venturi flume is a type of flow measurement device that uses the principle of venturi effect to measure the flow rate of liquids. It consists of a converging section, a throat, and a diverging section. As the liquid passes through the throat, its velocity increases and its pressure decreases, which can be used to calculate the flow rate.

2. How does a venturi flume work?

A venturi flume works by using the principle of venturi effect. As the liquid flows through the throat of the flume, its velocity increases and its pressure decreases. This pressure difference can be measured and used to calculate the flow rate of the liquid.

3. What are the advantages of using a venturi flume for flow measurement?

One of the biggest advantages of using a venturi flume for flow measurement is its accuracy. The design of the flume ensures that the flow rate is not affected by changes in the pipe diameter or disturbances in the flow. It is also relatively low maintenance and can handle a wide range of flow rates and fluid types.

4. What are the limitations of using a venturi flume?

One limitation of using a venturi flume is that it requires a certain amount of head loss to function properly. This means that the upstream water level must be high enough to create the necessary pressure difference. Additionally, the accuracy of the flume can be affected by build-up of sediment or debris in the throat.

5. How is a venturi flume different from a standard orifice plate?

A venturi flume is different from a standard orifice plate because it has a more gradual converging and diverging section, which helps to minimize head loss. It also measures the flow rate based on the pressure difference at the throat, rather than the size of the opening like an orifice plate. This makes it more accurate and less prone to errors caused by changes in the pipe diameter.

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